Chapter 651

Zhenyuan and Haotian looked at each other solemnly.

In the city of Evernight, Ge Kun also had a difficult expression on his face.

Zhu Jiuyin left even less help, but what he did was also speechless. The Wu Clan upholds their promises and loyalty, and their actions have paid off the cause and effect of the year.

The void that was shattered and collapsed began to heal slowly, and the law and order of heaven and earth began to be repaired.

Suddenly a black light flashed, a lotus was born, and a thought arose, and Wutian stepped out of the lotus, with three points of anger on his face.

"Very good. Ants should not be underestimated. I have learned from this ancestor. Today, let's see the artificial geometry of the two of you. Can you really stop my ancestor's fierce demon power?"

The black light of the Mieshi Heilian flashed again, restraining the world and hiding all light.

The darkness of the world is not covered by black light, but the light of the world is swallowed up, covered by demons, disturbed by the sky, the universe is darkened, and no one can break the dark hour!
In the dark and silent world, the god-killing spear stabbed out brazenly, with its power, dragons and tigers screamed in the sky, its sound destroyed mountains and seas, and the roar of magic thunder pierced the ears of all living beings.

The power of the God-killing Spear is divided into two, it goes up to kill the sky, and goes down to the Jedi to destroy the world.

The earth book in Zhenyuan's hand tried his best to destroy it. Although there was no light to be seen in the dark world, he still mobilized the divine power of the thick soil of the four major continents, turning into phantoms of prehistoric mountains and rivers, overlapping thousands of layers to protect him.

Emperor Haotian falsely invoked the 33 heavens, the gods of the 33 heavens joined forces, the sky and the universe encompassed the infinite, and the 33 heavens evolved to resist the prehistoric heaven.

The magical powers of the three directions have reached each other, and I don't know how far this square of sky has fallen, and this piece of land doesn't know how much it will collapse. In the magic light, there is a faint light of the golden gods in the sky, and there is also the faint color of the earthy yellow earth on the ground, both of which are about to be broken. This is the infinite magic way.

However, after all, the Tao is one foot tall and the devil is one foot high!
There are thousands of magic sounds screaming in the world, and endless magic power surges and pervades, gradually suppressing the golden and yellow colors.

At this moment, all the great powers in the world are ready to make a move. Once the two half-step Hunyuan are really defeated, then maybe they will be the next to fall!
To the east of the Great Desolation, countless great powers wanted to make a move, but it was also at this moment that a billion ferocious beasts were launched brazenly, killing all living beings in front of them, trampling countless broken bones and corpses, and destroying sects and fairy mountains one by one.

At the same time, the seeds of evil thoughts hidden in the bodies of countless immortal Taoists erupted instantly, and with the help of the opportunity of the magic devouring all the light in the world, it caused millions of immortal disciples or Taoist disciples to go mad, their minds were confused, and they started killing.

In this dark and lonely time, everything is experiencing chaos and cruelty, fighting endlessly, and there is no one to save in this tragic and chaotic world.

Zhenyuan and Haotian understand that Wutian is just taking this opportunity to expand the evil calamity and bring the evil calamity to the Three Realms. The two of them are not defeated at this moment, but Wutian did it on purpose.

The two of them once again felt how powerful Hunyuan is, how invincible Hunyuan is in the world, and they feel powerless in their hearts. Even with Qingluo, they feel that they have little chance of winning.

In the dark hour, all living beings seem to be sluggish, and panic is the only melody.

Even immortals are no different from ordinary mortals, their spiritual thoughts ignore them, and everything they see is darkness.

Only Da Luo Jinxian's immortal Taoist will can see through the blockade of the Great World of Demon Dao.

In the middle of the prehistoric region, the line of Kunlun Sacred Mountain in Dongsheng Shenzhou continues to the edge of the human world of Jiuzhou, which is the boundary of Taoism and demons.

The west is the devil, and the east is the way.

But at this moment, the east is full of cruel scenes where evil spirits are rampant and fierce.

