Chapter 678
Above the sky, the misty black mist that covered the sun, moon and stars broke away, and the golden brilliance of the great sun once again illuminated the prehistoric land, and the light of the sun illuminated all living beings.

Fighting, chaos, fear, turmoil, everything is over!
The human race walked out of the house, the immortals walked out of the cave, and the beasts walked out of the cave, and saw the sky and the sun again.

Qing Luo looked under the Kunlun Mountain, her eyes lit up, and she pointed to the ground, and the derived law chain paved a pure white sacred light path, which continued to under Kunlun.

"Come out!"

As the voice fell, a Taoist came out from Kunlun, a sacred mountain, his steps were steady, his figure was tall and straight, white light radiated from behind him, and a tall body covered a black shadow in front of him.

The Jiejiao disciples raised their heads one after another, looking at the figure shrouded in glaring white light.

Until, a voice came out.

"Duobao thank you saint for your mercy."

All the disciples of the Jiejiao were excited. If Yunxiao is the elder sister of the outer sect, the kind and gentle senior sister in the eyes of all the disciples of the outer sect, then Duobao is a well-deserved elder brother among the disciples of the Jiejiao!

The most cohesive disciple under the Master of Tongtian Cult!

Qing Luo raised her head and smiled lightly: "This is the great wisdom and great fortune of fellow Taoists."

Duobao walked out and returned to Jiejiao.

All the Immortals in Jujiao saluted excitedly: "Greetings to the elder brother (uncle, ancestor)!"

One sound, one person, one immortal, familiar or unfamiliar, old or immature, or two or three generations of disciples, passed on from generation to generation.

Daoist Duobao looked at Wanxian in front of him, feeling a long time, and said a thousand words, only one sentence: "I am Duobao, I am back."

With his Duobao back, Jiejiao is no longer a Jiejiao without a backbone, but a completely new Jiejiao!

Qing Luo raised his hand to touch the purple blood thorns, and the huge purple black wooden body that reached the sky scattered, turning into endless thorns and covering the southwest of the prehistoric wilderness again, turning into a jeopardy.

The cloud sleeves fluttered, and the fairy city of Evernight and Thousand Miles returned to its place.

Numerous chains of derived laws protrude from itself, repairing the prehistoric and broken land, and regaining its vitality.

The mountains are towering again, the rivers and lakes are flowing again, the sky is blue again, and the white clouds are floating again.

The mountains, rivers, and the land were restored by the sage's supernatural powers in an instant, but only those with great supernatural powers know that this world has been shattered by the two Hunyuan, and the land of the four major continents, which is continued by Zhen Yuanzi, will be scattered and expanded again. cracked and cannot be reversed.

Qing Luo stepped out, her figure disappeared into the world, and reappeared in the world of mountains and seas in the city that never sleeps.

In the prehistoric world, without the coercion of the sage Qing Luo, the great powers will loosen up.

There are only a few dozen or so peerless powers, and they have understood a lot even if they are closed for countless years.Their respective attitudes towards all kinds of people have long been finalized, and the powers who have nothing to do have left one after another, and the powers with ulterior motives may be invited in a few or five times, or enter the city of heaven, or leave elsewhere.

The deputy city lord of Nightless Tiancheng, no, Shen Gongbao, who is already the city lord, stepped forward to express his gratitude to everyone. The majesty of a saint should not be underestimated, but Tiancheng's goodwill also needs to be conveyed.

With Tiancheng as the center, countless streamers flew to all parts of the prehistoric land, and thousands of sects and sects returned home.

Western Buddhists rushed to Lingshan to appease the believers, and held the event of the new Buddha's enthronement and the replacement of the World Honored One.

The three eastern religions also belonged to the east, and the sphere of influence was re-divided. Although the current Jiejiao has not recovered to its former grandeur, it has also recovered nearly half of its strength.

A casual cultivator returns to his cave, or seeks out mountains to visit friends, or travels around the world.

With the return of all the troops from the Nightless City, many familiar faces were missing, and many positions in the army formation where immortals should have stood were empty.

 I'm too sleepy today, so just write a little bit, and I'll update it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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