Chapter 470
With his hands behind his back, Patriarch Yin Yang walked leisurely, smiling, and walked towards Qing Luo under the pagoda.

Even if Qing Luo exhausted all his strength, the golden chain stretched tens of thousands of feet, but he still couldn't touch the majesty of the pagoda, because the stone pagoda was too majestic, and the golden chain was too small in front of the pagoda.

Patriarch Yin Yang walked to the front of the pagoda, looked at Qing Luo from the beginning to the end, then nodded with satisfaction and said: "Not bad, not bad."

Qing Luo pretended to be startled, and shouted: "What do you want to do?"

Yin Yang Zu shook his head and said, "I don't want to do anything, I just want to get this body."

Qing Luo was startled and hesitated, but his movements were not slow. He stretched out his hand and flipped it over. The Five Spirit Gourd poured out a stream of light, and the four golden chains and the colorful stream of light converged into one, turning into a radiant light that pierced the sky. The combination of the power of the five elements and the power of derivation creates a new life and forms the evolution of the Tao. . .

A ray of chaotic light is derived from this, which contains all the ways in the world, which is the origin of one qi, called the qi of Hunyuan, and one qi can represent the universe, not the realm of Hunyuan Dao of a saint.

Thousands of streamers collided with the Yuanling Pagoda, and the billions of divine patterns flashed on the tower. The stream of light and billions of divine patterns were like a mountain and a torrent. Open the extreme mountain peak.

The Yuanling Pagoda was only shaken by three points, which also shocked Patriarch Yin Yang, who underestimated Qing Luo, who could shake the power of the treasure!
It seems that he can't hesitate anymore, and can't say any more, so as not to cause unexpected accidents.

He stretched out his hand for a move, and hundreds of millions of divine patterns gathered into the sea, and a pattern was born in the sea, two characters, the meaning of Dao pattern: "soul suppression".

The sedative soul fell, and landed in the gap outside space and time, not in the order of time, nor in the place of space, not in the encompassing trajectory of time and space.The word Daowen fell very slowly, like a dead leaf falling from a branch, fluttering.

There was only shock and horror on Qing Luo's face.Because he can't touch the two-character Dao pattern, he can only see it, no matter the magic weapon or supernatural power, he can't touch it!
On Qingluo's forehead, the Luoling pattern appeared, the golden light in his eyes shone brightly, and the shadow of a golden lotus was about to emerge from his pupils.

But it's too late!
The word "suppressing the soul" fell on Qingluo's Lingtai, and for a moment, Qingluo's soul was suppressed and could not move at all.

Patriarch Yin Yang sneered, then sighed again.

A spirit with a gloomy soul flew out from the Yin-Yang Patriarch Lingtai and fell into the Qingluo Lingtai.

Inside Qingluo's Lingtai, there was an ancient stone tower that suppressed Qingluo's Yuanshen, who fell into a coma.

The primordial spirit of Yin Yang Patriarch swaggered into the altar and took control of the body.

From then on, the power of the physical body began to nourish the dim primordial spirit of the Yin-Yang Patriarch, and even the Qingluo Primordial Spirit was shunted and integrated into the Primordial Spirit of the Yin-Yang Patriarch.

The ancestor of Yin Yang looked up to the sky and laughed, the laughter spread for hundreds of millions of miles, echoed in the entire river of fate, and also echoed in the hearts of the five saints.

Zhunti looked worried, and said: "Fellow Daoist Nuwa, if I didn't take action, little friend Qingluo would die without a life, so he fell!"

Amitabha Buddha also said at this time: "My fellow Daoist Nuwa, my little friend Qing Luo, who is a death row prisoner of Yuanshen, has no chance of turning the tables. One hesitation means that it will be too late for me to make a move."

Nuwa also hesitated on the face, and put away the red sleeve ball and the picture of Shanhe Sheji, but she still said: "Let's have a look again."

