Chapter 473

In other words, he beheaded Shan's corpse, not because he lost Shan.However, Qing Luo was still confused, so he continued walking.

He wanted to ask a sage, a great sage of the human race.

Qingluo leaves Xi Country, no longer pays attention to this place, it will become the first county in the world, no longer pays attention to Mrs. Xi, it will become the mother of Chu Country, and Chu Country will become one of the five tyrants in the Spring and Autumn Period, the descendant of a generation of legends.

He walked very slowly, unable to cross mountains or rivers.

Therefore, the green lion came.

With the green lion on its back, it either strode or leaped to run.

The blue lion carried him under the moon, crossed the cliffs, led him to gallop in the sunshine in the new day, and led him to swim across the turbulent river.

On the ancient road, westerly wind male Shiyang Pass, Qing Luo stopped, holding a bamboo flute in his hand, this is the bamboo flute that he picked when crossing Shu Mountain.

As for why he passed by Mount Shu, it was because a Taoist established a school on this mountain, a sword school, in Shu Mountain, so it was called the Shu Mountain Sword School.

Ling'er went down the mountain to do good deeds and save the world according to the law, but she was mistaken for a demon by the righteous Shushan disciples and beat her up.

It's a pity that at this time the Patriarch of Shushan, Taoist Changmei, is just a monk who has just completed the Golden Immortal. Ling'er has cultivated into the Golden Immortal for 3000 years. The golden ni sword transformed from the lotus root of the golden lotus root, except for Changmei, the other disciples in the entire Shushan Mountain are at most just beginning to be immortals. How can they beat the bell when they step into the realm of immortals?
Therefore, Shushan was blocked at the gate of the mountain by Ling'er, and one person was against one sect.

Linger can be willful, but he cannot be willful.

Ling'er is a descendant of Nuwa, and Shushan is a sect of Renjiao. Their dispute is just a dispute between two golden immortals, but the meaning they represent will make other people think differently.

Therefore, he came to take Ling'er away.

When Ling'er saw Qing Luo, she had a domineering aura, but she suddenly weakened, bowed to salute, and called her uncle.

Chang Mei finally dared to walk out of the mountain gate, and also saluted Qing Luo.

Qingluo looked at Changmei and Ling'er, one with a straight face and the other with a guilty conscience, he couldn't help smiling, the descendants of Nuwa and Shushan were happy enemies, and since then they have been involved.He chuckled and asked Changmei: "Which of your disciples dare to call the descendants of Nuwa to be evildoers who have brought disaster to the world and done many evils?"

Cold sweat broke out on the face of the long eyebrows. The amiable Taoist in front of him is a great murderer, the kind that must not be offended.

He said with a trembling tone: "Senior, it's the junior who didn't discipline well, please forgive me."

Qing Luo was not angry at all, and still asked with a smile: "I just asked which disciple it was, and I didn't say that I wanted to question the crime, so don't worry."

Chang Mei relaxed, said yes, then turned around and grabbed the Taoist from the mountain gate.

The Taoist staggered and crawled on the ground, and fell right at Ling'er's feet.

Ling'er's eyes flashed with anger, but because of Qing Luozai, she didn't dare to act rashly, she just stared at him fiercely.

As soon as the Taoist came out, he hurriedly saluted and said: "Xiaodao has eyes but no pearls. I don't know if it is a descendant of Nuwa who walks in the world. I have offended you so much. Please forgive me."

Qing Luo smiled and said: "It's a good intention, but it's a pity that it's a bad thing. What's your name?"

"Senior, the name of the trail is Qi Shuming." He lowered his head, not daring to raise it.

Qing Luo's smile deepened, and he said: "Good name." He said to Ling'er: "You can be regarded as his senior, why should you care about these false names? Let's forget about it."

Ling'er heard the words, glanced at Qi Shuming, and said: "All listen to Master."

When Taoist Changmei heard this, he was overjoyed and saluted Qingluo to thank him.

Qingluo took Ling'er down Shushan Mountain. This was Ling'er's first time going up Shushan Mountain.

After going down the mountain, Qingluo and Linger branched off.Because he understands his own way and takes care of himself alone.He will not walk with Ling'er, the way is different, the realm of the way is different, Ling'er's way is too weak, his way is too strong, he is afraid that his way will affect her way.

Qing Luo continued to go northeast alone, after passing the Shu Mountain, it was a place full of people, and the green lion was conspicuous, so it was inconvenient to walk.

He and the green lion sang Xiao as their name, and they came as soon as they were called.

Qingluo, Xiao, and Whisk, the road travels to the end of the world.

The mundane world has gone through thousands of years, and the Spring and Autumn Five Hegemons emerged. An era of feudal lords fighting for hegemony is unfolding in the mundane world.

Similarly, in this era, hundreds of schools of thought that have been passed down through the ages came to the stage one after another, demonstrating their ways of governing the world and tactics.

Military School, Legalist School, Yin-Yang School, Taoist School, Mohist School and other schools of thought came out together.Of course, there is also Confucianism!

The Taishang Laojun personally descended to the 33rd heaven, incarnated as a man, named Li Er in the world, practiced Taoist techniques, governed the world by doing nothing, and was honored as Laozi.

Lao Tzu of Taoism is a Taoist sage and a sage in the world.

There is also a family of yin and yang in which chijingzi is transformed into a wrinkle, and practices yin and yang.

There are also Legalists, who are also descendants of the Qiankun Sect among the four great Taoist sects.

. . .

Many hundreds of schools are formed by the manifestation of the general trend of all parties, but there are also real sages who truly belong to the human race.

Although there are not many, one is enough.

He is Confucius!
Confucius is not a disciple of the three religions of Taoism, nor is he an immortal of all great forces, but a thorough and complete person, a member of the human race!

Qingluo once watched him for a hundred days, and finally realized that the sage Confucius is really a human being.

But Confucius at this time was not well-known. He was studying and visiting Taoism everywhere, seeking to know it.

The person Qingluo wants to ask for advice is Confucius. His benevolence and kindness have two shapes and one source, and they are both kind.

If anyone in this world has the most thorough understanding of goodness and benevolence, there is no one better than Confucius.

However, Qing Luo couldn't see it.

He saw a great way in Confucius.A way that is different from the immortals of heaven and earth.

There is a kind of aura around Confucius, a kind of aura that can make demons and ghosts hide, and make immortals and gods break their way.

The gods are not near, and the ghosts are not invading.

This kind of qi is upright, upright and peaceful, upright and upright. In the future, it will have a name called Haoran Uprightness!
Qing Luo can't get close to Confucius, let alone ask?

But Qingluo couldn't get close to Confucius, but Confucius could get close to him.

Qingluo blows the Xiao, the Xiao sound is ethereal, surpassing the high-rise buildings, the luck of humanity, and the awe-inspiring righteousness. Because the sound is good, it is unobstructed and can enter the ears of sages.

 The benefits in the book friend circle have been unlocked, and all book friends can go to receive the benefits.

  In order to transition in the recent chapters, I have accelerated the pace and rushed to the Westward Journey, and I am about to face the next climax. Because the school is too messy, it is difficult to calm down when coding. Please be more tolerant.

(End of this chapter)

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