Chapter 483
When the five elders were born, the Three Realms are still the Three Realms, and no obvious changes have taken place.If there is, it means that the five directions of the world are more peaceful and peaceful.

Three mountains and five mountains, Kyushu and ten islands, everywhere, all over the world are immortals who seek Tao, and the footprints of immortals are everywhere.

Of course, there are still many forbidden places in the prehistoric lands, so that the immortals are afraid to set foot.

Such as Beiju Luzhou, Beiming Sea, Nine Nether Blood Sea, Immortal Volcano, Territory of Thorns, Moyuan Sea, Wild West Wilderness, and Eastern Evil Heaven. . .

These forbidden places are the forbidden places of the prehistoric immortals. If you enter, you will have a narrow escape, and if you enter, your life and death are unpredictable.

Time flies, time flies, and thousands of years pass by.

Above the Nightless Sky City, even Da Luo Jinxian is forbidden to fly at high altitudes.At this moment, there are two figures standing with their hands behind their hands, overlooking the city thousands of miles below them.

One of the two is gray-haired, but full of energy.

A Taoist priest in white clothes, extremely handsome and immortal.

One of the two is the Supreme Elder of the Nightless City, and the master behind the scenes of the Nightless City.

Qingluo stood facing the wind, looking at the colorful clouds and bright lights, the Nightless City under the bright moonlight, gathered millions of immortals, the first city in the world, the most prosperous and prosperous city in the world, there is no one.

He asked: "Old Ge, how much is the percentage this time?"

"Nine percent!"

Ge Kun said in a full-fledged manner without any hesitation.

Qing Luo listened, nodded and smiled happily: "Then I will congratulate Ge Lao in advance to advance further, Hunyuan is close!"

Ge Kun smiled back: "It's still thanks to you, my old head really didn't make a wrong decision back then."

The two of them stood facing the wind under the moonlight, their black and white long hair fluttering with the wind. They, one old and one young, were existences that could stir up the world.

After thousands of years, the Evernight City has gathered millions of immortals. Eighty percent of the immortals in the world have come to the Evernight City. don't know.

If you seek the Tao all your life, there is nothing external in your heart, only the Tao is the only way to find it.Then please come to the City of Nightless Sky, this is the holy place for seeking Taoism and proving Taoism.Senior masters, powerful quasi-sages, panacea, and spiritual treasures. . .All tangible methods in the world can be found here.

If you are suave, unintentional, and obsessed with material desires, then please also come to Evernight City. This is the city of carnival, material desires, and luxury. Here you will have all the joys, stunning beauty in the world, peerless delicacies, and supreme joy. Everything you need.

The Nightless City is so beautiful, so happy, and so heavenly, because of one thing, the spirit stone!

In this city, everything is measured by spirit stones. Except for the order and rules of Tiancheng, everything is determined by spirit stones.

As long as there is a spirit stone, you can ask the superior seniors to give lectures, not to mention Jinxian Taiyi, even the great power of Daluo Jinxian can personally teach and solve doubts.

As long as there are spirit stones, many panaceas and miraculous medicines can be obtained through trading, and even the best acquired spirit treasures can be obtained by chance.Of course, the innate treasures that have disappeared from the world are not among them.

As long as there is a spirit stone, in this city, you can do anything.

Even if you can't be like a saint, you can do everything in the sky and the earth, the universe is prehistoric, omnipotent and omnipotent.

But it can be relatively omnipotent and omnipotent within a city!

Spirit stones have been circulated for thousands of years and spread all over the four major continents. Not only casual cultivators, but also the four orthodox Xuanzongs of Xuanmen all use spirit stones to barter, and even Western Buddhist schools lead spirit stones into Buddhas, even ghosts from the underworld. All cultivators use spirit stones as coins, open a ghost market, exchange spirit objects, and get what they need.

Spiritual stones have spread all over the three realms and six realms, and every immortal even has spiritual stones on them. Spiritual stones are like mortal currency, and have been integrated with the cultivation paths of all the immortals in the world.

And this also represents the emergence of the immortal currency!

On the second day, Qing Luo's main body, who had not been out of customs for a long time, came to the heavenly court and met a god that mortals wanted to see.

