Chapter 448
Yin Xi respectfully said to Duo Bao: "I've seen Brother Dao!"

Lao Tzu bowed his head and said: "Although you are my named disciple, you should also have my inheritance. Listen carefully."

Yin Xi hurriedly leaned over and listened, the more respectful he looked, the more courteous he was.

Lao Tzu spoke slowly:

"Road to Road, very Avenue
Famous, very famous.

Nameless, the beginning of heaven and earth, Named, the mother of all things.

Therefore, there is always no desire to observe its wonderfulness, and there is always desire to observe its sway.

These two come from the same place but have different names, and they are both called Xuan, which is also Xuan, the gate of all mysteries.

. . . "

Lao Tzu's voice is steady, as flat as water, and the water is not moving.

The voice of Lao Tzu is like flowing clouds and flowing water, all in one go!
The profound sound of the Dao, the supreme Tao, is manifested in the heart of Yin Xi alone.

Lao Tzu's voice is not too loud, even other guards not far away can hear it.But they only thought it was a more mysterious scripture, nothing unusual, and it wasn't some kind of magical power.

But in Yin Xi's ears, these are the profound sounds of the great way, the mysterious sound of the great sound, the invisible elephant, and the hidden way without name.Fu Weidao!

Duobao on the side also felt deeply when he heard it. He feared that he would never hear this kind of Dao Wen Dao again in the future.

Duobao has heard the Tao Te Ching more than once, but each time he understands it differently.

This time, he felt his heart was very, very quiet.

Maybe it's nothing to worry about.There is nothing wrong with Jiejiao. There are three quasi-sages and powerful Jiejiao who are enough to settle down.All his life, he followed his teacher and followed his path to the sky. The teacher's heart is moved, and the son's heart is also moved.

In Zixiao Palace, Tongtian sat cross-legged, sitting under the head of Daozu Hongjun.He closed his eyes and sank, but his eyelids were twitching.The teacher is moved, but he has nothing to do.

Tongtian has been in Zixiao Palace for hundreds of years, knowing more about the secrets of heaven and earth, and the place where he stands is getting higher and higher.The more you know, the more you think, the more you worry, the less you do.

Outside the Hangu Pass, the Tao Te Ching, which has been passed down through the ages, was handed down here in an unremarkable way. Yin Xi fell into the mysterious sound of the Dao, closed his eyes and stood still.

Seeing this, Lao Tzu said, "Let's go."

Duobao nodded, and took the rein to ask Yin Xi.

Duobao took a step, but a wisp of mana still radiated from his body.The traces of mana returned to the space between heaven and earth.

Duobao passed Yin Xi's side, and the wisp of mana she released was absorbed by Yin Xi again.

Duobao never cared, and just led the old cow by the rope.

The guards did not dare to stop them anymore, because the guard eight hundred knelt down to these two people, because the guard was his disciple.

The gate of Hangu Pass opened, a young Taoist, a year old Taoist, and a green ox stepped into the barren land, greeted by strong winds, and the sand and gravel danced happily.

Outside the ancient city, there is half a roll of yellow sand, connecting the sky and the earth with red and yellow.The figure of two people and one cow disappeared in the eastern world.

Lao Tzu walked through the Great Zhou Dynasty, leaving the valley in the west and entering the barrenness in the east.After ten years of walking, the yellow sand is endless for ten years, and countless mountain spirits and ghosts, evil spirits and ghosts are encountered on the road, and no one dares to move.

Laozi traveled westward for ten years, and Yin Xi stood there without moving for ten years.

In ten years, Yin Xi has transformed from a man in his forties to a half-centenarian in his 50s. After ten years of growth, even his eyebrows have grown a foot long, drooping down his face.

I have been enlightened for ten years, but I have never entered the Tao. I don’t drink or eat endlessly, and the wind and sun are exposed to rain and snow.

If it weren't for Duobao's scattered magic power to maintain it, Yin Xi might have died before he realized the Dao.

Ten years of enlightenment has been bitter, but today, when I open my eyes, I will become a fairy!

A long sword stands between the heaven and the earth, formless and intangible, formed only by energy, only gathered by mind.

