Chapter 654

Qing Luo nodded in response, the 12 billion dharma images were shattered, and the deity stepped out.

The silver light in the eyes is restrained, but the pupils have always turned into white pupils. Coupled with the figure of a tall and straight boy in white clothes, it adds a bit of mystery and mystery.

Turning around and looking back, looking at the magnificent City of Evernight, slowly stretched out his right arm, holding it up in the void.

Immediately, Wanli Tiancheng was slowly lifted up by a mysterious and unpredictable force, and moved to the sky above the "projection of heaven and earth" that suppressed the demon ancestor.

Air waves from all directions squeezed the void from under the Tiancheng seat, causing even the void to tremble.

Nightless Tiancheng bears the six-character avenue pattern of "Tao Yao Buddha Man Heaven and Earth", suppresses it on the "projection of heaven and earth", and takes over the ancient Yuanling Pagoda to guard the spiritual position.

The Ancient Yuanling Pagoda turned into a stream of light and shuttled into the center of Qingluo's eyebrows, and the Nightless City replaced the Ancient Yuanling Pagoda and suppressed it on the "projection of heaven and earth".

The small world, which is divided into two colors of black and yellow, trembled instantly, and the 33-fold virtual sky and the nine-fold illusion ground trembled slightly.

Even if Nightless Sky City is very strong, it can't resist the strength of Yuanling Ancient Pagoda.

Using the city as a treasure, I am afraid that the demon ancestor Wutian will be able to comprehend or shatter the Tao in the "projection of heaven and earth" in a short time, and break the seal.

All the great experts were puzzled in their hearts, but no one asked, and no one dared to ask.

Because Qingluo is powerful and powerful, and the world is overwhelmed, who dares to ask?Who can ask?
How he behaves, no one can restrain him!

Qing Luo looked at Ge Kun, Qing Lan, all the disciples, all the palace masters, and all the immortals in Tiancheng, and said:

"It is the duty of the city of heaven to guard the seal and guard it with my life!"

Hundreds of thousands of Immortal City soldiers and generals in Tiancheng all performed military salutes, their voices were like thunder, blowing mountains and rivers back.

"Follow Qingzu's decree!"

The sound shook the mountains and rivers, and the sound pierced the boundless sky. This is the passionate promise of the 59 Celestial Army. The military order is like a mountain, and the military order must be followed!
Even if guarding the seal of the demon ancestor may be completely wiped out in the world by the escaped demon clan, but as a soldier, the belief in his heart must not be violated.

Qing Luo glanced at the people in Tiancheng, 59 immortal soldiers, the generals of Tiancheng, the master of Shifang Palace, the five disciples, Qing Lan and Ge Kun.

There is no emotion in the silver pupils, only a terrifying mystery.

Then, turn around, step out, step over time, step out of space, step into chaos.

Qing Luo's figure disappeared into the wilderness, and Qing Zu's shadow was no longer found in the world.

All living beings are confused, but all the great powers seem to be enlightened.

In the Nightless City, the Weeping Blood Spirit Emperor returned to the Spirit Emperor's Hall, and issued orders as the Emperor of the Heavenly City. The immortal armies from all sides in the Nightless City were scattered and stationed in various dangerous places in the Tiancheng City.

Tiancheng also released French, if you want to leave, you can leave at will, and if you want to help Tiancheng, you will gladly accept it.

For a time, the immortals of Tiancheng came and went like weaving, many immortals left Tiancheng, and many immortals refused to leave Tiancheng. After a hundred thousand years of nostalgia, they have completely regarded Tiancheng as their home, and they will live and die together!
There are also monks from all over the prehistoric area who intend to sharpen themselves, and go to the mountains and rivers to enter the city of heaven.

In one month, the four gates of Tiancheng were closed together and sealed.

Without the help of the Demon Ancestor, the attack of thousands of demons and one billion fierce demons has also been heard. Although there is no Hunyuan Supreme to dominate the formation, there is absolutely no one who dares to underestimate the tens of millions of demons and one billion fierce monsters. Once entering it, the quasi-sage might be in danger of perishing.

Therefore, the boundary line between the prehistoric world, the earth, the dao and the demon calmed down instead.

Dao cannot go west, and demons cannot go east, there is a dead line between them.