God of Wealth!
Zhao Gongming sensed that Qingluo was coming, so he hurriedly stood up to meet him.

Qing Luo returned with a smile and said: "This deity came uninvited and disturbed fellow Taoists."

Zhao Gongming stepped forward to greet him with a big smile, and said: "Fellow Daoist is a rare guest who is rarely seen in ten thousand years. I can't invite you even if I invite you. How dare you dislike him?"

Qing Luo smiled and said: "You God of Wealth is a priest who is disliked and hated by everyone in the Three Realms!"

Zhao Gongming shook his head and said: "Don't make fun of me, come and sit in my temple."

Qing Luo nodded, followed the master into the room, the host and guest sat down, and the immortal served the spirit tea.With a move by Zhao Gongming, two people walked out from the side hall, and as soon as they came out, they hurriedly saluted and paid homage.

Qing Luo looked over, but saw that it was Cao Bao and Xiao Sheng who used to be.The two of them were finally canonized as Nazhen Tianzun in Fengshen, recruited for the post of Bao Tianzun, and were commanded by Zhao Gongming.

And Zhao Gongming was named Jinlun Ruyi Zhengyi Dragon Tiger Xuantan True Lord, in charge of the world's wealth and blessings, and commanded the two statues.

If the elucidation wins, the priesthood will not change, but the authority will change.

But it was the interception that won.

Therefore, Luobao money is in the hands of the God of Wealth, not in the hands of the two gods, Cao Bao and Xiao Sheng.

Qing Luo looked at the two of them with a smile, and asked casually: "How about the deity of the Heavenly Court, two old friends?"

He was just asking casually, because to Qing Luo, the two of them at this time were not worth his attention, not only because they had no treasures or benefits, but also because Qing Luo's status was too high. They are so low that there is no junction.

Qing Luo now claims that she is no longer the word "Poverty Dao", but the deity!

My self.

In the world where saints hide, there is nothing wrong with Qing Luo's status and honor calling him the deity.

The word "deity" is not only a distinction between the two corpses of good and evil, but also the name of self.

Because there are too few existences in the world that are enough to make him humble, and there are very few who can be humble, so he is called this deity.

As for this seat, it is the self-proclaimed ancestor of the founder of the school.

Qing Luo's random question is casual to him, and it doesn't matter to Zhao Gongming, but to Cao Bao and Xiao Sheng, they are trembling and timid, and dare not not answer.

The two trembled and said: "Thanks to Qing Zu's concern, we are under the care of the God of Wealth, so we are safe."

Qing Luo nodded faintly, working under Zhao Gongming's former enemy, even if Zhao Gongming was magnanimous and didn't make things difficult for them, the constant worry in their hearts was enough to make them suffer.Suffering for a while is nothing, but it will be uncomfortable for thousands of years.

Zhao Gongming waved his sleeves, and the two left the hall.

He said generously: "Fellow Taoist came to look for me on this trip, you think you have something to ask for me?"

Qing Luo didn't hide anything, and said directly: "It's true, there is a saying in the world: If you have nothing to do, you can go to the Three Treasures Palace!"

Mr. Zhao said with a half smile but not a smile: "Let me guess, fellow Taoists haven't come to see you for a long time, and you have been in seclusion for thousands of years, and the city of Nightless Sky has been famous for thousands of years, and there is a spirit stone that has been spread all over the three worlds. Ordinary gold and silver coins. And I am just a priesthood, only in charge of the ordinary fortune priesthood. Daoist friends can use me, I am afraid it is this treasure money, right?"

After Zhao Gongming finished speaking, he stretched out his hand, and a copper coin with wings appeared in his hand.

Qing Luo nodded and said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist guessed exactly so. It seems that Fellow Daoist has been a god for nearly ten thousand years, and he is not completely dead."

The relaxed smile on Zhao Gongming's face disappeared in an instant, and was replaced by a decadent expression, "There is nothing more sorrowful than a dead heart. My heart is not dead. Although my heart hurts, I don't feel sad."

Qing Luo sighed and said: "Don't worry, with me here, the vitality will not dissipate."

(End of this chapter)

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