Chapter 615 Great Supreme

"Fortunately, I was leniently granted by the Dao of Heaven to repay the cause and effect by traveling to the west to preach.

Today, there are Jin Chanzi, Sun Wukong, Tianpeng, Rolling Curtain, and Dragon Girl. Five people traveled across continents and seas. Great ambition.

Today, my Buddhist sect declares the way of heaven here:

Under the way of heaven, the Buddha is Purdue.

Within a week, seek to save sentient beings.

Outside the universe, protect the world.

Thousands of kalpas, ten thousand kalpas are indestructible! "

In Daleiyin Temple, the resounding sound of the Tathagata Buddha resounds through the heavens and the earth. Numerous temples and Buddhist temples in the four major continents all display visions, and countless believers worship the gods and Buddhas.

The Dao of Heaven has a sense, the majesty of the sky descends, and the luck of Buddhism is complemented, and there is no need to borrow the favor of the Dao of Heaven, and there is no need to owe the merits of heaven and earth.

On the wall of the plane, Amitabha Buddha and Zhunti Buddha's mother manifest the nine levels of Taoism, from the lowest to the highest, and each higher level of Taoism is close to the infinite, and they are all close to the source of the great way.

Zhunti Buddha's mother laughed, and a Bodhi tree was born under her feet. The bodhi tree was of no size. When he reached the highest point of the third heaven, he was only a hair away from entering the fourth heaven.

Both Sanqing and Nuwa raised their eyes and praised the Buddha Mother's progress in the way.

Empress Nuwa squinted her phoenix eyes slightly, her red neon dress was blowing up and fluttering in the wind, she went to see her again after she finished watching.She cares more about this low-key saint who is dedicated to cultivating thousands of dreams.

Amitabha's Buddhism and the way of heaven are both clear, so he can still be called Amitabha Buddha in the old days by Buddhism, and he can also be called the guide Taoist in the old days.

The entanglement with the cause and effect of heaven and the lack of merit have dragged down the two saints of the West for too long and too much.

Today, when all the karmic merits and virtues are completed, it is the moment for them to break through to a deeper level.

Below the wall of the plane, many sages of the human race look up to the top, feel the majesty of the saint, and look up at the magnificent icon that has never been seen in this life.

Standing on the top of the bodhi leaf, holding a wonderful tree with seven treasures in his hand, the smiling vegetation branches and leaves are flourishing and withered, and he wants to step into the supreme and extraordinary realm, but he hesitates for a long time and never takes that step.

He has self-knowledge. Although he is a saint, he is also a Taoist. If a saint is omnipotent, he must also have the true self of a Taoist.

After a bright smile, the breeze was blown, and all phenomena were calmed. Zhunti calmly walked down the Bodhi tree, and bowed to the four sages: "The poor monk made everyone laugh!"

The sage Tongtian shook his head and praised: "It's rare for a fellow Taoist to keep his true self, so why bother to ask for it and why bother to be self-absorbed?"

Lao Tzu nodded, "You don't have to be self-effacing, fellow Taoists. Poor daoism is only a little higher, and you can reach it first."

Yuanshi Tianzun did not say much when he returned to Jishou. As Pangu Sanqing, he naturally had Pangu's relics to help him, but because of Fengshen Xinjie, he still did not take that step, but was allowed to catch up with him later. , sighed slightly in my heart.

Nuwa looked from afar and said, "Let's wait and see if the guide and guide can step into the Great Supreme Realm!"

The four saints are all good.

On the first line of Hunyuan, transcending thousands of kalpas, stepping into the realm of infinite universe supremacy, can be called supremacy, is an existence that everyone in the universe needs to look up to, and goes straight to the third heaven.

The fourth level of Daotian is the realm of great supremacy. Beyond the boundaries of Dao, one is no longer a cultivator and seeker of Dao, but a creator of Dao. The origin of "Tao" transcends the supreme, and the supreme is the greatest.

As for stepping into the seventh heaven, the end of all things and all realms, looking at the primordial chaos, there are no more than a few.

But the Six Sages knew their teachers, and Daozu Hongjun was undoubtedly one of them.

And the spirit of the prehistoric plane, Tiandao is one of them.

The reception and guidance above the wall of the plane, the golden lotus grows under the foot, and the white lotus grows on the top.The golden lotus sea is washed back and forth by big waves and raging waves, and the white lotus sea hangs upside down in the sky, soft and quiet, like a dream.

Leading the sage step by step to the heaven, every step he takes, his body will become more powerful, and the golden and white double lotus sea will become more grand.

However, the guiding sage walks slower step by step, because he is carrying the thousands of golden lotus seas under his feet, and supporting the thousands of white lotus seas on the top. It is a force that gets heavier and heavier.

In the Nine Layers of Sky Shadow, there is no sky to go up and no ground to step on, so he entrusted the white lotus as the sky and stepped on the golden lotus as the ground. Only when there is space in the sky and place can he advance and retreat.

This suffering-faced saint has a very straight back, and the weight of the lotus seas of countless worlds has never crushed him.

Dryness, thinness, and bitterness are the appearance of this saint.But in his dream, there are endless brilliance, infinite truth, goodness and beauty.

A sage walks the way, the way has no glory, and it is difficult for ants to find the mystery, only the true seeker can peep.

Leading and leading higher and higher, from the second level of heaven to the third level of heaven, when reaching the highest point of the third level of heaven, there is no pause, the sage continues walking, stepping into the fourth level of heaven.

Nuwa's slightly squinted eyes suddenly widened, and a flash of light flashed in her phoenix eyes.

On Lao Tzu's calm face, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he returned to neither sadness nor joy.

Yuanshi Tianzun opened his eyes wide, with surprise and envy in his eyes.

The Tongtian sage looked at Zhunti, then at Jieying, and seemed to realize something.

Leading the saint into the fourth heaven, in an instant, in the entire chaos outside the prehistoric, the earth, wind, water and fire that have been raging for countless years are quiet, and the source of the great way that the quasi-sages can't even see is brought into the prehistoric. Billions of beings are unconscious.

It's just that Honghuang is different after all, but few people can perceive it.

The space in the entire chaos returns to chaos after being still for a moment. In this moment of time and space, it can be said that in an eternal moment, Jieyin perceives a lot.

In the southeast and southwest of the Great Desolation, behemoths outside the plane, the strange and terrifying extraordinary tribulation power has condensed outside the plane.

There is also the undiscoverable fate of the seven Taoists in the prehistoric world.

In the Zixiao Palace deep in the chaos, Daozu smiled faintly at him. It was Hongjun who was smiling, not Tiandao Hongjun.

There are also beside him, Nuwa and Laozi, who are both great supreme beings.

Receiving and leading the sages to capture the myriad worlds to explore and return to the true nature, the white lotus is more dazzling, the golden lotus is more dazzling, and they belong to him.

Empress Nuwa was the first to step forward and said, "I wish fellow Taoists a visit to the Supreme Being."

Lao Tzu followed suit.

Tongtian and Yuanshi also congratulated each other.

The Zhunti sages just looked at each other and smiled, words and feelings can be contained at a glance.

Received and led the saints to pay their respects, his face was still suffering, without a trace of joy, and he thanked all the saints one by one.

Empress Nuwa smiled, "Guiding fellow Taoists into the realm of great supremacy will increase my chances of winning through the extraordinary catastrophe."

Jie Yin shook his head, and said: "The poor monk is just a footstep, how can it be compared to fellow Taoists Nuwa and Laozi who have been in this realm for a long time?

No matter what the realm is, if we are saints, we are the saints of the wild, and we have the responsibilities of saints. There is no way out. "

(End of this chapter)

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