Chapter 630 Fallen Future
Everyone saw it, and couldn't help sighing inwardly, what a great deal, the power of Wan Xingyuan will be entangled with the great cause and effect, even if it is the mother of Kangong, he still owes Zhou Tianxingchen more karma.

The Madonna of Wudang got up, displayed the three flowers of Qingyun on the top, and showed the infinite on top of the three flowers.Wudang is Wuji, Wuji is also the source of heaven and earth, and the power of Wudang's original source is transformed into a Wuji Dao seal branded on the white-clothed dharma body, hidden in the north of the World Honored One.

The Holy Mother of Guiling shakes with a sword in her hand, she is full of vigor and energy, and she holds the sword of the blue sea and tide in her hand. The supreme innate spiritual treasure divine sword that fits the Dao is held by a green-clothed dharma body to the northwest of the World Honored One.

The three holy mothers and empresses of Jiejiao all used their best methods, no matter the cost, not for the Buddha, but only for the outsiders.

Then, the Queen Mother got up, and waved the golden hairpin in her hand across the universe. The plain cloud border flag hung from the Jiuzhong Tianque, thousands of cloud spirits and golden hairpins flew across the void and surged into a turbulent Milky Way, turning into a foot of plain silk and falling on the body of the golden robe. The hand is hidden to the west of the World Honored One.

The Confucianist Confucius waved his sleeves to raise the brilliance, and the majestic righteousness of the sky was condensed on an ancient seal, and the human race was transported to the Baokongtong seal, and a virtual image of a large seal fell, suppressing the southwestern side of the World Honored One.

Xunzi and Mencius went out hand in hand, and wrote three thousand scriptures with the magic pen of Spring and Autumn, and the sacred meaning of Confucian and Taoist classics was suppressed in the south of the supreme.

In this way, all the lands of the World Honored One in the eight directions have their towns.

Zhen Yuanzi got up, and an ancient record of black and yellow fell to the ground, turning into infinite mountain ranges and high rivers, undulating mountains and rivers for hundreds of millions of miles, shrunk to a square of one foot, a black dharma body sat cross-legged under the World Honored One, and the phantom of the infinite mountains disappeared with it .

Qingluo Yuanshen got up, and the misty white clothes spread out one hundred and eight thousand small paths, three thousand great paths derived from the law chain, thousands of roads and small paths, countless rules and orders manifested with infinite law chains, and actually built a little way of the sky, It is the way of the small sky, and it is also the great way of infinity. The blue sky and the white sun shine on the sky of the World Honored One.

Seeing this, the Tathagata, the World Honored One, got up and bowed to everyone, saying: "Thank you for your protection, I will keep this affection and intention in my heart, and I will pay it back."

Everyone saluted and returned it.

So they went back one by one.

After the three Holy Mothers of Jiejiao left, only one Qingluo Yuanshen remained in the entire Lingshan except for the Buddhist gate, motionless as a mountain.

The World Honored One laughed and said, "Qingzu still has something to say?"

Qing Luo smiled back, "It's the World Honored One who has something to say, so I'm here to listen carefully!"

The World Honored One sighed: "Qingzu is the one with the highest cultivation level among all the fellow Taoists who came here today."

"The World-Honored One does not need to praise me, and there is no need to cover up the unspoken words at this time."

Tathagata smiled wryly and nodded, "Since that's the case, I'll make it clear.

Breaking the realm of Hunyuan, I have a deep feeling, ten deaths and no life! "

Qing Luo was surprised and said: "But the World Honored One is [-]% sure, how can there be no life? Could it be that the World Honored One has seen through the long river of fate?"

"That's right, my Buddhist avenue focuses on cultivating the mind. Although my mana and supernatural powers have not reached the half-level of Hunyuan, I have already reached the half-level of Hunyuan in the cultivation of the holy heart of meditation.

From the illusory chaos of the long river, I glimpsed my defeat. "

Qing Luo sighed in her heart, just about to go back.

The Buddha said again: "I can't help it. I also saw the collapse of the Lingshan Mountain. Hundreds of millions of demon heads and fierce beasts swept across the wilderness. The night sky was destroyed by demons and slaughtered by fierce beasts!"

Qing Luo's expression was startled, the words in his mouth stopped, and he was silent for a long time, then he said: "The World Honored One thinks that Lingshan has fallen, and Buye Tianshang can't change it?"

