Chapter 467 The Light of Creation

The damaged fragments from the primordial treasure floated in the abyss of disgust, brightening the entire world, and the magnificent jade-like fluorescence covered and even overflowed the abyss, sweeping a radius of hundreds of millions of miles.

Ruyu's radiance is magnificent, and it is only for a moment, just a glimpse, but it disturbs the hearts of many people.

In the bloody waves in Jiuyou, Patriarch Minghe looked at Buyetian gloomyly. He guessed something, but he didn't have the strength to fight again.

Both Tongtian and Hongjun in Zixiao Palace sensed the remnants of the fortune jade disc, but neither Hongjun nor Tongtian moved.

Daoist Hongjun didn't move, and the six sages of heaven and earth didn't dare to move.Because the good luck jade plate is the treasure of the Taoist ancestor, if the Taoist ancestor didn't accept it, they couldn't accept it either.

Ge Kun was puzzled for a moment, then shook his head and ignored it.

Qinglan stood up in shock, then sat down belatedly.

Nu Wa was just taken aback, but Lao Tzu frowned because of the ancestor Yin Yang.

However, none of the saints moved.

A treasure appeared in the hands of the ancestor Yin-Yang. The treasure was very bright and dazzling. It was covered with infinite Dao patterns. There were many Dao patterns covering everything in the world. Because it was too complicated, Qing Luo couldn't understand it, nor could it clearly see what kind of treasure it was. .

The Yin-Yang Patriarch stretched out his hand and pointed, and the fragments of the fortune jade disc merged with the treasure, and when the two merged, a torrent suddenly rose from that treasure, a torrent formed by the convergence of countless soul lines, running through the universe from ancient to modern, from one end to the next. Holding the treasure, one end is submerged into the void, and I don't know where it is going.

Yin Yang Patriarch shouted: "Hurry up and enter the river of Yuanling!"

After all, he stepped out first, stepped into the river, was submerged by the turbulent ripples, rushed away, and walked to an unknown place!
Qing Luo didn't hesitate, and stepped out in the same step, submerged in the Yuanling River, once entering the river, it was a bone-chilling cold, not the coldness of the body, but the coldness of the soul!
He sank into the river alone, and drifted along the river full of souls, not knowing where he was.

After a long time, Qing Luo suddenly opened his eyes, and he floated to the end of Yuanling River.

As soon as he got up, he stepped out of the Yuanling River and saw the real river of destiny!
Wherever the eyes touch, there is nothingness and darkness, because the space is so large that even light cannot penetrate it.

There is only one long river, the long river that spans the infinite universe, which is longer than Honghuang and wider than the East China Sea.

Any living beings are insignificant in front of it, just ants!

The bottom of the river is paved with countless gravels, and there are also golden pebbles dotted on the sandy bottom, which were transformed by the fall of Da Luo's immortal spirit.Their true spirits are scattered at the bottom of the long river of fate. In principle, they can be immortal until the moment when the true spirits reunite and regenerate.

However, in the long river of fate, fate is too big, bigger than the universe, and across the prehistoric, in the endless river, it is almost impossible for the true spirit who has turned into thousands of tiny gravels to reunite again. More miracles than miracles!
Even the life star of the quasi-sage Almighty fell into the long river, and it was almost difficult to regenerate.Although the stars are big, they are not as big as the long river. In case the stars are annihilated into the river, they turn into thousands of gravels and pave the colored gravels at the bottom of the river until 360 five star gravels reunite. Only those who can have the opportunity to re-enter the prehistoric world, become a living being again, and start over again.

However, the gathering of the gravel of true spirits takes tens of millions of years. Perhaps after many yuanhuis, those fallen true spirits and the demeanor of those peerless powerhouses can reappear in the prehistoric times.

Qing Luo raised her head, looked at the twinkling stars in the sky, looked at the seven heavens in the sky, the sage's stalwart was far higher than the sky, far higher than those stars, and was in the supreme realm.

Patriarch Yin Yang walked to the edge of the long river and said: "You can start now. If the creatures in this long river enter, they will not be able to get out. Be careful."

Qing Luo looked back at Yin Yang Patriarch and said, "Then what about you?"

Patriarch Yin Yang said disapprovingly: "Of course you will help me after you have completed your work."

Qing Luo stretched out his hand and raised it, the divine pattern on the forehead of the Yin-Yang Patriarch suddenly appeared, and a huge pain from the Yuanshen came, and the pained Yin-Yang Patriarch's complexion instantly became hideous.He shouted loudly: "If I fall, you will also be lost here!"

Qing Luo waved her hand again, and the spirit pattern faded away.He laughed and said, "Just to see if this spirit pattern still has any effect on you."

Patriarch Yin-Yang's face became angry, and without waiting for his reaction, Qing Luo brought out a five-color gourd from his sleeve, and a colossal force absorbed Patriarch Yin-Yang into the gourd.

With such a person who plots evil by Qing Luo's side, he really can't use it with peace of mind.

For this trip, he deliberately suppressed the yin and yang flags and pole whisks in the mountains and seas, and never brought them with him.In the five spirit gourd, he even set up a hundred restrictions to seal the space inside the five spirit gourd.

With no one beside him, Qingluo was relieved a little. He looked at the long river of fate in front of him. In the bottom of the endless river, there was a lost way, a lost way. He was going to recall that way. And become the master of that way!

The golden wheel of good fortune rises, the towering good fortune beads rise, the good fortune map rises, and all the good fortune avenues in the body are fully mobilized.

At this moment, the blue clouds and blue sky hanging from a very high place, a road paved with infinite spiritual patterns, manifested.

The Bixia sky of Nuwa Saint is the pole, Qingluo is the second highest point on this road, and there are roads of different strengths and weaknesses below, which connect to this avenue of good fortune.

Qing Luo sighed that he has achieved today's achievements, all rely on the way of good fortune.Now, he wants to give up this road, not only the departure of Tao and Dharma, but also his heart.

The heart that used to be weak to survive and live comfortably is gone, and the heart that is confused and hopeless about the road to the great road is gone. A fiery heart, a strong heart, and a hopeless heart will usher in his chest. His powerful heart is enough to support him to match the heart of Supreme Hunyuan!

The towering good fortune bead is shining brightly, and the blue light is extremely dazzling. This is the last time it blooms the light of good fortune!
On the golden wheel of good fortune, the great law of good fortune emerges, every thread and every strand is the fruit of penance, blooming small flowers, blooming on the long river of fate, and dying on the long river of fate, and being buried in the long river.

On the map of good fortune, ten thousand rays of light come out together, and the map of good fortune forms a huge bridge reaching the sky, one end is followed by green falls, and the other end is erected on the long river!
The brilliance of good fortune sprinkles the long river of fate, the long river is boundless, and the brilliance of the avenue also shines endlessly, the light is infinite, and the emptiness is endless.

The way of good fortune gradually sinks into the long river, sinks to the bottom of the long river, spreads everywhere in the mud, looking for, looking for the way that was once left behind by all living beings, common people, and heaven and earth.

On the sky, the brilliance of Qing Luo's life star turned from a star into a sun, like a big sun shining on a long river, the brilliance of good fortune is overwhelming, and the soul of the avenue is endless.

At this moment, in the prehistoric world, above the Nightless City, a round of golden sun appeared, and the light of the golden sun of good fortune shone brighter and healed the sun, covering the light of the sun and stars, covering thousands of miles of sky.

In Wa's palace, Nuwa was gratified. Only by stepping out of his own way can there be a bigger, farther and wider world, and a higher place to set foot on.

(End of this chapter)

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