Chapter 687
"Fellow Daoist Meng Po is serious!

Qing Luo hadn't thanked her for reshaping her original physical body back then.If there was no Meng Po back then, there would be no Qingluo today. "

Qing Luo's eyes were clear, and she said respectfully to Meng Po's cloudy eyes.

When Qingxuan died at the hands of Dijiang, if Po Meng hadn't arrived in time to reshape the original body, then Qingluo would never have achieved what he is today.

If he had changed his physical body and was no longer the body of an innate god, then today's Qing Luo might have already died under the catastrophe.

Meng Po smiled lightly and said, "You don't need to thank me, the old woman is just following orders, if you thank me, please thank me."

Qing Luo smiled back: "Thanks for everything."

Granny Meng nodded and said, "In this case, I will be thanked by Taoist Qingluo. The old lady can't bear the dignity of a saint." As she spoke, Granny Meng smiled, "The saint also wants to meet you when he goes to the underworld. Take it easy on your mother's side."

Qing Luo replied: "That's right! The trip to the underworld is almost complete, and we only have to meet Mrs. Pingxin.

If you can see the empress, this trip will naturally be a great success.

If you can't see the empress, even though this trip is nearly complete, it will be a failure!
I also hope Granny Meng can give me some pointers. "

Granny Meng shook her head and said with a smile: "The old lady can't point out anything, after the six rounds of reincarnation, there is the authentic Wuji land, the place where the Pingxin empress is.

Saints please go. "

Meng Po took up a bowl of Meng Po soup again, raised it above her head, lowered it again, and then handed it to the soul of a great immortal descendant in front of her.

Qing Luo smiled back, turned around and continued walking, stepped across the Naihe Bridge, and walked straight to the Six Paths of Samsara.

The land of the six realms of reincarnation is by no means so easy to approach. There are no laws and ten thousand ways in the world that are close to the six realms of reincarnation. Only the Naihe bridge can be crossed.

And Meng Po on the Naihe Bridge is the owner of the Naihe Bridge. On this unique bridge in the world, she has the strength of Hunyuan.

Walking down the bridge of Naihe, she is a clone of a saint, not a saint!

Walking on the Naihe Bridge, she is a real Meng Po, a real Hunyuan!

If she is not allowed to enter, almost no one can enter.

Qingluo stands in front of the vast light of the six paths of reincarnation, the six colors represent the six paths, six completely different paths of destiny!

If Shen Gongbao is here, if he has the chance to wait and see the power of reincarnation, he will gain a lot.

Although Qing Luo didn't practice the Dao of Destiny, he also gained a great insight.

The six realms of reincarnation, all phenomena are born from the beginning, the six realms, the realms connect the six realms, the beginning of life and the end of death and death of all spirits in the world are all in this six-color light.

Before the reincarnation of the six realms, the rays of light parted, and a lightless land appeared, and Qing Luo stepped into it upon seeing this.

One step in, one step out, you have reached the origin of the place.

Qing Luo stood in a grand, simple and primitive hall.On the high platform in the middle of the main hall, there is a woman sitting upright. She is dressed in a noble black robe, rich in the breath of all things, and the original power of reincarnation comes from her.

"Poverty Taoist Qingluo, I met Lady Pingxin."

Qing Luo's voice echoed in this hall, which was almost the same as the Earth Hall of the Ancestral Witch and Empress, appearing very abrupt.

On the high platform, Empress Pingxin opened her eyes, looking lightly at the person coming down from her.

"What's the matter with the saint?"

Qing Luo stepped forward and saluted, and said: "It's about the witch clan, about the underworld, and about all beings in the world."

Empress Pingxin smiled and said: "The witch clan has its own ancestral witches in charge, the underworld has its own gods in charge of the underworld, and all beings in heaven and earth have their own gods in charge. What can I ask for?"

Qing Luo Huizhi: "It's just because the sky and the earth are parallel, if there is a sky, there is an earth. If there is no earth, there is no sky.

