Chapter 689
Even if the great god Pangu returns as a true spirit, there will be no physical body in the world that can bear his primordial spirit.

The prehistoric land, all spirits and all races were all transformed by Pangu.The world is no longer the same as the ancient world, and there will never be a day when the world will unite with Yin and Yang.

Furthermore, the Sanqing sages were separated from Pangu Yuanshen, and the three saints had entrusted their Yuanshen to the Dao of Heaven. Since the Dao of Heaven is indestructible, it is naturally impossible for the Yuanshen to merge into one.Pangu Yuanshen is no longer Pangu Yuanshen without the Sanqing Yuanshen.

Perhaps the Great God Pan Gu hid his backhand in an unknown place, or it may be a means of rebirth, but under the way of heaven, it is impossible to realize it.

Unless, the way of heaven collapses and the spirit of the world disappears.

But the way of heaven with the six sages, no, the way of heaven with the seven sages, the way of heaven with Hongjun Daozu, will never disappear.

All the way to the north, Qingluo's temperature gradually dropped. He slowly walked into a place of wind and snow.

In the barren northern land, Qing Luo's mind was imprinted with the imprint of all spirits of the North Pole of the world.

After walking for hundreds of years, he walked into the source of the North Pole, and into the place where the Xuanwu lord among the five lords was stationed.

The tortoise and snake have twin bodies, the snake sits on the back of the turtle, and the dual paths of water and soil imply infinite spirit.

The huge and stalwart body is bigger than the majestic Kunlun, and the visually shocking body contains infinite power.

Qing Luo smiled and saluted: "Qing Luo has seen Xuan Wu Shengzun."

The eyes of the tortoise and snake, who were kneeling and sleeping, opened at the same time, and the sound that shook the sky and the earth pierced the source of the North Pole.

"I have seen the Qingluo saint."

When the two met for the first time, the first call was a salute to show respect.

Qing Luo cupped her hands slightly and said, "I'm disturbing Fellow Daoist to sleep.

I must have told my acquaintances about my intention of coming here.

Don't know if you can wish? "

Xuanwu's tortoise and snake both nodded their heads.

Although the five holy beasts are located in the five poles of the world, they naturally have a way to communicate with each other as they share the world.

Qing Luo's ambition and plan are not only full of temptations for the White Tiger Lord, but also for several other Holy Lords.And it's still an irresistible temptation, freedom!

The merit and fortune of suppressing the five poles of the world are already enough to repay the debts they owe, and the five saints will never escape the fate of suppressing the five poles. The powerful force of the collapse of the world is endless.

The prehistoric world is here, and they are.When Honghuang is gone, they will also fall with them!

This is what they never want to see, and this is why Ling Qingluo moved them.

The immeasurable catastrophe, the ultimate catastrophe is approaching, if they can get out, it will be an irreplaceable booster for the five clansmen!
Even though Qing Luo knew that the five holy venerables might agree, he still had to confirm it in person and visit him once as a show of courtesy to the holy lord.

He is now a saint of Hunyuan. Although he is the most supreme existence in the world, the five-party sage controls the power to suppress the five extremes of the world and controls the roots of the five elements in the prehistoric world. He has a strength comparable to Hunyuan.

No matter what happens in the future, at least at this moment the five saints are equal to him in a certain sense.Qing Luo will treat her with a bit of respect, guarding the five poles of heaven and earth, and the torture of endless years is worthy of admiration.

Qingluo walked out of the source of the North Pole, headed east, and stepped into the remnants of the monster clan, the boundary of the ancient monster clan.

There are many demon clans in the world.There are the lineage left by the ancient monster clan, there are also the lineage of the new monster clan, and there are many races that have separated from the lineage of the ancient monster clan, all of which are called monster clans.

Although the monster clan is severely divided, far inferior to the unity of the witch clan with blood as the hub, the ancient monster clan is still strong.

