The Green Snake of the Great Wilderness becomes enlightened

Chapter 632 Leifeng Pagoda Town White Snake

Chapter 632 Leifeng Pagoda Town White Snake
On the barren mountain, thunderclouds and storms struck, and the strong sense of oppression made all the beasts in the forest lie down on the ground, panting heavily, and dared not move.

Thunder clouds roll to make up the sky, and those who have become golden immortals and Taiyi after being proclaimed as gods must undergo the test of three disasters and five calamities before they can become enlightened.

Bai Suzhen's Taiyi Gold Fairyland will suffer from thunder calamity.The pure and simple white light shines from her body, the supernatural light rises to the square inch of the Lingtai, and the realgar sword edge emerges from the Huaguang.

Seeing this, Xiaoqing on the side also waved his hand and released infinite dots of green light falling on the branches and leaves of the forest below, making the green leaves of thousands of trees appear more verdant, and there are hidden ideas in them.

Bai Suzhen's whole body showed the supernatural celestial light, the celestial light condensed the five qi accumulations in her chest, condensed on the top of her head and turned into Qingyun, the vitality of the world tens of thousands of miles around was condensed, and the road to the great road was further advanced!
Breaking the realm is a narrow escape for ordinary demon cultivators, but Bai Suzhen has practiced Taoist immortal arts since she was born, and she seldom commits murders. At its peak, it was so easy to break through Taiyi just now.

The Taiyi Jin fairyland is completed, and the brilliant thunder from the nine heavens strikes down. It is easy to break through the realm, but it is not easy to cross the catastrophe.

Thousands of thunderbolts locked on Bai Suzhen, and wave after wave of thunder calamity bombarded Shangqing Xianguang, tempering Qingyun's five qi, Bai Suzhen endured it with all her strength, exhausted the last trace of mana and finally survived the catastrophe.

The robbery clouds in the sky dissipated, and the sun shone on the forest again in the afternoon, the coercion disappeared, and the group of beasts slowly returned to their senses.

Bai Suzhen's whole body went limp, and she fell to the ground, on the verge of passing out.

Xiaoqing hurriedly fell from the sky, helped Bai Suzhen nervously, took out an emerald green porcelain bottle, poured out a very spiritual Great Rejuvenation Pill, and fed her.

As soon as the elixir was taken in, Bai Suzhen felt the warm air in her abdomen moving around her body, and the dried up mana in her body was also slowly recovering. What was even more amazing was that the bones in her body that had been damaged by the thunderstorm began to be repaired. Tianlei Tempering is more powerful.

She smiled weakly and said: "Xiaoqing, this elixir may not come easily."

Xiaoqing said indifferently: "It's just a elixir, it doesn't get in the way. Sister, how do you feel? Is your body still able to hold it? It takes a while to take this elixir before taking the elixir. Among the nine kinds of elixir, this pill has the best effect, so this pill was used first."

Bai Suzhen couldn't help laughing, and said: "You really underestimated me, I'm already much better now, save those precious elixirs for later use."

"It's just a few pills, no matter how precious they are, they can't compare to you, sister!" Xiaoqing blinked, and looked at Bai Suzhen affectionately.

In an instant, Bai Suzhen was a little speechless.

But at this moment, a loud shout came from outside the sky: "Bold evildoer, I will accept you today!"

With golden light shining, Fa Hai appeared on the barren hill, looking down at Bai Suzhen and the two of them.

Xiaoqing sneered and said, "Oh? Monk, what kind of monsters are you accepting after breaking the precepts? That day..."

"Shut up!" Fahai yelled angrily: "Bold monster, cholera, look at my magic weapon!"

Before the words fell, the golden bowl in his hand was turned under the cover, and a huge Buddha's light was released to illuminate the two green and white snakes.

The two trembled violently, and it was difficult to condense the mana in the body for a while, Xiaoqing quickly mobilized the mana to launch the ten thousand trees to fight for spring, thousands of green leaves condensed into nine blue chains and bound towards Fahai.

This time, Fa Hai no longer resisted forcefully, but kept dodging to avoid the nine chains to keep him from getting close.

