Chapter 664 Powerful Balance of Power
Ge Kun stepped into the battlefield, one step into disaster, one step into life.

The Demon King of Six Desires also descended on the battlefield the moment Ge Kun appeared!
The Demon King of Extreme Sight, the Demon King of Extreme Smell, the Demon King of Extreme Sensation, the Demon King of Extreme Listening, the Demon King of Extreme Desire, and the Demon King of Extreme Body, six demonic powers surrounded Ge Kun.

Even though each of the Six Desire Demon Kings is three points behind the ordinary quasi-sage powers, it is difficult for all six to be half-step Hunyuan powerhouses.

The six extreme demons shot together, the six desires of human beings have demonic roots, countless crazy magic words surged, and a mysterious formation trapped Ge Kun.

Ge Kun's eyes were slightly cold, he stretched out his hand and said, "Come on!"

The sky in the east, the dawn in the south, the universe in the north, and the extreme sky in the west, the phantoms of the four pillars of the sky crashed down, forming four images, forming a trap!
Behind Ge Kun, there are endless black and yellow merits to protect the original heart and prevent the evil heart from bewitching, and the phantom of the pillar of heaven suppressed the four demon kings of extreme vision, extreme body, extreme desire, and extreme sense.

The phantom of Tianzhu was as heavy as the sky, and the indomitable coercion suppressed the four demons but also restrained Ge Kun.The four demons cannot move, and neither can he.

A neon light suddenly appeared in the sky, and the old man lifted the red silk under the moon, and bound thousands of red strings to bind the Extreme Vision Demon King.

There was a golden light shining in the city of Nightless Sky, Qian Zu walked out covered in gold and treasures, and looked at the demon king with a smile, the gold ingot in his hand turned into a boundless sea of ​​money and submerged the demon king.

Relying on his own strength, Ge Kun monopolized the six great powers of magic, and even though he was invincible, he also held back and stalemate.

In the sky above Tiancheng, Qinglan stepped out, and beside her stood a smart and cute boy in red.

This boy is none other than the good corpse of Styx who sneaked into the world of mountains and seas to steal the Xuanyuan Control Water Flag back then!

As soon as the boy in red showed his body, he summoned a sea of ​​flames to burn towards the army of demons.

But there was a billowing black tide coming from behind the demon army, and the black tide was entangled with the red sea of ​​flames.

The Demon King of Extreme Worry looked at the little boy with a sad face, and said: "Your deity and the nightless Tiancheng are indistinguishable from cause and effect disputes, but you still help Tiancheng. Aren't you afraid that the deity, fellow Daoist Minghe, will blame you?"

The boy in red said with an innocent face: "I can't help it, and I don't want to.

Can you break the restrictions left by Qing Zu?Can you give me back and let me return to the sea of ​​blood? "

The Demon King of Extreme Worry shook his head.

"No, you can!" The boy in red laughed loudly, "As long as I hold you back in this battle, Nightless Sky City will promise to give me back my freedom!

So, take it up! "

The sea of ​​red flames rose suddenly, burning like blood, and red lotuses were born in the sea of ​​flames. The red lotuses swayed and swayed, entangled in karma and burned their bodies, and burned their souls endlessly.

The Demon King of Extreme Worry sighed, and the black demon sea also rolled up, and the huge waves wanted to cover the sky. The extreme darkness, pitch black and dead silence made people despair!
Red and black collided and exploded, separated and collided with each other again and again, and it was hard to distinguish. Red and black dyed the sky, and the two great supernatural beings faced each other tit for tat.

Qinglan walked out, waved her plain hand lightly, and said: "Everyone, come out."

The next moment, four extremely powerful demons appeared around her!
The Demon King of Extreme Anger, the Demon King of Extreme Joy, the Demon King of Extreme Fright, and the Demon King of Extreme Fear, four appeared.

Qinglan raised her eyebrows, and said in a cold voice: "There are two others who don't know where to hide?"

The Demon King of Extreme Joy smiled obsequiously, "Don't push yourself too hard, fellow daoists, the four of us are enough to make you too busy to take care of yourself.

After all, you don't have the blessings of heaven and earth like the old tortoise, and your morals are a little bit inferior, so you should ask for more blessings when you meet us. "

Qinglan didn't take it seriously, and released 36 sea-fixing orbs around her body, and out of the 36 orbs, the 36 gods of heaven came out.