The immortals stationed at the sacred mountain suffered heavy casualties under Da Luo, and were attacked, trampled, torn, and swallowed by the unstoppable group of ferocious beasts, and the Kunlun sacred mountain was also contaminated with demons!
Numerous disciples of sects and even elders accidentally went mad and killed fellow sects with great ferocity, and even many sects were directly exterminated!

Crying, struggling, pleading, and despair are filling the world, demons are clamoring, demons are rampant, hell is empty, demons are in the world, and all living beings are in troubled times!

On the wall of the plane, the six sages were silent, and the era when the spiritual energy revived and all spirits practiced Taoism had already planted disasters.

The law should not be passed on lightly, and the Tao should not be understood lightly.Only after experiencing the lesson, the baptism of the evil calamity, and the Dao ancestor who did not hesitate to use the myriad ways inspired by the jade plate of good fortune, can it be valuable.

At this moment, they are outside the prehistoric, they are not characters on the stage of the prehistoric situation, and they are no longer the extraordinary saints who regard the world as a chess game and all living beings as pawns. They are just spectators and guardians of the prehistoric The prehistoric, the heaven and the earth, the Tao!
It's not about protecting every living being, it's not about fighting against the catastrophe of heaven and earth to save the common people, and it's not about mediocre and unintentional compassion!
A sage has the goodness of a sage, and a sage has a state of sagehood, which cannot be guessed.

All living beings should have the sufferings of all living beings, and the world should have the calamity of the world.

Dao Tianyan, the calamity alternates, the eternal renewal, the endless cycle of immortality!
The prehistoric sky is empty, the bright yellow colors are already dimmed, and it will soon be destroyed.

All the great supernatural beings in the east were stopped, stopped by the group of fierce beasts, blocked in order to protect the clan or sect or way behind them, or blocked by the four fierce generals whose combined strength is comparable to half-step Hunyuan, or Being blocked by a momentary softening of the heart, a momentary fluke, or living too long, the heart is already dead and dare not earn it.

The other reason is the suppression of the divine sense of another Hunyuan Demon Ancestor in the Demon Abyss Sea. If they move, the one in the Demon Abyss Sea may also move.

If it is a Hunyuan Demon Ancestor, there may still be variables, but with two Hunyuan Demon Ancestors, the outcome is already set.

So they dare not act rashly.

The world was silent, but Qing Luo finally moved.

Even though the first line of Hunyuan was approaching, and the miracle he had pursued with endless painstaking efforts might come in the next moment, he was still distracted and made a move.

A majestic tower rises from the City of Nightless Sky. The body of the tower is ancient and majestic, standing upright in the sky. A little light flickers from the top of the tower, and then endless light radiates from the body of the ancient tower.

The pale figure stands under the majestic and magnificent tower, and the light shines from behind him. In the dark hour, it divides the world into black and white, and splits the world of evil.

Blessed by the supernatural powers of the Yuanling Ancient Pagoda, the Baimeng divine light is fused with golden and yellow colors, whether it is Haotian's heavenly light or Zhenyuan's authentic light, they are all invigorated.

The golden order of the heavenly law is bright and dazzling, and the order of the gods of the heavenly law binds the demon ancestors.

The yellow tunnel is thick, majestic and boundless.

At this moment, I don't know how many powerful immortals read the word "Qing Zu" in their hearts.

At this moment, Qing Luo under the world's only light source became the only light in the eyes of all beings in the world!
Qing Luo's palms were facing each other, and the virtual ring was scattered again.

Behind the Yuanling Pagoda protruding from the four emptiness and white magic chains, the four chains of heaven and earth, black and yellow, implicate the heaven and earth, thousands of Taos in the black and yellow, go up to the will of heaven, go down to connect the spirit of the earth, unite the sky and the earth, become the Tao, and become the spirit of the world!
The Dao of Hezhenyuan, the ten thousand gods in the authentic way, and the ten thousand gods in the Haotian world, cross the world, intersect the ten thousand daos, connect the heavens and the earth and evolve into a dao, and build a world to suppress the supreme demon ancestor!

(End of this chapter)

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