But at this time, the demon monks began to attack the heaven!
Without the suppression of the Heavenly Court Ten Thousand Gods, the Heavenly Court is just an empty shell, and it is extremely difficult to resist the demon army.

Among the four emperors in the Heavenly Court, only Emperor Ziwei Zhongtian Beiji stayed in the Heavenly Court, and the other two emperors followed Emperor Haotian to suppress the demon ancestors and were not allowed to leave their birth.

Although Emperor Ziwei is strong, he also has millions of heavenly soldiers, but it is far behind the tens of thousands of demons.

Among the monks of the demon tribe, there is a big demon who used to be the head of Shushan with evil thoughts. He turned into a fierce demon at the beginning of the catastrophe. He practiced the magic sword and dao. The Liangyi dust disillusionment talisman protects the mountain gate, and the Shushan lineage may be extinct.

And the Shu Mountain swordsmanship of this demon cultivator has become a demon, and all the losers in the sword fight will be the dead under his sword. They nourish the sword spirit with their souls, and are called the evil sword fairy by the world!

Evil Sword Immortal is ferocious and cruel, even more terrifying than ferocious monsters. His strength has been advancing by leaps and bounds, and he has reached the quasi-sage demon realm, becoming the eighteenth quasi-sage demon king of the demon clan!
The demon ancestor has seven emotions and six desires and thirteen demon kings, and there are also four ancient demon kings who live, die, die, and are all quasi-holy demon realms with terrifying strength.

Emperor Ziwei led the crowd to repel the three demon kings in Liuyu, and was seriously injured himself.

The remaining fourteen demon kings are all involving the powers of all parties, and Xie Jianxian led his demon soldiers to attack the heavenly court.

As a last resort, the Heavenly Court asked all parties for help.

The big forces of all parties ignored them, because when the devil came to the city, they might not be able to protect themselves, not because they didn't want to help, but because they couldn't protect themselves!

Only the Taoist sect sent disciples to support the Heavenly Court.

And in Tiancheng at this moment, Qinglan sensed that the opportunity of the five-party Lingzhu will appear.

The innate spirit treasure she has had for half her life is originally the best innate spirit treasure mixed with five spirit beads. If combined with the power of the five beads and five elements, its power will shock all demons.

Now, the demon robbery appeared, and this treasure was born along with the demon.

Qinglan sent Zixuan, the [-]th generation Nuwa descendant, to carry the water spirit beads to the heaven to find the location of the other four spirit beads, gather all five spirit beads, and seal the entrance of the four square gates of the heaven.

The Heavenly Court must not lose its defense. Once the Heavenly Court loses its defense, the Heavenly Court located in the prehistoric center and the Lingxiao Palace will be affected, and the authority of Emperor Haotian will also be disturbed. At that time, I am afraid that the Demon Ancestor Wutian will break the seal faster. .

Emperor Ziwei was impressed, and also sent Marshal Tianpeng to meet Nuwa's descendants and search for the other four spirit beads.

As for why the descendants of Nuwa, who are only golden immortals, were sent away, it was because as the descendants of the mother of the earth, walking on the earth can hide the mountains and rivers without showing them, and it is difficult for the Da Luo Jinxian to detect the fate of the descendants of Nuwa and the supernatural powers of the earth .

Because the descendants of Nuwa have the blood of the saint Nuwa flowing through them!
And Nuwa's descendants have many supernatural powers about the sensory treasures, so it is better for her to find them than many immortals.

Marshal Tianpeng took back the main soul after his journey to the west, and broke through the Daluo Jinxian in one fell swoop.

Qu Kong in the city of Everlasting Sky also couldn't feel at ease, so he asked Ge Kun to resign and help Chi Tianting.

Ge Kun agreed and ordered Teng Liu to go with him.

In the depths of the chaos, the earth, wind, water and fire are raging endlessly.

Time does not exist, space does not count, and dimensions are hard to engrave.

Qing Luo sat down cross-legged, sitting casually, because chaos has no direction, naturally there is no center and no directions.

In other words, any place where he sits can be said to be at the center of chaos, and any point can be said to be the center of chaos.

The green and silver eyes lit up, and the palms of the palms embraced the Dayan World.

(End of this chapter)

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