Chapter 498

This chapter is updated in the wrong order, please read the next chapter first, Chapter 497 Twenty-five thousand years, and then read this chapter.

The order of numbers at the front of the chapter shall prevail, please forgive me for any misoperation.

In the past 5000 years, more and more newborn immortals and backward immortals have become the most active group in the world.

The Queen Mother of Haotian, the god of heaven, has become the most dignified existence in the three realms, and the heaven seems to have really become the ruler of the three realms of heaven and earth.

The sage has been hidden for tens of thousands of years, whether it was intentional or unintentional, those with great supernatural powers have also been hidden from the world, not talking about the sage, and those old guys who know the existence of the sage are also silent.

And the rest of the immortals who have heard the rumors of the saint, even if they tell it, no one will verify it.As for the records in the immortal dao anthology, there are even fewer, and the immortals of heaven and earth no longer know the stories before the prehistoric times in the middle ages.

The sentient beings in the world only know that this world was created by Pangu, and they only know that Gonggong failed to collide, the pillar of heaven was broken, and Nuwa mended the sky.Three emperors and five emperors, Xia, Shang, Zhou and Qin.

This also proves that the gradual improvement of the way of heaven does not need the interference of those great figures, and the order of the world is run by the way of heaven, which is superior to all living beings and has absolute fairness.

Qing Luo still hasn't taken a step in retreat. The story about him in this world has become an ancient legend, which only exists in ancient classics, and is dusty in the memories of those immortals who have lived for tens of thousands of years.

Qingluo's big disciple, Xiaozhu, wants to travel all over the four continents alone, looking for her great opportunity.In today's era, her Taiyi peak realm is enough to run rampant, not to mention that she is a golden immortal who has experienced the catastrophe of heaven and earth, and a golden immortal who has fought against the gods of the Middle Ages.

The second disciple, Qu Kong, is the Great Emperor of Dongyue, the head of the Five Sacred Mountain Gods, guarding Mount Tai, has accumulated divine merits and virtues, and has excellent aptitude. highest disciple.

The third disciple, Shuo De, came back from the sun star, and the great demon of Luzhou in Beiju moved upon hearing the news. Shang Yang led nine ancient Taiyi demons, accompanied by 36 golden immortals, and called him the prince.Shuo De stayed in Nightless City, and Shang Yang naturally stayed in Nightless City, following Shuo De.This is the mission and responsibility she should have as the demon commander to the son of the emperor of heaven.Even if she had admiration for that superior man, she never said it, never expressed it.

The fourth disciple, Ao Bing, obeyed Qingluo's order and stayed behind in the East China Sea. Ao Bing returned to the East China Sea and entered the ancestral land of the Dragon Clan for the first time, and was also eligible to enter for the first time.He personally remembered the glorious ancient times of the Dragon Clan, and it was difficult to calm down his agitated mind for a long time.

The fifth disciple, Teng Liu, is in charge of the snow god in the heavenly court, and he and Yu Yixian travel around the world from time to time, traveling all over the Qingshan Mountains.

Even though Xiaozhu is only Taiyi, she is still a big disciple of Qingluo's lineage.In his lineage, he doesn't judge his superiority by his cultivation, but only his seniority.

Qingluo accepts apprentices based on the time of accepting apprentices to rank points, not the level of cultivation.

For more than 2 years, Qing Luo has been immersed in the mind, and finally refined the No. 40 eight-layer Taoist ban in the Yuanling Pagoda. As for the No. 40 nine-door taboo, it is a Taoist taboo that can only be mastered in the Hunyuan realm. Even so, Qing Luo He can also display [-]% of the power of this innate treasure. With the blessing of Dao Ling Shenwen, his Dao and Dharma have reached a terrifying state!

After tens of thousands of years of nurturing, Xuanyuan controlled the water flag and was finally repaired and perfected. He was sent back by the Heavenly Venerable Kuku. This top-grade innate spirit treasure will exert its greatest strength in Qingluo's hands.

The sea of ​​Qingyun Qingluo, ten thousand years of hard work, has only reached [-] mu, the smallpox has increased by one-third, and the road to the road has become more magnanimous.

In the mortal dynasty, the Han Dynasty changed from the Western Han Dynasty to the Eastern Han Dynasty. The Three Kingdoms competed for supremacy, and the Han Dynasty fell. The dynasty that existed for 8000 years was finally destroyed.

The heroes and historical figures of the Three Kingdoms, Qingluo has never seen before, Zhuge Liang's strategy to conquer the world, Liu Bei's revival of the Han Dynasty, Cao Cao's self-defense of the world, Zhou Yu's jealousy of talents, Sanying Lu Bu, Tangshan Zilong, the peerless double pride and Er Qiao. . .These characters are all crushed into history with the slowly turning wheel of time. Among these people, there are immortals, incarnations of Buddha, and traces of Confucianism. It is the game of various forces.

Although it is said that immortals and mortals are separated, the immortals are high above, and mortals are below, and the vulgar is the ordinary.

However, in this world, how many forces are seeking and planning in the world?