The way of heaven is the harmony of heaven and earth.

The sentient beings of the heaven and the earth are the sentient beings of the heaven and the earth, the underworld is the underworld of the heaven and the earth, the witch race is an indomitable race, and the queen is in charge of the way, without you, how can we do it? "

Empress Pingxin said with a smile: "When Zhunti sage saw me, he had a lotus flower in his mouth and was able to speak eloquently, but he never moved my heart.

Fellow Taoist Qingluo also wants to try this method? "

"My words are not empty words, it is not because of hesitation. My great wish is to bring about changes that have never been seen in ancient times. Once I say a word, I will do it.

My great wish is to change the world and change the world, with the permission of the world and the support of all forces. "

Empress Pingxin couldn't help laughing and said: "If I don't agree, then Daoist friends will not be able to achieve their ambitions, and they will owe heaven and earth karma!"

"No, the empress will not refuse! The world will not help!" Qing Luo said firmly without any hesitation.

"Oh? Fellow Daoist, you are so confident that your words will move my heart?" Lady Pingxin said disapprovingly.

Qingluo solemnly said: "The empress uses her body to transform reincarnation, and uses her love for the witch clan to become a fraternal love for all beings in the world. The empress has the witch clan in her heart, but there are more sentient beings in the world.

I have the universal law of the world, which can make the Wu clan establish the heaven and the earth, and make all living beings live in peace.

Madam, would you like to try with me? "

Empress Pingxin fell silent at this moment. She looked at the Eighth Sage of the Heavenly Dao in front of her. He gave her a feeling that he was very different from Hongjun and the Sixth Sage.

This person in front of him is too dazzling, and his ambition is too grand, if he succeeds, he will have immeasurable merit, and if he fails, he will have immeasurable karma!

She, the burden on her body is too heavy, and she needs to think about everything.

In the great hall, it was so quiet that it was as if the world had lost its sound, and there was no sound or breath.

Qing Luo didn't move, he stood quietly, with a kind of calmness and confidence that the world was in his hands.

Speaking human words when meeting people, talking nonsense when seeing ghosts, speaking demonic words when seeing demons, and speaking fairy language when seeing immortals, it is not flattery or humility, but self-confidence.

Qing Luofu said again: "The extraordinary catastrophe is coming, and the prehistoric plane will suffer eternal destruction. Although I am a Hunyuan, I am also a saint. As a saint of heaven and earth, I am blessed by heaven and earth.

When the world is in trouble, when I bless the world! "

There is no strong aura, grand momentum, even if it is just a plain word, it is enough to shock and excite the soul, no matter how big or exaggerated the words are, it is possible to be said by Qing Luo, not a bluff!
Empress Pingxin was taken aback for a moment, what a blessing I am!
As a descendant of Pan Gu, as the ancestor witch of the earth, he only cared about enjoying the blessings of the Father God, and never tried his best to protect the world opened up by the Father God.

Since it was not possible in the past, then I hope in the future!
Empress Pingxin got up, and also solemnly said: "Since I have this heart, I should obey it!"

Qing Luo laughed and said: "Qing Luo will live up to the trust of Madam Pingxin!"

In the endless land of reincarnation, Qing Luo walked out.

In Qingluo's prehistoric mind and mind, a reincarnation Wuji was born!
Step up and travel all over the underworld for [-] years before leaving the netherworld and entering the nine heavens.

Qingluo set foot on Beiju Luzhou, which is almost isolated from the world, far away from the prehistoric center and always in a corner of Beiju Luzhou!

In the west of Beiju Luzhou, the separation of the mainland and the Northwest Sea, green smoke and mist, darkness and shadows, the skyless Beiju Luzhou is full of poisonous substances, thousands of strange and strange insects, ants, ancient beasts, and plants are left behind. It took the lives of countless outsiders.This is a natural barrier for Beiju Luzhou to be isolated from the world.

Even the Daluo Jinxian would need to expend a lot of strength to enter and exit Beiju Luzhou.

 Double update, ask for a monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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