Chapter 446

Lao Tzu sat on the back of the green bull, was silent for a moment, and finally opened his eyes.

"Can you still recognize Sanqing?"

This is the first sentence that Laozi said to the disciples of Jiejiao after he proclaimed himself a god.

The three thousand disciples responded together: "We will always be disciples of the Sanqing."

Laozi lowered his eyes, glanced at the three thousand immortals in front of him, and said: "Waiting for you to worship Sanqing, is it one, two or three?"

The disciples of the Jiejiao are silent, and it has only been a few hundred years since the Conferred God's Calamity, and the tragic deaths of the disciples of the Jiejiao are still before their eyes.They have no hatred for Yuan Shi'an?

Jin Ling said: "If the master recognizes us, we will respect him as a teacher and a master."

As long as Yuanshi has great tolerance and can still recognize their Jiejiao disciples as the disciples of the Sanqing sect, then what if they respect Yuanshi as his superior?
The sage recognizes them, which means the sage has let go.The saints put aside their grievances, right and wrong, so how can they, these ants, have the right to hate the saints again?

Lao Tzu was silent again, he waved his sleeves, and several figures appeared in front of him.

The Jinxians who were originally spectators at Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain were still thinking about what I would do in the palace one moment, and they were caught by Laozi at the scene the next moment.

Nanji Xianweng, Yun Zhongzi, Chi Jingzi, Daoxing Tianzun, Master Lingbao, Huanglong Zhenren, Yuding Zhenren, and Qingxu Daodezhenjun were originally fourteen core disciples of Yuxu, but now there are only eight left.

They were dazed for a moment, traveling billions of miles in an instant, which made them a little dazed.

But it was only for a moment, and in the next moment, they also knelt down together, bowed down and said: "The disciple pays homage to the Elder Master."

Lao Tzu waved again, Xuan Du and Chen Tuan also appeared in an instant, and they also bowed down, saying: "Disciple pays homage to Master."

The three Qings once met and fought against each other, but now they are all dead.

The Taoism is authentic, the Three Qings and the Three Sects, and the Taoists explain it.

The big disciples of the three sects are all there, as are the core disciples of the three religions.

At this moment, Laozi said: "Get up!"

The disciples of the three religions listened to the order and got up.

Lao Tzu said: "Stop teaching three thousand disciples, since you follow the teaching of Sanqing, I will give you a chance.

I teach and witness, explain and cut off the disciples of the two sects, clap your hands together as a pact, enmity will not disperse but can survive, and do not fight for life or death. "

Interpreting and intercepting the disciples of the two sects were in a dilemma.

Jin Ling closed his eyes, and the killing intent towards the Chanjiao people disappeared from his mind.

When he regained his eyes, Jin Ling was the first to step out, walked up to the Nanji Immortal, raised his palm, and said: "Today, I will make a high-five with my fellow Taoist, the enmity still exists, and we will not fight for life or death!"

Nanji looked at Jin Ling, hesitated for a moment, then raised his hand, saying: "The grudge is still there, don't fight for life and death!"


Explanation and interception of the first palm agreement of the Second Teaching!

Strike this palm, explaining that although the enmity between the two sects exists, life and death cannot be separated because of enmity, and life and death cannot be separated.

Lao Tzu knows that the enmity between the two religions is too great and deep, but no matter how deep the enmity is, it must be resolved, because he is in charge of Taoism.

With this slap, Jin Ling and Nanji will no longer fight for their lives. Even if they take revenge, they will have a measure, life and death are the measure.

Jin Ling stood up, Wudang and Gui Ling also stepped out to give Nanji a high five.

With the beginning of the three saints, the disciples of Jiejiao set off one after another to high-five with the Eight Immortals of Chanjiao.

Lao Tzu feels that the burden on his body is much lighter, as long as they don't fight each other to the death, even if there is revenge and revenge, there will be resentment.I don't care about their grievances and do nothing.

Restricting their life and death is doing something in the middle of doing nothing.

Since then, the two religions have been explained and cut off, and hatred and struggle have been limited to life and death.