Qing Luo didn't know, all he knew was that since he was extraordinary, he didn't want to meddle in the mortal world easily.Today's humanity is not the once weak and unformed humanity.It's not that the way of heaven, represented by the era of saints, personally suppresses the way of humanity that can't breathe.

In Qing Luo's eyes, the mortal world is the name of the human race, and the human race is also a kind of race in his city that never sleeps.

The history of the world has reached the era of the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties. In this era, the aristocratic families, powerful families, and landlords and gentry are the rulers of the mortal world.

Warlords fought in melee, fighting, blood flowed into rivers, and millions of corpses lay dead, it was a tragedy in the world.

This era is too miserable. Those humble and eloquent mortals tried their best and never changed their ending of death or sinking or loss.

Taoism rises again, Chen Tuan accepts Zhang Daoling, descends to the world, and establishes Taoism of the human race as a mortal.

Taoism is very big. In the whole prehistoric four continents, except Buddhism, all immortals and gods can be called Taoism.

Taoism in a broad sense is Taoism, which can be regarded as the Taoism of Hongjun's ancestors.

Taoism in a narrow sense is the Taoism created by Laojun.Manifestation in the human race is human Taoism.

At this time, Buddhism has also entered the mortal world, and Buddhism has been spread eastward and then eastward. In the entire mortal world, Buddhism is gradually flourishing, and Taoism and Buddhism have become the mainstream again on the road of cultivation.

This period of chaotic and cruel years lasted for thousands of years until the Sui Dynasty once again unified the world, ended the disputes in the world, and reappeared the great unity of humanity.

If you are united for a long time, you will be divided, and if you have been divided for a long time, you will be united.

This is the development trend of the human race.Although there will always be times of division, there will eventually be unity after division, and the degree of unity is getting higher and higher.

The luck of humanity is also becoming more and more obvious, more and more solid, and more and more powerful.

On this day, both the underworld and the heavenly world were very quiet.

But the mortal world is not silent, the turmoil in the mortal world has caused turmoil in the entire world!
On this day, Zhongzhou and Jiuding experienced a great earthquake.In Chang'an City, above the majestic halls of the Great Palace, Yang Jian, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty raised his arms and called out, while all the officials under him prostrated and knelt down, proclaiming His Majesty.

Since then, the great unification of the world has returned, the golden dragon of the ancient cauldron of Kyushu soars, and the nine dragons leap over thousands of miles of mountains and rivers. They belong to the body of Yang Jian, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty. With a breath of dust, stand with the great sun and fall with the sky.

It was also at this moment that in the Southwest Demon Abyss Sea, the devilish energy roared out. In the Demon Abyss Sea, an eternal demon door opened wide, and five-colored brilliance passed by the door. The ancestor of the enemy stood in front of the door, looking at the The source of primordial demon, which is extremely unique in all generations, flowed into the prehistoric world little by little, and there was a trace of uneasiness and intolerance in the demonic thoughts in his heart.

But she was only for a moment, and her heart became a demon again. The demon's heart is not good, only for the ancestor of the demon.

In the Demon Abyss Sea, the infinite demon energy boils like a tide and the sea, sweeping the sky, the sky is black, the ground is black, the group of demons travels, and the sun and the moon are dark.

The demonic energy is overwhelming, sweeping across the whole world, without distinguishing between east and west, north and south, and only striving to occupy every demon-free land.

The golden dragon of human luck flew up into the sky, and the immeasurable black and yellow merits scattered on the tripod of Kyushu, protecting Kyushu in the mortal world.

On Mount Sumeru in the west, the seven Buddhas burning lamps sighed and mourned.

Lamenting the cause and effect of Buddha and demons, lamenting the Buddha's children.

But they have no choice but to accept this monstrous karma.Because, this monstrous ancient magic source was released by the Buddha on Mount Sumeru.

The seven lamp-burning Buddhas clasped their hands together, and behind each of them displayed a huge dharma body with a size of tens of thousands of feet. The immeasurable Dharma and merits and the lotus throne bloomed in the western world and dispelled the source of evil spirits.

On the spiritual mountain, the Tathagata World Honored One lamented, displaying tens of thousands of golden bodies, and countless Buddha disciples recited the scriptures and blessed the Buddha Dharma to gather the Tathagata World Honored One.

The Tathagata Buddha has a golden body of billions of feet, holds the sky with one palm, and carries the Buddha Kingdom in his palm. Three thousand great worlds, hundreds of millions of Buddhas, gather the power of one teaching of Mahayana Buddhism, and transform it into one palm.

There is no other name for this palm, only one, Tathagata Palm.

The Tathagata is a god, God and Buddha are one, judged by the god among the Buddhas, the power of the ten thousand Buddhas, one palm suppresses the source of demons, the demonic energy in the world dissipates and returns to clarity.

The ancestor of Qiu Mo didn't take action to stop him, not because of his old friend, but because of the order of the ancestor of Mo.

The moment the source of the ancestral demons was sealed, the world changed drastically, the power was shocked, and the three realms were robbed!

(End of this chapter)

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