Even if there are many monster clans that split off from the ancient monster clans, Wanyao Banner, the treasure controlled by the bloodlines and souls of the ancestors of the monster clans, can still command many monster clans.

Moreover, all the old demons of the ancient demon clan are old demon kings who have lived for countless years, and their strength is really strong.

Beiming's demon master is half-step Hunyuan, among the top ten demon commanders, Bai Ze is in the quasi-sage realm, among the ten golden Wulu pressure quasi-sage realms, among the top ten demon commanders, Jiuying has broken through to the realm of quasi-sage power, among the top ten demon commanders Shuai Shangyang broke through into the realm of quasi-sage and power.

Among the top ten demon commanders in the past, except for these three, the other seven all died in the Lich Tribulation.If you don't die in battle, you can break through the quasi-sage by virtue of your talent, perseverance, luck and chance.

Among the witch clan, Jiufeng, Xingtian, and Wu are all new ancestor witches, while Zhu Jiuyin has the strength of a half-step Hunyuan physical body and the divine path of ten ancestor witches. Its strength far exceeds that of Zhenyuan Haotian.

Ever since Qingluo broke through the Hunyuan, Zhu Jiuyin is the No.1 among the real saints!
There are also 24 great witches in the witch clan, hundreds of thousands of heavenly witches, earth witches and Xuanwu.

There are also more than [-] Daluo Jinxian and demon saints in the demon clan, nearly a thousand demon gods, and nearly a million demon immortals of all sizes.

After all, the monster race reproduces and grows much faster than the witch race, and is slightly better in mid-high and low-end combat power.

But standing at the top, even Kunpeng, who is also a half-step Hunyuan, has some difficulty against Shangzhu Jiuyin.

For tens of thousands of years, due to the recovery of the strength of the two tribes, there is an urgent need for a wider aura of heaven and earth, food and spiritual materials, and mountain gate caves, which have caused considerable conflicts and wars. The sorcerers of the holy and great sorcerers took action in person.

Qing Luo walked into the demon clan's place and disappeared, which made Bai Ze, who wanted to meet the saint, lose his mind, and could only hold on to himself. Whether he could see the saint, it all depended on the saint's heart.

Even he, the number one wise man of the monster clan who claims to have known astronomy and geography for 5000 years, and the trifles of the three worlds, is helpless.

Qingluo walked through the land of hundreds of clans in the ancient lineage of the demon clan, traveled all over the central and eastern parts of Luzhou in Beiju, and after a hundred years of travel, finally came to the center of the ancient demons left in Luzhou in Beiju - the death of ten thousand demons !

"The Death of Ten Thousand Demons", as the name suggests, is the place where all demons died and their bones were buried, or in another popular name, the cemetery of the demon clan!

There, many skeletons of the monster race were buried, and Wan Yao was just a reference. Among them, there were far more than "ten thousand" buried monsters, gods, saints, and even sky demons and profound monsters.

After all, during the Lich War, the blood of hundreds of millions of witches, and the blood of hundreds of millions of demon gods, stained the rivers and rivers, and the Nether Blood Sea skyrocketed in the first battle!

Even though there are countless skeletons of the ancestors of the Yaozu who were lost, or broken and hard to find, but a very small part of them found is enough to create a cemetery of the Yaozu, the cemetery of the Yaozu!

In the War of the Thousand Monsters, not only the corpses of countless demon clans, the resting heroic souls, the dead monsters, and the statue of the emperor of the demon clan are buried, because Empress Nuwa is still there, and as long as she is there, the War of the Thousand Monsters will be buried. The statues of the Five Emperors here will not be called the portraits of the Five Emperors!

Nuwa, Dijun, Taiyi, Xihe, and Fuxi, the supreme ancestors of the five demon clans, the supreme holy statues stood in the Memorial of Ten Thousand Demons.

And there, there is also a demon saint statue named "Qingxuan Demon Saint".

(End of this chapter)

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