Over Nightless Tiancheng, the Demon King of Extreme Thought and the Demon King of Extreme Sadness suddenly appeared in the sky above Tiancheng, and the magic light that had been stored for a long time hit Tiancheng's eyes fiercely.

Weeping Blood Linghuang glanced coldly, but did not panic.

Because a golden light rose, the divine radiance supported a divine net, and the divine net turned into a heavenly and earthly net, and the purple energy in the net was filled with auspicious auspiciousness, but thunder rolled down and wiped out these two great demonic powers.

Jisi Demon King's eyes were fixed, and he looked at the person who came, but it was a woman with a kind face and kind eyes wearing a golden magic robe.He frowned and said, "Who are you?"

The woman smiled lightly, "I am the avatar of the saint Gu Shan from the Nuwa Temple, sitting in the Nuwa Temple, and I am here to help the Heavenly City!"

The voice fell to the south of the sky, and there was a golden light rolling in. Thousands of golden sword lights swept all the way and wiped out countless demons. The golden light rushed over, covering Teng Liu, who was killed in blood, and covering the last one. A demon king, a very sad demon king.

Teng Liu was shrouded in golden light, and his maddened mind slightly restrained. Looking at the person who came, he was dressed in gold, standing in the light, with a handsome face and a smile like a spring breeze, his eyes reflected Teng Liu's bloody body affectionately.

When Yu Yixian arrived in front of Teng Liu, his aura was extremely gentle, not at all like the ruthless person who crushed thousands of monsters along the way.

In the midst of fighting and fighting in the sky, Yu Yixian's golden brocade robe is not stained with any blood, and is as radiant as a god. There is only gentleness on his face, and tenderness in his eyes is like water, washing blood and purifying his soul.

He stretched out his hand and gently brushed Teng Liu's long messy hair, then hugged her into his arms, and whispered in his ear: "You hate in your heart, if you want revenge, just go for it.

But you have to remember not to hurt yourself, you are sad for your lost relatives, and I will also be sad for you who are hurt! "

The furious killing intent in Teng Liu's heart gradually regained clarity. Teng Liu, who had been icy all his life, suddenly touched his heartstrings inexplicably.

Feather Wing Fairy let go of her hand, smiled and walked away, the golden light never left.It is her long-cherished wish for her to avenge her fight, and he will not stop him. All he can do is to protect him, let her do it freely, and become the patron saint behind her!
Feather Wing Fairy sneered at the last big demon, the Demon King of Extreme Sadness, and swung the long sword in his hand, piercing the sky with golden light, fighting with the demon!

In the eight directions of the Nightless City, the flames of war are burning, the souls of heroes return to the ground, evil spirits are rampant, and the soldiers are brave.

The battlefields of the great supernatural powers are tens of thousands of miles away, and no one sets foot on them, so as not to be accidentally injured by the powerful supernatural powers that can destroy the world.

On the side of Nightless Sky City, there are four quasi-sages, Qinglan, Ge Kun, Qukong, and Yuyixian, and five three-corpse immortals.

On the side of the Demon Race, there are thirteen powerful demon kings who are comparable to quasi-sages, and four fierce beasts and ancient powerhouses.

What's more, under Tiancheng, there are ten thousand gods in heaven, ten thousand gods in the real world, two half-step Hunyuan and one Hunyuan Demon Ancestor!
On the powerful battlefield, it has reached a level comparable to a large number of calamities in the world!

On the Heavenly Demon battlefield, a balance of power was maintained among the Almighty, a short-term equal situation.

But in the battlefield under the mighty power, the demon race, relying on the terrifying number of fierce beasts, forcibly dragged down the heavenly army and devoured the Tiancheng heavenly army.

All the disciples under Qingluo, except Xiaozhu, are all fighting demons on the battlefield, whether it is Qu Kong who is fighting the god of evil wind, Teng Liu who is killing red eyes, or Shuo who is setting up a large formation of water and fire to besiege all demons. De and Ao Bing are doing everything they can to fight, to fight, to defend the city of heaven, and to protect their master's place of enlightenment!
The Evernight City must not be lost, not only because of the suppression of the Wutian Demon Clan under the city, but also because the Nightless City is the source of Qingluo's luck!

This first city of all ages, the city of thousands of races, has created a new era of immortality and immortality, and has also created countless prosperity. Tiancheng is still the place that the prehistoric heavens and all races yearn for.

(End of this chapter)

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