Chapter 620 The Next City Lord
The ten masters and deputy palace masters all obeyed their orders respectfully.

Yue Ji stepped forward and asked, "My lord Qiling Emperor, since the sage has summoned the world to live in peace, do you know if the Supreme Elder and the Tu Luo Heavenly Army who presided over the expedition to the sea of ​​blood will return?"

The Weeping Blood Spirit Emperor smiled deeply, "The holy will of the saint manifests all the powers in the world, so they live in peace with each other. But my Night City has not yet been passed on by the saint, so why should I avoid it?"

Yue Ji nodded and said, "This subordinate understands."

Weeping Blood asked again: "I don't know what elder Shen's opinion is?"

Shen Gongbao who stood silently by the side trembled, touched his nose, smiled helplessly in his heart, and said: "Linghuang is wise, I dare not have any high opinions, but I think that although my Tiancheng is not restricted, I should abide by and maintain it." The great situation of peace in the world.

On the one hand, it can avoid being suspected by other forces. If it is calculated and used by someone with a heart, I am afraid that it will be attacked by a group.

Both, Tiancheng can also use this opportunity to hide its strength and bide its time, to strengthen itself in both light and dark, and cultivate Tiancheng's strength.

Three, Tiancheng can also learn from the great powers and spread the word to the world. With my Tiancheng's high freedom, security and stability, and abundant products, and the spirit treasures, spirit stones, pills, exercises, There are so many classics that attract monks from all over the world to surrender, and the name of Qingzu attracts them. How can anyone in the world not be tempted by casual cultivators?

Fourth, the Tiancheng five-party long-distance teleportation formation can take the opportunity of peace in the world to develop from a point to a plane, from a teleportation point to a Tiancheng division.Since the world can accommodate the 12 li Wudi of the Wu Clan, then naturally it can also accommodate the [-] li enclave of my Tiancheng!
. . .

In my humble opinion, I also ask Linghuang to make amends. "

Linghuang narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking for a moment.The silence in the hall was terrible, and all the majestic elders outside Tiancheng dared not speak out easily.

After a while, the silence of the hall was still broken by the Linghuang.

"Okay! Elder Shen is worthy of being a person who is favored by the deity. It is surprising that he is so resourceful.

From what Elder Shen said just now, you will fully cooperate. Before this torrent of heaven and earth surges, I must accumulate enough deep water in the City of Nightless Sky. When the time comes, I will be able to dominate the situation and ride the waves! "

Dozens of elders in the main hall bowed down to pay respects.

After Linghuang ordered many other small and important matters, the meeting ended.

After leaving the main hall of the Linghuang, Qu Ru, the head of the Xilingfu District, said casually: "Master Linghuang is in the hall just now, but he also favors Elder Shen.

I waited for so many palace masters to see Lord Linghuang ask him, but he, Shen Gongbao, has gained the attention of the Lord, and now he is left alone in the palace.

It seems that Elder Shen is lucky. "

Beside him, Yue Ke, the head of the Dongling Palace, slightly curved his eyebrows and smiled lightly on his charming face, "Palace Master Qu is superstitious, and Lord Linghuang thinks who is not something I can control.

Little Mind Emperor heard it, maybe he will cut off your tongue! "

As soon as this remark came out, Qu Ru's face changed slightly, and he snorted coldly, "Palace Master Yue, don't joke casually, some things are unspeakable!"

"Oh?" Yue Ke's tone rose slightly, "It turns out that Palace Master Qu also knows that there are some things that cannot be said!"

"You!" Qu Ru was speechless in embarrassment for a moment, and left in front of several palace masters with a displeased expression.

Beiling Mansion Master Hei Yao on the side covered his mouth and smiled, "Sister Yue, why do you make things difficult for Mansion Master Qu? She doesn't save any face."

Yue Ji's face was indifferent, and she said lightly: "There is some face, there is no need to give it!"

Inside the Linghuang Hall.

Shen Gongbao stood quietly, with his hands folded in front of him, his expression slightly frozen.