Looking at this scene, Duobao felt complicated, but also unknown.Because Lao Tzu didn't ask him to high-five, all the high-fives were disciples of the Second Sect of Chanjie, but he didn't.

After the high-five, Lao Tzu sent away Chanjiao Immortal with one sleeve and Renjiao Immortal with the other, only Jiejiao [-] Immortals.

Lao Tzu got off the green ox, walked up to Jiejiao Immortal, and said in a deep voice, "I will bring an Immortal with me on this trip. If you are capable, I can replace you."

When Duobao heard this, his face was gloomy, and he said, "My lord, let me go."

He knew, "If you are capable", then the capable person standing beside Lao Tzu would be that capable person instead of him.

All the immortals of Jiejiao responded, "Disciple is willing to give it a try."

Lao Tzu crosses steps, and every time he takes a step, he will walk from one person to another.

Every time in front of a person, the four eyes meet, that fairy will get lost, lost in the endless river of time, and Lao Tzu will continue to the next step.

Lao Tzu walked from the back to the front, from the weakest celestial immortal Xuanxian, to Taiyi Daluo, and no immortal walked out of the long river of time.

Lao Tzu shook his head alone and walked towards Gui Ling.

Gui Ling's eyes became clear for nine breaths, and then became cloudy.

Lao Tzu took another step, and arrived in front of Jin Ling.Jin Ling's eyes were as firm as a mountain, but he persisted for twelve breaths.

Lao Tzu took another step, and Wudang looked at each other with both eyes, and the four eyes met, one breath, two breaths. . . 28 interest, then also blurred.

Lao Tzu sighed, it's a pity, but also gratifying.

Three thousand immortals woke up one after another, and none of them dared to speak again.The saints gave them a chance, but unfortunately they have no ability.

Lao Tzu glanced at the Holy Mother of Wudang, it is really rare to be able to persist in 28 breaths in the endless years of confusion, even if it is a lot of treasures, it is only 36 breaths.

Duobao showed his face and smiled, it is better to let him, the big brother, bear the silence.

Laozi sat on the green bull again, Duobao took the rope, and smiled at the three thousand disciples who had intercepted the teaching. There was no regret, no reluctance, only a smile that made them feel at ease.

A smile without words is worth a thousand words.

The disciples of Jiejiao were all devastated, the saint gave them a chance, and they had no reason to stop them again.

Jin Ling was also in a daze, seeing Laozi Duobao going further and further away, she suddenly remembered Qing Luo's words, and hurriedly asked the figures of the two, "Dare to ask the Elder Master, I will wait for a day to call Brother Duobao again?"
Lao Tzu didn't turn his head, and Duo Bao's pace of leading Qingniu slowed down imperceptibly for a moment.

I didn't refuse or agree, just a word
"rest assured!"

Don't worry, he is in charge of the Taoist sect, and if he reassures his disciples, it is peace of mind.

The Jiejiao disciples bowed again one after another, saying: "Thank you for your kindness, Elder Master."

Duobao leads the oxen to the west, the setting sun shines, and his back is very long.Three thousand immortals bid farewell. Although Duobao had left, they believed that one day, Duobao would still be like today, following the setting sun and the afterglow, heading east.

Perhaps it was the love of Jiejiao's disciples that infected Lao Tzu, or perhaps it was the interpretation of the two teachings that there is no life and death formula that made Lao Tzu recognize the unity of the three teachings again.

Although the saint will not change the general situation because of the ants, he also has a heart of great love for the ants and the common people.

The disciples of the Jiejiao watched the two men go westward, and when night fell, the disciples of the Jiejiao returned to the East China Sea.

Jin Ling came to Zizhi Cliff, bent down and said: "Thank you, Fellow Daoist."

Qing Luo didn't take it seriously and said, "I'm ashamed, I don't dare to take it. Brother Duobao hasn't returned, so what's the credit for it?"

Although Duobao hadn't returned, Jin Ling was still much more relaxed, and said with a smile, "Thanks for that too."

Qing Luo waved her hand and said: "If you really want to thank me, how about solving the confusion of the poor?"

Jin Ling smiled and said, "Oh? What else can you confuse fellow Taoists?"

(End of this chapter)

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