In the long river of fate, Yin Yang Zu looked at his brand new body and laughed. With such a Taoist body and his treasure, even Hunyuan can win the championship!

"Qing Luo" waved his hand, and Yin Yang Zu's body turned into ashes and flew away. From then on, this body was his.His name is not Qing Luo, he is not called Yin Yang Patriarch, he has been called Yuan Ling Patriarch since then, because he has a pagoda named Yuan Ling.

He turned against the tower, from death to life, and he will rely on this tower for endless years.

Taoist Yuanling did not destroy the Qingluo Yuanshen, because once the Yuanshen died, the body would lose its vitality. He believed that under the suppression of his Yuanling Pagoda, no one could come out under the saint.That's why he wants to draw out all the blue souls, and be on the verge of death little by little, just like him once in the abyss of disgust.

Qingluo's primordial spirit will not come out unless he is dead.But with the Yuanling Pagoda in hand and this Dao body, no one under the saint can hurt him, let alone destroy him.

The Yuanling Pagoda rises, and hundreds of millions of divine patterns gather in a torrent, sweeping across the stalwarts of the world, and leading the ancestor of Yuanling out of the long river of fate.

. . .

Ming He was taken aback, he looked at "Qing Luo" in front of him, he felt a little weird, but he couldn't say it out.

As soon as Yuan Ling Patriarch came out, Ge Kun, who was lying down and sleeping, was startled.

Qinglan in the Nuwa Temple stood up instantly, her complexion changed drastically, and a gate of light appeared in front of her, and she stepped out to the City of Nevernight.

Seeing Qinglan approaching, Ge Kun reached out to stop her, and was about to speak.

Qinglan just stepped over and stood in front of Patriarch Yuanling, the murderous aura on her face was undisguised, and the cold murderous aura gathered into a sea of ​​murderous aura, locking on Patriarch Yuanling.

Qinglan said coldly: "Get out!"

She has a trace of Yuanshen entanglement with Qingluo, and Qingluo's Yuanshen is the one Qinglan knows best in this world except himself.

The "Qing Luo" in front of him is nothing more than a murderous thief who took away his body.

"Qing Luo" couldn't help but smiled when he heard this: "Listen well, this Yuanling Taoist is not yours..."


The 36 Dinghai Divine Beads did not stagnate at all, and directly suppressed them with great power.

Patriarch Yuanling didn't expect this kind-hearted woman to be so ruthless, turning her face when she said she would turn her back on her, and her hand when she said she wanted to do it, without giving any reaction.

Qinglan looked at the 36 Dinghaishen beads gradually supported by a huge tower in front of her, the murderous aura in her eyes condensed into substance.

She has always been Nuwa's messenger in the world, adhering to the boundless love, kindness and compassion of Nuwa Empress.However, she also has pros and cons, like a dragon, a dragon has rebellious scales, and she dies when touched!Qingluo is her reverse scale, she will be angry if she touches it, and she will kill if she is angry!

Without him, there would be no her. He is her close relative who is worth giving up everything to protect. The world will end, the sun and the moon will decline, but her protection is eternal.

Yuan Ling Patriarch looked at Qinglan with an extremely unfriendly expression, and said with a sneer, "You're asking for death."

The ancient mysterious stone pagoda rises, and hundreds of millions of divine patterns are prominent, hovering on the top of the ancestor of Yuanling, blessing his method.

With a finger of the ancestor Yuanling, a golden chain pierced through the heaven and earth, wrapped in a force a hundred times stronger than when Qingluo used it, and suddenly fell, the chain was like a long whip, with a whip, 36 Dinghaishen beads were instantly repelled and returned .

The Crying Blood Linghuang on the side also stretched out a whip, and the bloody long whip collided with it with a sea of ​​blood and cloud energy. After a contact, the bloody long whip was knocked back, and the Crying Blood was shaken back several steps by the huge force.

Patriarch Minghe asked uncertainly at this time: "But the former Yin-Yang Daoist?"

