Chapter 617 Why Am I?
The great prosperity of Buddhism is the largest religion in the prehistoric world. It is indisputable that it is recognized by Taoists, Confucianism, or other major forces.

The calamity of Journey to the West has come to an end, and the vicious aura of calamity permeating the world has disappeared, not dissipated, because the catastrophe has not yet come to an end.This point can only be seen by the real power of heaven and earth, and the worries of the big men are not understandable by ants.

Sun Wukong left Lingshan and Xiniu Hezhou, but he felt a sense of loss in his heart, and he didn't know why.

Somersaulting cloud stopped and stood in the triple sky, the monkey hair was blown by the strong wind, fluttering up and down, as if being smoothed by someone, feeling sleepy comfortably.

Sun Wukong tilted his body and lay on the somersault cloud like a cotton bed. The soft touch made him feel so comfortable that he let out a soft sigh. Finally, he no longer worried about the ghosts and ghosts in front of him, and worried about when Jin Chanzi would be taken away again. Huazhai considered living and traveling, and he didn't have the irritability of being suppressed by the Great Calamity, the demonic thoughts of cholera, and the true spirit of cholera.

Today, he can travel all over the world at will, visit the world, watch the sea of ​​clouds roll and relax for thousands of miles in the sky, feel comfortable and sleepy under the big orange sun, and run freely in the mountains, forests and fields. become at a loss what to do.

Sun Wukong thought about it and turned over and fell asleep. Somersaulting clouds slowly floated in the sea of ​​clouds in the sky, the golden sun was shining brightly in the sea of ​​golden clouds, and a monkey was snoozing in the bright sunrise scene.

After the cloud travels thousands of miles, something unexpected happens in the sky. Feng Po opens the wind bag and releases thousands of dark clouds to cover the sky for thousands of miles. The thunder father and the mother follow, and use the electric shock and thunder drop.


The thunder was rolling, and the lightning and thunder illuminated the dark sky under the dark clouds.

Sun Wukong in the somersault cloud suddenly woke up, jumped up without thinking, and shouted: "Where is the evildoer? My grandson is here!"

The three rain gods were taken aback.

Feng Po looked at it and said with a smile: "What a great sage, how can you not even recognize monsters and gods after reading the scriptures?"

As soon as Monkey King opened his eyes, he saw Lei Gong and Dian Mu and Feng Po. The four looked at each other and fell silent for a moment.

"Hahaha, it's my old grandson who is ignorant. I don't know how many people are here to make clouds and rain, and they are chattering!"

The Mother of Lightning laughed lightly, "Why is the Great Sage hiding among the clouds? Fortunately, I waited for the thunder and lightning not to hit the cloud, otherwise I would have burnt the monkey hair all over the Great Sage!"

Sun Wukong didn't take it seriously, he waved his hand and said: "It's not a hindrance, it's not a hindrance, my grandson is already a quasi-sage and great power, your little thunder fire can't burn a monkey's hair."

The three righteous gods looked shocked, their eyes were full of astonishment, and they saluted one after another: "It's the little god who is ignorant and offended the great sage, please make atonement."

The distance between Da Luo and the quasi-sage is not something they can overcome. It has nothing to do with sects and religious traditions, but the etiquette of the entire prehistoric world.

Sun Wukong laughed and said, "It doesn't have to be like this, my old grandson is a monkey who never forgets his roots, the three of you go to work quickly, and my old grandson won't bother you."

All three righteous gods bowed respectfully before retreating.

The Dragon King of the South China Sea rushed to the bottom, and the pouring rain fell, falling into the vast ocean, falling into the steep mountains, falling into the plains and plains, under the misty and rainy sky, the rumbling thunder and rain fell, and Monkey King stood blankly in the rain, watching The vast and vast wilderness is pouring down, and I don't know where to go.

When the mind is empty, there is light in the southwest, the colorful bridges are criss-crossed, the night is colorful and charming when the rain falls, and the thousands of rainbows and bridges are chaotic and charming.

Monkey King leaps across a long distance in a blink of an eye, and travels to the colorful place under the rain at night.