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva at the side lamented: "What the World Honored One sees is not a prophecy, nor a guess, nor is it a possibility, but what must happen in three moments, what should be, and cannot be changed!
Except for the saints, the Hunyuan Supreme can reverse fate and change the universe! "

At this time, Qingluo Yuanshen was indifferent, and said leisurely: "The grand universe, the heaven and the earth are opened, and the great way is revealed.

Dao fifty, Tian Yan four nine, one escaped, why not? "

The World Honored One was shocked, and said for a long time: "Could it be that fellow Taoists are the ones chosen..."

Qingluo Yuanshen smiled and nodded.

The Peacock Daming King's eyes were shining brightly, and no one knew what he was thinking.

The World Honored One said happily: "It is my great joy to know a Taoist friend! Even if I die, I can still feel at ease. I should let go of all my worries and break through the situation with peace of mind. I don't ask about the future, and I don't care about the cause."

Qing Luo laughed, "Good!"

The huge golden lotus covering the Lingshan Mountain slowly receded and dissipated, and all the Buddhas, monks and monks on the Lingshan Mountain returned to the Daleiyin Temple on the Lingshan Mountain.

The vision of Lingshan naturally cannot stop many powerful ancestors.Ancestor Minghe of Nine Nether Blood Sea looked at Lingshan in the distance, his eyes flickering unknown.

The sea of ​​blood is surging, and it has not stopped for a long time.

Thousands of Buddhist monks, immortals, casual cultivators, great demons, and even witches set off huge waves in the sea of ​​blood, fighting and conquering, endless crazy fighting, facing the cruelty born to kill The ultimate Asura clan.

On the sea of ​​blood, Qing Lan sat cross-legged, 36 Dinghai God Beads adorned into a star lotus, protecting her body.The Xuanyuan Water Control Banner was raised above the head, emitting a vast blue light to shine on the fighting immortals below, protecting them from being corroded by the water of the sea of ​​blood.

Of the 36 heavens of the Dinghai Divine Bead, 24 have been polluted by blood, or they have been fused with the water of the sea of ​​blood.

With a blue body, there are occasional frenzied murderous intentions that are as terrifying as creatures in a sea of ​​blood, but most of the time it is quiet and peaceful.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva stares at the Styx River in the Pure Land of Fahua, and stares at it all the time. It is not only to protect Qinglan, but also his duty.

Since the Tiancheng Tuluo Heavenly Army came to Jiuyou, all the monks and disciples of his Fahua Pure Land have been respite, and they no longer suffer from Asura's endless and huge human sea tactics day and night.

In this endless fight, Tu Luo Tianjun naturally suffered many deaths and injuries, but there are also many immortals who are diligently cultivating here, breaking through the bottleneck in the front line of life and death, and making further progress.

The magic power of many immortals meditating and cultivating for thousands of years is truly condensed, solidified, and sublimated here!
Because of this, the Tu Luo Tianjun is even more alluring and attractive.In the whole world where the prehistoric situation tends to be moderate, countless sharpening places have disappeared, only the Tu Luo Tianjun of Tiancheng can go to sharpen, and the immortals who came out of it are even more envious of countless people who are stuck in the bottleneck and cannot make an inch. Immortal.

The number of Tu Luo Tianjun at this moment has reached tens of thousands!

And the blood-transforming sword, which showed its status in the Conferred Gods, is even more powerful here. Yu Hua has honed it for a hundred years, and finally broke through the realm of Daluo and entered the realm of power.

The young man holds a blood knife, with one step the blood of a thousand people, and with one cut the heads of thousands of people.The sea of ​​blood is swaying and the wind is blowing and laughing, and the spirit is unrivaled!

Yu Hua joined the Tu Luo Heavenly Army and became the commander of the Heavenly Army. Although he was a disciple of the Jiejiao, it did not conflict with his status as the commander of the army.

The Qingluo Yuanshen, who returned to Dayan, was once again included in the main body, and operated the ancient Yuanling Pagoda, consuming endless deduction with endless spiritual thoughts.

Dayan, with tens of thousands of Taos, three thousand immortals, the Nightless City, the Western Buddhist Lingshan, the four major continents, the east, the west, the south, the north, and all the living beings of the heaven and earth, all entered into the evolution of his Qingluo Yuanshen.

(End of this chapter)

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