The Green Snake of the Great Wilderness becomes enlightened

Chapter 456 Three Treasures Ruyi to the Mountains and Seas

Chapter 456

Qing Luo returned to the prehistoric world, and he felt that there was a kind of blessing in the world.

When he raised his hands and feet, he carried a more aura of adhering to the will of heaven and earth than before. He couldn't say it, and he couldn't say it clearly.

Chaos and his party come and go in a hurry, but the prehistoric has passed a thousand years.He shuttled through the chaos without any time passing by, but he never thought that it would pass so fast.

After more than 800 years of self-cultivation, the Immortal Dao Immortals have completely walked out of the Conferred God Calamity. Except for the four major continents and the righteous gods of the heavens, there is no shadow of the Conferred God anymore.

After thousands of years in the world, the Zhou Dynasty has been passed down to 73 generations. The Zhou royal family began to decline, and the vassal states began to be restless. However, even though the millennium rule has declined, the foundation is still strong. The prosperity of the world began to breed new wars and chaos.

Qing Luo has no interest in intervening, and there is no profit to be made.Daoism and Buddhism are fighting, and he will offend one side if he makes a move. Moreover, he has the nightless sky city by his side.

If you seek too much luck and merit in the world, you will cause great cause and effect, and if you have less, it will be useless.Simply, just be one of the many great theater watchers.

Qingluo returned to the mountain and sea boundary, and as soon as he returned with his front feet, the Antarctic fairy arrived with his back feet.

The Antarctic Immortal stands outside the Nightless Sky, looking up at the city. At this time, the sun is rising, and the brilliance reflected by the dazzling sunlight is a bit dazzling, but it is just like this dazzling sky city.

He sighed, they were the losers in explaining the teachings, and it was unfortunate and not a loss to lose to such a person.

The Antarctic Immortal got up, floated directly into the air, and stepped into the mountain and sea realm.The air-forbidden array couldn't restrain his quasi-sage cultivation.

Qing Luo naturally sensed the unrestrained Antarctic. He smiled and stretched out his hand, and the lotus flowers in the lotus lake rose up, and a lotus road connected the sky and the earth, extending beyond the boundary of mountains and seas, and floated to the feet of the Antarctic fairy.

Qing Luo's voice was as clear as a spring breeze, warm and warm, and said: "Friends of Antarctic Taoism are rare visitors, since you are here, let's talk about it."

Nanji Xianweng nodded, stepped on the lotus road, and walked towards the mountain and sea boundary.

This change in the sky disturbed many immortals in the city, and they all whispered: "Who is that sacred just now, that can float in the sky above the city that never sleeps?"

"You don't know this, but that is the big disciple of Yuqing Tianzun in Xuanmen's orthodox sect, the Antarctic Immortal!"

"What? It turned out to be the fairy who was said to be the senior of the Second Sect of Chanjie. I really didn't expect it."

Hey, Fellow Daoist, which faction is the Second Sect of Interpretation and Interpretation? "A young monk who had just entered the fairyland asked the golden immortal monk next to him with a puzzled expression.

The old Taoist Jinxian, upon hearing this, kept silent, and declined, "Well, these are all things of the past, and you will naturally know when your cultivation base is high."

The young monk looked at the old monk with disgust, and said, "Relying on the old to sell old things." It was in the City of Nevernight that he dared to make some jokes with the acquainted Jinxian expert, and when he left the city, He dared not show any disrespect.

The old Taoist listened, but he was even more proud, he raised his head, put his hands behind his back, and walked leisurely.While walking, he said, "Boy, you are still too young!"

When you are young, those past events disappear like smoke, and the fewer the knowers, the more the ignorant.

. . .

The Antarctic Immortal has arrived on the Lianhu Lake. He also came here more than a thousand years ago. At that time, he came here to block people. Now, he came here to ask for forgiveness.

Qing Luo stood up to greet her, and said, "I haven't seen you in a thousand years, but you are as handsome as the old fellow Daoist."

Nanji smiled wryly and said: "The style is still the same as before, but it can't compare with you, fellow daoist, you are magnificent."

Qingluo and the other two walked under the tree, someone from the lotus elf tribe had already offered spiritual tea to the table, and they sat down.