Yuan Ling Patriarch nodded and said with a smile, "Not bad, I have a little sharp eyesight."

Momentarily excited, Styx said, "Then today, join forces with Fellow Daoist again?"

Yuan Ling Patriarch said: "Yes."

Ge Kun's face was gloomy, and just about to make a move, he saw a golden rainbow flying out of the mountain and sea world, and he retracted his outstretched hand.

The appearance of the golden robe Qingluo made everyone stunned.

Yuan Ling Patriarch's heart trembled for no reason, he had a whim, and his life and death were in crisis.

He didn't even think about it, he shot in an instant, three thousand spirit chains turned into infinite colorful spirit chains, forming three thousand iridescent colors covering the sky, Jingyuan Ling Pagoda turned into a hundred thousand streams of light, forming a sea of ​​rainbow light, gathering bee pupae, rushing towards The golden robe is green.

Jinpao Qingluo showed no emotion on his face, and said dully: "It's late!"

He stretched out his five fingers and said the formula in his mouth. In an instant, the sea of ​​colors stopped, the towering Yuanling Pagoda also stopped, and the hundreds of millions of divine lines also stopped.

The five orifices of "Qing Luo"'s body protruded together, blood dripped from the five orifices, and the face of "Qing Luo" became hideous, the trembling pain from the soul made Yuan Ling's soul feel severe pain.

The five soul-sealing needles come out together, using the body to control the primordial spirit, using the body as the basis, please enter the urn!

As long as the five needles are inserted into the five orifices of the body, as long as the soul is in the body, then the life and death of the soul will be in the hands of the person who sacrificed the five needles.

Yuanling's Yuanshen was inserted with five needles and sealed with five needles, and his Yuanshen was sealed before he could react in time.

The golden robe Qingluo's palms are facing the sky with five fingers, and the five fingers are close together in one grip.


The sky and the earth are dark and yellow, the sun and the moon are gloomy, and the stars are hidden.

An ancient power, an ancient power that has existed since the beginning of the world, has fallen!
The person who was once qualified to be in harmony with the way of heaven, now died at the hand of an incarnation.

The former Yin-Yang patriarch has finally fallen!

The vision of heaven and earth, mourning for it, on the long river of fate, a star fell, turned into a meteor, shuttled through the sky, fell to the bottom of the long river of fate, turned into countless gold pebbles, and sprinkled the endless river of fate.

Qing Luo returned, with heavy palms on her body.

Tears flickered in Qinglan's eyes for a moment, and the nerves that had collapsed to the extreme finally relaxed, and she was delighted.

Qing Luo smiled and said: "Sister Clan, don't worry."

Qinglan nodded, nodded with a smile, and felt relieved.

Qing Luo turned her head again and looked at Ming He who was going to fetch Yuanling Pagoda.

He sneered, Yuan Ling Pagoda suddenly rose, weighed hundreds of millions of Taishan, and fell crashingly, gunpowder smoke filled hundreds of millions of miles, the prehistoric land, and the entire Nanzhan Buzhou shook again and again.

Patriarch Minghe came out in embarrassment, and said angrily: "Qing Luo, I will never die with you!"

Qing Luo sneered and said: "Then you will die."

The world was silent, this sentence is so loud!

Everyone felt that Qingluo was just talking nonsense.

But the next moment, Qing Luo confirmed it.

The Yuanling Pagoda rises and floats, the stone pagoda is black, and hundreds of millions of divine seals circulate. Four golden chains lead the ancient pagoda.

The weight of the four directions came to attract it, and hundreds of millions of radiance surrounded the tens of thousands of blood god sons of Styx.Even the great terror of the killing power is submerged in the colorful torrent.

Qing Luo flipped his palm, and four gold chains came down. The hundreds of millions of divine patterns instantly solidified, and a huge palm struck down.