Bai Suzhen, who was on the side, was scattered with mana that was barely recovered, and was in excruciating pain for a while, screaming out in pain.The divine light is contained in this golden bowl, which is the true light of the sun, the Tathagata, and the most rigid and yang thing, which is designed to overcome evil spirits and yin creatures.

Xiaoqing hurriedly threw out a bunch of talismans of various colors, shielded her body, took out an ancient gray teacup, and also turned it under the cover, a stream of clear water flowed out of it, and the waves of water separated the divine light from the golden bowl.

Seeing this, Fa Hai once again destroyed his supernatural powers, and the staff in his hand turned into a golden dragon and hit Xiaoqing in the golden light.

The magic staff is the ultimate spiritual treasure acquired, with extraordinary power, and it is blessed with the supernatural power of the ancient Buddha, and its Buddha power is far beyond the limit of the golden fairy.

The ten-thousand-foot golden dragon came across the air and hit Xiaoqing's abdomen. In an instant, the spirit pattern on his forehead flickered, and Tiancheng protected him from the danger of death.

It is also because of this that the falling spirit pattern on his forehead reappeared, and the divine light quickly and spontaneously engraved on his body into a teleportation formation, teleporting Xiaoqing millions of miles away!
Seeing this, Bai Suzhen, who was in excruciating pain, breathed a sigh of relief, and finally escaped, which was much better than falling into the hands of this monk who was about to become a demon.

Bai Suzhen suppressed the discomfort, and said: "My fellow Taoist, I am a Taoist disciple, not a demon cultivator. Please raise your hand and let the poor Daoist go."

Fa Hai's eyes were red, looking at Xiao Qing who was running away, his heart was burning with anger, the calamity energy brewing in the heaven and earth entered his heart, and even traces of demonic energy in the heaven and earth penetrated into his primordial spirit.

Fahai said angrily, "Shut up!
A monster is a monster, since I couldn't take the green snake today, I took you, the white snake! "

Bai Suzhen scolded: "Could it be that Your Excellency really wants to take action against my disciples? My teacher Lishan's old mother will come and find her."

"So what? My master is afraid that Liusun Wangfo is an ancient Buddha. How can he be afraid of you?"

After finishing speaking, he destroyed the golden bowl again to release even greater Buddha light to capture Bai Suzhen's body.

Bai Suzhen's whole body was scorching hot, her feet slowly turned into snake tails, struggling and rolling.At this moment, she had just survived the thunder tribulation, her mana was already extremely weak, and even restrained by the true light of the sun, it was difficult for her to use all her mana.

If she was given a moment to breathe, how could she be lowered by this monk Fahai with her Taiyi power?
Fa Hai smashed his supernatural powers again, and finally transformed Bai Suzhen into its original form, and put it in the golden bowl.

At this moment, Fa Hai, who has become a demon, returns to Jinshan Temple with the golden bowl, suppresses Bai Suzhen under the Leifeng Pagoda, isolates the spiritual energy, and locks her body.
The Leifeng Pagoda is a pagoda blessed by ancient Buddhas, with its own supernatural powers, Bai Suzhen was under it and could not get out of it.Such is the fate, after all, it is impossible to escape being robbed by the town of Leifeng Pagoda!
In the big lake in the distance, Xiaoqing woke up leisurely, the pain in her abdomen was tolerable, she hurriedly got up and rushed to the base of the ** tower with Bai Suzhen's energy.

She didn't know when she fell in love with this ethereal woman, maybe it was because of the sprouting in her heart when she first saw her, or maybe it was because of the quiet life she lived under the same roof, so Xiaoqing's heart was full of her, her eyes were full of her, and her love was her. , It's her all my life!
She flew into the sky and rushed to the ** tower, no matter whether it was to die or not, she only wanted to save her.

Xiaoqing broke Bai Suzhen's love calamity, but fell into her own love calamity.Together with love, wisdom is dusty, and the heart of the Tao is chaotic. He is no longer a detached god who seeks the Tao, but just a person who is crazy about love!
In the nightless city, Xuan Li got up suddenly, the life-saving means he set up on Xiaoqing was activated, without hesitation, he left Tiancheng in an instant, and followed Xiaoqing's direction by virtue of his instinct.

 It's the second update, please ask for a monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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