Chapter 657

The roar, the sound of fighting, the sound of bombardment, the sound of angry howls, the battlefield is full of life and death, corpses fall one by one, and lives disappear one by one.

The thousand steps outside the Nantian Gate are all stained with immortal blood, and the white jade steps along the road to the immortal family are now dead souls every step of the way.

Suddenly, there was a crackling sound outside the Nantian Gate.


Even though it was outside the noisy and chaotic Nantianmen, it still vibrated clearly in everyone's heart.




. . .

Afterwards, the sound of the piano circulated continuously, like weeping like complaining, like singing like dew, and the sorrow lasted for a long time. Those who heard it felt sympathetic and deeply sad, as if a loved one died tragically and left, and the life and death of the beloved were separated. . .

On the Nantian Gate, a figure in a golden robe stands and plays the qin, the lyre moves, and the sound is mournful.

Bursts of golden sound waves can be seen with the naked eye from his slender and flawless ten fingers, and the sound waves sweep across the void. Anyone who touches it will be annihilated by ferocious monsters and souls, and all demon cultivators will be dissipated.

There were waves of sound waves and golden lights, but the wonderful sound contained endless murderous intentions, sweeping away thousands of monsters outside the Nantian Gate, which greatly relieved the pressure on the guards of the Tianmen Gate.

There was a heart-breaking sound, and there were hundreds of thousands of dead bodies lying outside the Tianmen, even the devils dared not charge forward again.

Immediately, the demon army retreated apprehensively, and the sight outside the Tianmen opened up again. The wind flowed in, blowing over the corpses of the demons, and also the blood of the immortals.

Qu Kong's scattered long hair fluttered with the wind, and his peerless face was indifferent and ruthless, as if destroying a hundred thousand demons was not worth raising at all.

The demons retreated, Emperor Xuanwu returned, and Jishou said: "Thank you, Emperor Dongyue, for taking the initiative to defeat the enemy."

"It's a matter of duty, as it should be.

I wonder where Emperor Ziwei is now? "

Qu Kong asked bluntly without emotional fluctuations.

Emperor Xuanwu didn't take it seriously, Qu Kong's temperament has always been like this, if he really became enthusiastic, he would wonder if he was possessed by a demon.

"Emperor Ziwei should be mobilizing the source power of the ten thousand stars in the North Pole to bless the defense formation of the heavenly court. The four gates of the heavenly court have not been lost, so there is no need to worry."

Qu Kong frowned, and said: "But I feel uneasy, let me protect him."

Emperor Xuanwu smiled slightly, "Fellow Daoists are worried about the safety of the gods, I understand!"

Then he laughed, stepped out of the way and waved to open the Tianmen defensive formation.

Qu Kong nodded his thanks, stepped into it, and rushed to Emperor Ziwei.

. . . (Details can be seen outside the episode)

Outside the Beitianmen, the cold wind howled, and the snow and ice fell in the harsh winter. The sky-shattering fighting and shouting had ceased, and the world was silent.

The snow-white land outside Beitianmen has become a world of red and white.

White is snow, red is blood.

Teng Liu floated a foot above the snow with his bare feet, staring straight ahead at the receding demon army with indifferent eyes.

Her indifference is very different from Qu Kong's.Qu Kong's indifference is emotionless indifference and her indifference is emotional coldness.

A natural snow god!The goddess of ice and snow in heaven for millions of years.

In the lower realm, Zixuan, a descendant of Nuwa, is a clone of Tianpeng, also known as Feipeng, a disciple of Shushan Mountain, and a widowed daughter of the Tang Sect from a mortal family. They support each other all the way, and they walk along the unpredictable life and death, and finally find Obtain the Five Elements Lingzhu, pass through the blockade of the Demon Ancestor Demon Zunlou, and step into the heaven.

In Nightless Sky City, Qinglan looked at the Heavenly Court with a smile. After all, the descendants of Nuwa grew up slowly. Stop at Jinxian Taiyi!

In the Linghuang hall, Weeping Blood sits on the throne in the middle, Qinglan lives on the left together, and Ge Kun lives together on the right.

Under the three are the palace masters of all parties in Tiancheng, as well as the elders of Da Luo.

The palace masters of all parties are on the left, and the elders of their respective palaces stand behind them.

The disciples of Qingluo are on the right, and the elders in charge of the heavenly cities are standing behind them.

The left and right sides are separated, and there is a road in the middle where no one is standing.

The atmosphere in the main hall was very oppressive, no matter if it was the old palace lord like Yueji Minghou or the new mansion lord like Qu Rujiachi, they all stood respectfully with their heads bowed and dared not speak.

Not to mention those other Da Luo elders.

Ge Kun glanced around, looked at the more than [-] Tiancheng's backbones below, his eyes turned around, and finally fell on Xiaozhu.

"Xianzhu, have you found out the movement of the demon army?
Tell me about your calculations, when will the magic army arrive and when will it attack? "

At this moment, Xiaozhu has long since lost her usual laughter, and her steps are firm. She stepped out of the crowd on the right side, stood on the empty path in the middle, and replied: "I will report to the Supreme Elder, this disciple has used his natural supernatural powers to guide all insects in the world. Fierce monsters, demon cultivators, and demon spirits are all migrating in large numbers.

Moreover, their migration directions are all in the same direction, they all come to the southwest of the Great Desolation, or it can be said to come to the city that never sleeps.

Due to the different travel speeds of the demon armies from all walks of life, even if it only takes a month at the latest, a large number of demon armies will appear near Tiancheng.

According to the calculations of the disciples, the hundreds of thousands of demonized demon cultivators who came back from Kunlun Shenshan were the first to arrive. Day can arrive.

But hundreds of thousands of demon cultivators are not worth mentioning to me in Tiancheng.They will also stand still and wait for the millions of flying monsters, and then the millions of demon cultivators. At that time, they will probably confront Tiancheng face to face.

At the same time, there are millions of Jialou war demons known for their physical strength, and this army of demons is the most difficult and terrifying.

Next is the virtual army of demon spirits in the southeast. They are best at weird spells, and even demonized creatures. Each one is extremely difficult to deal with, and there are hundreds of thousands of them.

There are also millions of demon cultivators who once came out of the Demon Abyss Sea, and finally there is the largest number of [-] million ferocious monster tides! "

Every time Xiaozhu said a word, the hearts of all the elders in the hall sank a little.

This is not just a number, maybe it is just a number now, but it will become a desperate army of demons in a month's time!

Even if they are true spirits and immortal Da Luo, in this immeasurable calamity sweeping the world, they are just a speck of dust, which is not enough to affect the overall situation, and even their own path and life are difficult to save!
After the Crying Blood Emperor heard it, he smiled lightly and said: "What? Who is afraid?

Even if the army of one billion demons is thousands of times larger than ours, so what?

Just fight, just fight, nothing else.

If the heart gives birth to a retreat, there are only two endings.

The first one is to be discovered by the emperor and directly crush the true spirit.

The second is to be bewitched and demonized by the demons. After being demonized, you still have to be beheaded, crushed, and crushed by the emperor.

See for yourself! "

Although Crying Blood spoke softly in a low tone, it still made some big Luo Jinxians who were present again tremble with fear.The City Lord of the Spirit Emperor is not only good at talking.

In the tens of thousands of years of Tiancheng, I don't know how many golden immortals Taiyi, and even a few big Luos, have been beaten to pieces by the Linghuang when they touched the iron rules of Tiancheng!

(End of this chapter)

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