Weeping blood turned around, and sat directly on the luxurious and noble Linghuang chair, with a raised brow and a smile on Xierou's face, which was indescribably gloomy.

"Shen Gongbao." Ru blood red lips said three words softly.

"The subject is here!"

"You have a big picture."

"My servant dare not."

"You are still very wise, even the emperor is not as good as you."

"I don't dare, I don't dare! How can the wisdom of ants compare with yours?" Shen Gongbao bowed hurriedly, bowed his head and buried his head, not daring to look directly at the Linghuang. Even if he was the Da Luo Jinxian, he felt a layer of cold sweat on his forehead at this moment.

"Hehe, don't be nervous. Could it be that the emperor will eat you?"

Shen Gongbao hurriedly shook his head with an apologetic smile, still worrying in his heart, this Linghuang is a vicious corpse chopped up by Qingzu's endless evil thoughts, if the evil thoughts really flare up, eating him may be a good result.Linghuang had never been so abnormal as today, which made him really worried.

Weeping blood leaned over, leaning on the imperial chair with one hand, propping up his forehead with his slender fingers, and the gorgeous yellow robe draped over his body, looking sideways at Shen Gongbao.

"Since the Evernight City was built, it has always been presided over by the Emperor. But Tiancheng is not the eternal destination of the Emperor!

The deity conveyed it to me, let me choose the next generation of the Lord of Tiancheng. "

Shen Gongbao's expression was startled. These two words had too much meaning, and he was a little hard to come back to his senses.

After a long time, he came back to his senses. He was as smart as him, and he had already understood the meaning of the Linghuang.

Shen Gongbao said in a trembling tone: "I dare you, Lord Linghuang has taken a fancy to me?"

"Nice, knowing when to cut corners and when to be blunt.

You, Shen Gongbao, are indeed a good candidate, and this emperor intends to recommend you to this deity. "

Shen Gongbao was in a trance, the lord of the Heavenly City, the leader of the prehistoric superpower, once he was in the position, he would have supreme glory, endless honor and favor, countless benefits, and endless benefits, even the Da Luo Jinxian would find it difficult to hold on to the Tao The heart is not that Da Luo's heart is not stable enough, but the temptation is too great, even the quasi-sage and great power are absolutely difficult to refuse.

After pondering for a long time, Shen Gongbao bent down and said: "This subject is incompetent and cannot be qualified for this position."

There was no accident in weeping blood, and the blood needle suddenly appeared in his hand.

Shen Gongbao's heart trembled, he was shocked to the extreme, he knew the sharpness of the world's first needle.

Weeping Blood ignored the fear in his heart, just played with the blood needle, and said: "Shen Gongbao, you were a disciple of Kunlun Yuxu, and you have seen the world's most magnificent journey of cultivating immortals at the top of Kunlun, and you have also fallen into the world of mortals. Among the ants of the world.

You have experienced the most grand catastrophe of the gods of the Three Religions, and you have presided over the subversive war of conquering the replacement of human dynasties.

I have seen the extremely high sky, stepped on the extremely deep earth, experienced the saint's heaven and earth heart, and realized the weak body of ants.

The emperor believes that you can take up this position!

If you are not confident, how about trying? "

Shen Gongbao had mixed feelings in his heart for a moment, both helpless and moved.

Helplessness is the helplessness that forced him to take office.

To be moved is to trust him completely, but the strong man who stands at the pinnacle of the world remembers the past bit by bit as a weak ant like him.

Shen Gongbao was in a trance, and suddenly remembered that in the Great Tribulation of Conferring the Gods, the heaven and the earth were silent after the conferring of the gods.

The world is lonely and vast, and he is no longer the protagonist of the massacre that everyone is looking forward to. He walked off the stage of heaven and earth, alone, without applause or congratulations.

Alone, nowhere to accept.

Looking back at the setting sun, only Qing Zu was waiting for him under the towering Conferred God Stage.

Ask him if he would like to go home with him.

(End of this chapter)

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