Nanji Xianweng said first: "The poor Taoist came here today because he has something to do.

Fellow Daoist, what do you think of my elucidation and teaching? "

Hearing this, Qing Luo said with a half-smile, "Is this question asked by a fellow daoist, or by a fellow daoist himself?"

Nanji chuckled lightly and said, "Ask yourself, you don't need to shy away from being a fellow Taoist."

Qing Luo nodded, and said: "My heart is in accordance with the heart of the sky, my will is in line with the will of the sky, and if I walk in the sky, I am doing it for myself. Walking in the sky, gathering the power of ten thousand vehicles, acting for the sky is also acting for myself.

There is no right or wrong in heaven, and there is no right or wrong in interpretation. "

"There is no right or wrong?" Nanji Xianweng sighed, "Why is there no right or wrong?"

Qingluo replied quietly: "If there is a change in the sky, there will be benefits and losses. There are both benefits and losses, and there is no right or wrong. The sky is like this, Chan follows the sky, and Chan is also like this."

Nanji Xianweng said again: "What about Fengshen?"

Qing Luo smiled and said: "Overstepped.

Explaining teachings and assisting Zhou to defeat merchants is to act in accordance with the will of heaven and man at that time, adhering to the will of heaven and man, what is wrong with it?
Later, when Zhou was defeated, the meaning of humanity and the way of heaven were lost, and he retreated from explaining teachings, and he followed the sky and people. "

Qing Luo spoke bluntly and did not hide anything.At the end of Fengshen, even though there is no general carelessness in the way of heaven, if Yuanshi still wants to continue to fight, then Jiejiao may still win, but the victory will be worse, and even the victory will be worse than the defeat.

But Yuanshi Tianzun has retired, and the interpretation of teachings will not go against the sky, nor will it go against the general trend.Yuan Shi understands, and he also knows that his reason can always suppress his emotions.

Tongtian is just the opposite. The way of the leader of Tongtian is doomed that his heart will not be rational forever. He is a saint who is rational to the end and will follow his heart.

After hearing this, the Anji fairy was silent for a moment, the old man held the cup in one hand, his figure was slightly bent, his expression was gloomy, and there was an indescribable sadness.

The Antarctic Immortal stood up and spread out his palms, a fingernail-sized fragment emerged, shining brightly, celebrating Yun Yuanyi, the avenue was like jade, and a fragment of wishful thinking.

A fragment of Ruyi, the Three Treasures of Ruyi, gleamed with brilliance, floating in the palm of Nanji, floating in front of Qingluo.

Even though it is only a small fragment, it still does not hide its glory and pride as a saint's treasure.

The dao pattern on the fragment is forbidden inch by inch, every inch is a quaint dao pattern, and every trace is a supreme treasure.It's just a fragment, but it can still touch the hearts of countless people.

Qing Luo's face was slightly grave and he said, "What's the meaning of this?"

Nanji Xianweng said with a smile: "The poor Taoist is ordered by the master to reconcile with fellow Taoists."

Qing Luo smiled and said: "A sage's words are serious, I'm just a small way, how can I ask a sage to be like this?"

Nanji Xianweng stretched out his hand, and the fragment floated in front of Qingluo, he said: "No matter what, Master said that as long as you have seen the mystery in this fragment, you will definitely not think about the grievance of the Conferred God anymore.

Fellow Daoists will understand everything after looking at it by themselves.Pindao no longer bothers fellow Taoists, so farewell! "

The Antarctic Fairy got up and left.

Qing Luo saluted and sent them off.

The Three Treasures Ruyi, the former saint's supreme treasure, was shattered into 36 pieces, and the Qingping sword was also broken into [-] pieces. The friendship between the two saints was like these two treasures, shattered and cracked.

Qing Luo looked at the fragment in his hand, meditating.

The reconciliation between the sage and him was definitely not a whim, it seems that it was his Zixiao Palace and his party that made the sage change his view of him!
Looking at the fragments, his thoughts raced, as if he had returned to the former battlefield of conferred gods.

Forget it, the sage's words, just follow it, read it before you read it.

The fragments of the Three Treasures Ruyi are shining with divine light, and the light is shining, and the secrets that are not known to humans are revealed one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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