The waters of the four seas are turbulent, the seas in the east, west, north, south, and four directions are shaken, setting off huge waves, the four continents are trembling in unison, the four pillars supporting the sky are shaking, and the restraining power of the heavens is manifested. .

At this moment, all sentient beings in the world only felt a burst of clarity in their hearts, and all the murderous intent that enveloped their hearts disappeared.

Dao of Slaughter, one of the 12 Yuan Dao, was in the dark.

Patriarch Styx, gone!
Hundreds of millions of Asuras are united in grief, anger, and number!

A huge sea of ​​blood rises up into the sky, even though the bloody wind and rain continue, the mantra of rebirth in the Pure Land of Fahua is endless, and the grand Buddha's light crosses Shura endlessly.

In the sea of ​​blood, hundreds of millions of blood god sons swarmed into a blood-colored vortex, and Styx stepped out of the vortex with a pale complexion. With a wave of his hand, Yuantu Abi's swords returned, and the sea of ​​blood returned to calm.

Between heaven and earth, countless immortals were shocked that Styx was slapped to death with a palm?

Although Styx was reborn with the help of billions of blood god sons and the source of the sea of ​​blood, Styx was beaten with a single palm and lost a mana of a calamity!

With Qing Luo's palm, he unleashed the power of Hunyuan!
It's not because Qing Luo is against the sky, but because Yuan Ling Pagoda is against the sky.

This innate treasure is not good at attacking, not good at defending, and not good at making good fortune. It is only good at and has only one function: "Blessing!"

Bless all kinds of dharma and supernatural powers, all supernatural powers and secret arts, with the blessing of the Yuanling Pagoda, the power can be increased dozens of times, or even a thousand times!
Of course, the greater the supernatural power, the smaller the blessing multiplier.Moreover, the power of the treasure's blessing can only be blessed with supernatural powers and secret techniques, not the power of spiritual treasures.

Patriarch Yin Yang, the short-lived Yuan Ling Patriarch, fell, and the same treasure brand was left in Qing Luo's body, and was held by Qing Luo Primordial Spirit.

Therefore, he can use the prestige of the innate treasure.

This palm was all Qing Luo's strength, and it was a blow with all its strength, for the purpose of shocking.

Innate treasure, how tempting?Who is not tempted?It is a saint, who is not sure.Therefore, Qing Luo gave a deterrent, an absolute deterrent.

Such a terrifying power has surpassed the mighty power of the quasi-sage, and they even became frightened, and they had no other thoughts.

Styx has the son of the blood god to protect his life, he doesn't lack life, and he doesn't cherish his life, but these old guys regret their lives, and even more need them.Because they don't have a sea of ​​blood, and they don't have hundreds of millions of blood god sons to regenerate.

What's more, several sages have opinions.The sage didn't object to Qingluo's possession of the treasure, so he agreed. If the sage agreed, they couldn't help but disagree!

Ge Kun was stunned for a long time, before returning to his senses: "It's an innate treasure.

However, why do you use palms instead of other magical powers, it will hurt Styx Yuanshen even more. "

Qing Luo smiled lightly and said, "Because it's comfortable."

Because of Shu Xin, with a single palm, he wiped out the existence of an ancient ancestor, the ancestor of the Dao Killer. This kind of courage is too terrifying.

The ancient pagoda sank and disappeared between the heaven and the earth, Qingluo returned to the mountain and sea realm, and began to retreat to practice, to clear the hidden dangers of the spirit and soul, to steadily develop the Tao, and to completely control the ancient Yuanling Pagoda!

He, Qingluo, finally has an innate treasure!
The second person who is not a saint but has innate treasures.The first one is the former Emperor of the Monster Race, known as the No. 1 under the saint!
The second place is Qing Luo, who will be called the No. 1 under the sage by the prehistoric people from now on.

Since then, the Nightless City has become the top power in the prehistoric world, and it has become one of the second-order powers after Western Buddhism, Taoism, heaven, and the underworld.

(End of this chapter)

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