Chapter 486 Peach Festival
Ge Kun bowed to heaven and earth, and returned the same salute.

Afterwards, the phantom of the mysterious tortoise showing the infiniteness of the world dissipated, and Ge Kun fell into the city that never sleeps.

Qing Luo stretched out his hand, and Luo Bao Qian captured it, and with a flick of his sleeve, the money fluttered, and returned to the heaven and fell into the hands of the God of Wealth.Thank you Qingluo, and turn back to the city that never sleeps.

The luck of the Nightless City is even more like a deep sea because of the money from all over the world.

The luck of a city suppresses a sea.The sea of ​​blood is boundless, the Lord of the Killing Dao, the Asura Clan, and the luck of the Asura Cult are all incomparable.

The luck of a city is higher than that of West Kunlun, the accumulation of hundreds of millions of years of the Queen Mother of the West, and the gathering of many scattered cultivators.

The luck of a city is wider than the prehistoric land line, and wider than the land line under Longevity Mountain that implicates countless earth immortals.

Even, the luck of a city is even higher than that of Kunlun without a saint!Nightless Sky City is unparalleled in luck and high in holy religion.

Qing Luo did not swell, nor would it swell.Both his good and evil corpses were beheaded, and many irrational feelings, hearts, and intentions were gone.

He knows his status, he knows his ability, he knows that he is just an ant outside the prehistoric world, an ant who has not stepped into the realm of the extraordinary nine days.

Therefore, Qing Luo can calm down, not to fight in all directions, and not to plot against others to seek supremacy.

Qingluo is only in the world of mountains and seas, quietly worshiping the ancient pagoda, feeling the magnificence of the treasure, or holding the ancient map, unfolding it, looking at the mountains and waters and the world.

In the realm of Qingluo, the most important thing is the realm of Dao and Dharma, and the spirit treasure is more about essence than it is about many.

Therefore, he gave the good corpse of the good fortune green lotus, which later turned into a nine-color lotus.

He also gave the Ninth Grade Golden Lotus to the good corpse, but the good corpse sent it back.Shanshi said that he didn't need this kind of treasure rendered with golden light, and the lotus platform was enough, which was unique and unique.

Qingluo gave the two-pole flywheel to Shanshi again, and Shanshi took it away.

Although Qing Luo has a lot of spiritual treasures, they are insignificant compared with the saint.

Therefore, Qing Luo cherishes every spiritual treasure that accompanies him to practice Taoism even more.Five spirit gourds, towering good fortune beads, good fortune maps, yuanling pagodas, and even puppet ghosts.

Although he does not cultivate the way of creation, but the towering fortune beads and fortune maps have been cultivated with him for a long time. The spirit of Lingbao and Taoist people have long been integrated. What kind of way, what kind of method, and what kind of treasure are already It doesn't matter anymore.

The important thing is that Lingbao has a spirit, Taoists have benevolence, and treasures and people are in harmony.Qing Luo is not willing to let Bao hurt it, and Bao will not let the Lord hurt it.

The ancient pagoda of Qingluo Jilian, this treasure that existed for countless years, was only born.

The innate treasure, the forty-nine forbidden road, the first line of the road, supreme power.The best congenital spiritual treasure, the Dao ban is 36, which is the number of the week, and can control the power of the life and death cycle of one side of the world.There are 24 prohibitions for top-rank spirit treasures, [-] prohibitions for middle-grade spirit treasures, and nine prohibitions for low-grade spirit treasures.

Every innate spiritual treasure is the manifestation of the Tao. Holding the spiritual treasure is like holding the order of the Dao, ordering the treasure to move the Dao.

At this time, the Thunder God, Lightning Mother, Fengpo Dragon King in the heavenly court, a rain order came out in the heavenly court, and the gods moved immediately.

And Lingbao's edict is the congenital Taoism prohibition.Although the innate Taoism exists in treasures, it is rarely seen, because the realm is not enough, and the manifestation of Tao cannot be seen.Only the most powerful existence like the quasi-sage, the existence on the edge of the Dao of Touch, can be seen.

The innate treasure, Yuan Ling Pagoda, and Qing Luo have already refined 35 levels of Taoism.If he can refine the four-nine dao ban, then Qing Luo can truly grasp this treasure thoroughly.