Sighing lightly, it turned out to be the scene of colorful rain and rainbow bridges in the City of Nevernight. Countless immortals and spirits walk on the rainbow bridge under the rain, criss-crossing up and down, coming and going repeatedly, an extremely blurred and fantastic scene.

For a moment, he thought of Qing Zu of the Nightless City.

Sun Wukong no longer concealed his aura, nor did he release the power of the quasi-sage, he stood straight in the sky outside the sky city, bowed and bowed, and said: "The junior Sun Wukong asks to see the senior."

After the voice fell, the void in front of him was rippling, and a fluorescent portal emerged.

Sun Wukong felt a little relieved, and stepped into it.

The sense of weightlessness in space pervades the mind, and the quasi-sage's Taoist heart will naturally not be affected, and he has entered a strange world with a blur in front of him.

Sun Wukong raised his eyes and looked around, there was no sun, moon and stars, nor heaven, earth, mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, only emptiness.

There are also ethereal and majestic figures in white clothes sitting in the sky, one hundred and eight thousand Dao chains hanging in the void, and three thousand immortals sitting cross-legged on the ground.

A figure walked out of the Piaomiao Wei'an dharma body, Qingluo Yuanshen approached, and smiled on his face: "You are here, I have been waiting for a long time."

"Juniors don't dare." Hou'er bowed and saluted.

Qing Luo approached, a futon appeared under the two of them, and they sat down cross-legged, then waved their sleeves and said: "Sit down, don't be cautious, now you are a quasi-sage and great power, no need to call me senior."

Sun Wukong scratched his head when he heard this, but sat down anyway, and said: "Senior will always be senior, forging the kindness of Dao heart, monkeys will never dare to forget."

Qing Luo couldn't help smiling, "I just forged a Dao Heart for you, and I'm so grateful.

That Bodhi Taoist friend taught you the supernatural powers that reach the heavens, the secret art of refuge from three disasters and five calamities, how can you not be grateful to him? "

With a slight embarrassment on his face, Hou'er said: "Senior, I know very well that Master Bodhi hides in the Three Realms. If he doesn't come out, who can find him? Although I am grateful in my heart, but the teacher warns not to spread the Bodhi Dao and pass on to others."

Qing Luo Yuanshen shook his head and chuckled, "You monkey is actually smart.

I am waiting for you here to seal your knowledge of Haiyuanshen back then, and you have many memories that have been sealed by me.

You forget the memory, all in this box! "

Qing Luo held a wooden box in his hand, on which there were marks of traces of spirits and souls, which was indescribably mysterious.

Sun Wukong took the box suspiciously and wanted to open it.

"Wait a minute, open it after you leave my side of the world."

After hearing this, he nodded and accepted the box.

Qingluo Yuanshen said again: "When you see me today, what else do you want to ask?"

Wukong bowed down and said: "Little monkey is confused, I don't know if Sun Wukong is a god, a demon, a Buddha or what?
What race am I?Why do I belong?Why am I? "

Gods are born from nature, born from heaven and earth.

The demon breaks out of the rock, turns into a monkey, and swallows the essence of the sun and moon to become a demon king.

Buddha, abandoning demons and entering the gate of Buddhism, subduing demons and killing countless demons, after finishing the journey to the west, he is no longer qualified to be called a demon, and he is a good corpse to become a Buddha.

Before Journey to the West, he was looked up to in the Three Realms and was highly expected by all powers.

After Journey to the West, no one paid attention or cared about it, and no one dared to do it.

Heaven and earth bred, heaven and earth nourished.

All living beings educate, all living beings forget.

Qing Luo didn't answer, but the map of good fortune fluttered without wind, unfolding slowly, silently.

The exhibition of good fortune pictures is filled with dust and hollow, with mountains and rivers, hundreds of thousands of lakes and thousands of rivers, and the four seas and eight barren worlds and heavens and earths are displayed.

Sun Wukong raised his eyes and saw that the sky was still infinitely high, and the earth was still intact without dividing into four continents, but the sky was hanging upside down and pouring water, and the vast ocean annihilated all life.

(End of this chapter)

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