Chapter 646

The Tathagata World Honored One's voice shook the whole world, and he ordered it to be issued.


The relic on its top shines brightly, shining in the boundless universe, and emits an aura that makes the chaos endless and the universe plane tremble.

The powers of heaven and earth are excited instantly. At this moment, they are no longer mature and prudent, indifferent to all living beings, high above the peerless powers, they are all just dream chasers chasing their lifelong dreams.

All of them had tears in their old eyes, or their faces were flushed, or they were shocked with bare eyes, and some were dancing. . .

It turns out that it is possible to truly break through Hunyuan without Primordial Purple Qi!

It turns out that they really still have a chance to visit Hunyuan in this life!

It turns out that the Realm of Hunyuan Wuji is really not a legend, not a scam, not a lie!

Everyone looked up to see Hong Huang's first Hunyuan Supreme after the Six Sages appeared.

However, at this moment, the fate of the world has changed, and the general trend of the world has also changed.

The relic, which combines the three corpses of good and evil, turns from gold to black in an instant, and from Buddha to demon in an instant!
At one moment, it was still full of Buddha's light and mist, and at the next moment, it was filled with demon clouds and demons descended into the world.

Primordial devilish energy is emitted from the relic, which is comparable to the devilish energy of primordial purple energy, the foundation of enlightenment, and instantly reverses the Hunyuan Dao to the Hunyuan Demon Way!

The body of the original self walked out of the relic, and he looked up to the sky and laughed. He, who is a body of Buddha and demon, is no longer the corpse of the original self, nor can he be regarded as a completely independent soul.

He said with a smile to Tathagata, "My lord, I'm back again!"

The Tathagata World Honored One didn't answer, and endless light rose from his body. The vast Buddha's light illuminates evil spirits all over the world, and carries the supreme Buddha's power of exterminating demons and killing evil to directly hit the original soul.

Before the speed of light reached, an ink-colored black light rose from under the earth and filled the sky and earth, taking away all the light, and darkness descended for a moment.

The twelfth-grade world-destroying black lotus fits under the body of the original corpse soul. The black lotus devours everything and destroys it, and the black ink on the lotus platform devours everything.

Immediately, the endless magic power pouring out from below rushed into the Tathagata's body, and the original soul of the dead body also joined with the original soul of the deity, and the original soul of the Tathagata returned to the Lingtai to fight with it.

The Tathagata World Honored One has millions of Buddhas all over his body, as if they are facing a great enemy, releasing the gods, Buddhas and Dao Dharma to protect the World Honored One, trying to disperse the river of magic power.

But no matter how many gods, Buddhas, and Taoism, it is difficult to shake the raging and violent river of magic into the body of the World Honored One.

At this moment, a dharma body from the east suddenly appeared, and the jade talisman in his hand turned into a peerless Taoist sword, the Nine Profound Dao, the Heavenly Infinity Technique, and the Xuandu of the Zifu to kill evil spirits!
In the southeast, an ancient bronze lamp with purple awns is lit, and the longevity element is strangely burning the soul element.

In the northeast, the divine map of ten thousand stars reflects the stars in the sky, and the ten thousand stars are flickering and the divine light of destroying demons has been charged.

. . .

At the feet of the Tathagata, the mountains and rivers rise up, a landscape coexists, and the phantom of the prehistoric mountains and rivers appears in the world.

On the top of the Tathagata, ten thousand dharma chains come together to build a new law of heaven and earth, a new sky!

There are ambushes on all sides of the Tathagata, and the ten peerless and powerful supernatural powers in the world all attack the raging magic river, trying to cut off the input of the magic source.

But at this very moment, in the Demon Abyss Sea, the god-killing spear flies up into the sky, accompanied by billions of demonic thoughts, the razor-sharp force of the spear sweeps across the world, overlords the world, and destroys everything. Turned into fly ash!

Not only because of the dominance of this gun, but also because the person holding the gun already has Hunyuan Power!

The ancestor of the hater controlled by Rahu!

Killing God Spear smashed ten extremely powerful supernatural powers, and even knocked down tens of thousands of gods and Buddhas. The power of a single shot is comparable to a million enemies!

The Tathagata World Honored One's whole body was permeated with demon energy, and the tide of faith buried in his heart for thousands of years burst out.

The body of my self combined with the power of the twelfth-grade world-destroying black lotus occupies the Taoist body of the Tathagata World Honored One, imprisons the original spirit of the Tathagata Buddha, and controls the Taoist body of the half-Buddha and half-demon.

The auspicious and peaceful Buddha light around the body of the Tathagata turned into three colors mixed with black, red and gold. The strange Buddha light makes people feel frightened, and there is no intention of worshiping and respecting the Buddha.

His majestic Dharma body instantly transformed into a normal body, walking between the heaven and the earth, overwhelming all living beings in the three realms with the aura of Hunyuan.

He looked up to the sky and screamed, I am my own corpse, and it is his choice to become a demon today.

He just wants to be alone or have an independent soul, and he just wants to be free.

But he merged with the demon and turned into a demon, which will bring endless torture and suffering to the common people in the world.

But the ego doesn't care about it, he has good and evil, and has great wisdom, but he is the ego, only thinking about himself is the least important, even the world, or the teacher, the weight is not as important as himself!

He was born as a self-centered id, absolutely rational and would think for his own existence.Today, the evil catastrophe came to the world, and all living beings are suffering, but he alone can be liberated.

The Tathagata World Honored One stopped laughing, and shouted loudly: "Since I have been bound and freed by my own deity, I will be unbound from now on, there is no sky, no earth, no sentient beings, only me!

I am the master of this Lingshan, the ancestor of Wutian Demon! "

 I'm too sleepy today, so I'll shorten it hahaha (ω) hiahiahia
(End of this chapter)

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