The Luobao money in Fengshen, as well as his five spirit gourd, can be used to determine Lingbao, but it cannot be determined or Luodaojin has been completely mastered.

After the Taoism is completely refined, the treasure and the human will be completely integrated, and the treasure is like an arm, which can move as soon as it is swung, and cannot be stopped.

But this level can only be achieved by quasi-sages and great powers, so the treasures in the Conferred Gods can be collected from Zhao Gongming's treasures, but they cannot be collected from Yunxiao's treasures.

At this moment, in Qingluo's Lingtai, a magnificent ancient pagoda stands ten thousand feet high, and Qingluo Yuanshen sits cross-legged in the pagoda.The heaven and earth are black and yellow, four golden chains stretch out in all directions, and hundreds of millions of white chains of light also touch the ancient pagoda.

Countless chains circle the ancient pagoda, deduce the core of the ancient pagoda, the ancient pagoda's Taoism, and master and assimilate it bit by bit, and belong to the Qingluo Yuanshen.

The ancient pagoda is ten thousand feet tall, and countless chains have risen from the bottom, wrapping around [-]% of the ancient pagoda's body.

The ancient pagoda is like a pyramid, not divided into several layers. The center of the pagoda is straight, and the center of the pagoda is hollow, like a mysterious and exotic god pagoda.

In the prehistoric world, as time goes by, countless intelligent people of the human race have created countless ingenious things to benefit future generations in the world.

The prosperity of Confucianism and Taoism overwhelmed Taoism and became the most prominent way in the world, and the world has its own ways.

More and more scholars of Confucianism and Taoism are leading the world with awe-inspiring righteousness, able to resist all laws, comparable to Taoism and Buddhism.

However, with the establishment of imperial schools and the rise of private schools, there are literati everywhere in the world, and they are all literati.But more of them are sons of school.

Ten thousand years later, the territory of the Han Dynasty opened up tens of thousands of miles, and the four directions came to court, and the eight directions came to worship, and no barbarian or barbarian dared to invade it.

In the Nine Heavens, it is the grand festival of the Yaochi, the Fairy Banquet of the Peach, and the immortals from all walks of life come here to gather in the Yaochi, taste the flat peaches, and gather in the heaven to help the Queen Mother of the Yaochi live.

For this grand event, the gods and Buddhas of the heavens were naturally invited.Qing Luozi was also invited.

Qing Luo's body didn't go, and won't go.

The Peach Banquet can only be held once every 8000 years, but Tianting has only held it seven or eight times since Haotian was founded.Not only because of the time, but also because when the Heavenly Court was first built, it was held twice. There were few visitors, the door was left out, and even the Taiyi Golden Immortal rarely came. hold.

But today's Heavenly Court cannot be the same as when Haotian Court was first built.

Those who can be invited to the grand event of the Queen Mother's Yaochi are all extremely happy.In the past, the crowd was deserted, but now it is full of people.

This is the change in the authority of heaven.

The five elders, the righteous gods of the heavens, the casual cultivators of the ten directions, many great forces, the great immortal sects, and the immortal mountains everywhere were all invited to go.

Qing Luo's body didn't go, but Shan Shi did, taking Xiao Zhu and Ao Bing with him.

The reason why Qingluo didn't go was because he knew that this feast of flat peaches was a union between the Eastern world represented by Tiantingwei and Western Buddhism.

Zhen Yuanzi didn't go, Qing Luo didn't go, the Western Buddhas and elders went, the southern old Guan Yin also went, and all the five elders came.There are even immortals who explained the two religions and practiced in seclusion for a long time, and they all walked out of the two former holy places of cultivation.

Qing Luo didn't want to get involved in the cause and effect of the catastrophe, so she sat on the mountain and watched the show, shouting loudly from time to time, which was more comfortable.

And the good corpse does not have Shuo De, not only because he is of the blood of the Golden Crow, the blood of the emperor of the previous generation of heaven, but also because Shuo De is going to break the mirror!
And Shuo De's breakthrough in Da Luo was due to chance and luck, or maybe it was a blessing or a curse.

But Qing Luo still took Shuo De out of the Nightless Sky, out of the prehistoric world, and into the mysterious starry sky.

(End of this chapter)

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