Yin Xi is an ordinary military general, he has a love for the sword and a special love.

There are five thousand words of morality, and endless avenues and profound sounds, but there is no feasible way, and one can only open up one's own way.

The Tao of Lao Tzu is the Tao of inaction, the law of inaction, without restriction or restriction. The Tao taught by Lao Tzu is not the Tao of Lao Tzu, but the Tao of the recipients of the preaching.

When Lao Tzu preaches, he only enlightens the way. Wherever the road goes, and where the road goes, you need to find and chase it yourself.

In the sky over Hangu Pass, with a radius of hundreds of miles, spiritual energy gathered and swarmed into clouds, and a long sword stood in front of the pass.

A Taoist has not opened his eyes for ten years, and it will be ten years since he opened his eyes.

Yin Xi's eyes are like swords, and the sword is like eyes.

Yin Xi's body is like a sword, and the sword is like a body, blending into the body, and the sword is one.

Calamity clouds are everywhere, thunder clouds are billowing, and thunder and calamity are approaching.

Yin Xi doesn't have a sword in his hand, but he has an old sword on his waist.

Pick up, unsheath, draw sword.

When a sword comes out, although the sword is an ordinary sword, the person holding the sword is already extraordinary.

The sword energy is vertical and horizontal, and the sword intent is fierce, one sword after another, one thunder after another.

There is no thunder, no sword.

Thunder breaks, sword stops.

The thunder cloud changed color and rained white spirits, blending into Yin Xi's body.

Three thousand mortals have left him since then, and Yin Xi has become a fairy, a sword fairy, and a sword fairy.

The mortals in Hangu Pass were all shocked and admired.

Yin Xi looked back at Hangu Pass with a smile and looked back at Hangu Pass by virtue of his emptiness. With the city as paper and the sword as a brush, he carved five thousand moral scriptures and handed them down from generation to generation.

Yin Xi wields his sword to cut through the vulgar world and break the world of mortals.He said sadly, "I am no longer Yin Xi."

The wind blew past and moved his long eyebrows, he blurted out, and the words came from his heart: "In that case, I am the real person with long eyebrows!"

After saying that, I will take the wind to go back to the world, and from then on, I will leave the fairy world, leaving only a fairy tale in the world.

The moral scriptures are handed down from master to disciple, and since then they have been handed down to the world, and they are manifested in the common world. There is a saint who should come out to rule the world. There is no way to govern the world.
I walked westward for a long time, and came to the southernmost part of Nanzhan Buzhou. I looked at the endless thorny field in front of me, and said to Duobao: "Let's go on foot."

Duobao took the lead.

Duobao Morning Glory, set foot on the Danying Flower Road, like a rainbow bridge, straddling the sky, with four rainbow bridges in all directions, it is the only road in this thorny land.

Qingluo looked southwest, and Lao Tzu entered his city.

Qing Luo felt relieved again.

It was his idea and calculation to stop teaching three thousand disciples to beg Lao Tzu.

The gods have passed, the Sanqing is the Sanqing after all, and Lao Tzu is the leader of the Sanqing after all.

If the wounds between the three religions are not healed, then he, a troublemaker, will bear the wrath of the saint.

The friendship between the three religions is ups and downs. Before conferring the gods, it is a high walk, during the conferring of the gods, it is a cliff, and after conferring the gods, it is a low rise.

It takes a long time, a lot of time, and many years to explain the truth, but the friendship between the two religions is definitely slowly rising. Although it is still negative at this time, the slow recovery will eventually become positive one day.

Now, Laozi entered his city, that means Laozi recognized him.Lao Tzu recognized him, so he wouldn't blame him for conferring gods.

In this way, only Yuanshi Tianzun did not let go of him.

Yuanshi ascended to heaven and left Honghuang, and Qing Luo also saw it with his own eyes. Although he didn't know where the saint went, he would definitely not return to Honghuang easily.

With the protection of Empress Nuwa, Yuanshi Tianzun would also have scruples.

Lao Tzu walked into the city that never sleeps, and the prosperity in the city is like a dream in a prosperous age, the beauty is unbelievable.

Lao Tzu got off the blue bull and walked into the city.

(End of this chapter)

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