Chapter 691
Qingluo's primordial spirit deduced thousands of times, reversed for millions of years, and traced back to Huixuan's once sacred scene of the monster clan.

During the deduction, there was a flash of surprise on Qing Luo's expression, although it was only for a moment, it was also observed by Bai Ze.

Bai Ze stepped forward and asked respectfully, "Is the saint puzzled?"

Qing Luo shook his head, stared at the majestic statue of Donghuang Taiyi, then looked at the statue of Qingxuan Demon Saint standing behind him, sighed, and said: "That's all.

It's time to leave too.

Fellow Daoist Bai Ze, Yunmeng Dazai's kindness back then, although it was repaid by cause and effect, it was ultimately due to love.

I give you a way to comprehend geometry, it all depends on your luck. "

Bai Ze was overjoyed, and said with a smile, "Thank you Saint for your mercy."

Qing Luo stretched out her hand and pointed out that at the tip of her finger was the miniature of the dao pattern of the first map of the day after tomorrow, and a little black and yellow divine light entered the center of Bai Ze's eyebrows and went straight to the true spirit.

The map of good fortune once combined the Tao of the three pictures of the heavens, the road of Hetu Luoshu, the road of mountains and rivers, and the way of Taiji.

For Bai Ze, this is the most precious opportunity.

Qing Luo looked at Bai Ze, who was deduced in a mental state, with one hand on his back, turned around freely, and left.

In the Battle of Ten Thousand Monsters, there are no statues of living demon gods and saints, except for Empress Nuwa.

However, Qing Luo knew that the Eastern Emperor Taiyi had not really disappeared, and that the Great Sun Golden Crow in the core of the sun, the Primordial Golden Crow, was about to return.

He needs to go and take a look, maybe he is the opportunity for Donghuang Taiyi to recover and return.Under the law of heaven, Zhu Jiuyin's return, even though it was planned earlier, must be helped by the law of heaven.

Since there are strong returnees from the Witch Clan, under the balance of the law of heaven, someone from the Monster Clan will return.

Qingluo traveled east all the way, through the barbaric wilderness, through hundreds of monster tribes, and walked through the mountains and plains of Luzhou in Beiju. After traveling for a hundred years, he reached the eastern edge of Luzhou in Beiju and entered the Beiming Sea.

Kunpeng greeted each other, Qingluo said with a smile, and climbed up to the sky step by step on the top of Beiming Mountain.

In the Qingluo Primordial Spirit, to the east of the Northwest Sea, there is a continuous Beiju Luzhou Continent.

Qingluo visits Tianxing, the Haotian Court today was once the Ancient Demon Court.

One foot walks up to the nine heavenly towers, the sky has 33 heavens, and the earth has eighteen hells.The underworld is complete, since the heavenly world.

Traveling for a hundred years and landing in the Nine Heavens, Qing Luo hides in nothingness so that all gods cannot meet.

Qingluo stepped across Lingxiao Palace, stopped, and Haotian got up to meet him.

The Queen Mother of Haotian said with half respect: "I have seen a saint!"

As the lord of the Three Realms, the Queen Mother of Haotian has such a high status that even a saint can't bear a salute.

Qing Luo replied with a smile: "You two fellow Taoists are very polite.

My intention here is only one.

Fellow Daoist Haotian and Fellow Daoist Yaochi, do you want to be the real masters of the heavens, rulers of all gods, or do you want to continue to sit in the Lingxiao Palace and rule the Three Realms? "

Haotian and Yaochi stared at each other, Yaochi said: "Dare to ask the saint, is the real lord of the heavens just the lord of the heavens?"

Qing Luo couldn't help laughing and said: "It's the Lord of Heaven!
How long have you two been Lords of the Three Realms?Have you ever really controlled the Three Realms?

When did the three realms of heaven, earth and man really obey the decree of the heavenly court? "

Haotian raised his eyebrows and said, "Where does the saint want me to go?"

"Since I have this question, I have this heart."

Qing Luo's voice reverberated between the hearts of Haotian and Yaochi, and it lasted for a long time.

Haotian thought for a long time, and finally asked again: "The sage is impressive, do I still have a chance to become enlightened?"

Qingluo's eyes were as calm as water, and he said without hesitation: "Nothing."

Haotian's heart was shaken, as if struck by lightning, his face was dull and lifeless.Yaochi's expression is also like that of silence.

"My good fortune is your good fortune. Following my general trend, there may be a glimmer of life!" Qing Luo said again.

Haotian and Yaochi turned their minds back, and immediately said: "I would like to follow the direction of the saint!"

Qing Luo praised with a smile: "The decision of Haotian Taoist friends can be expected in the future, and the master of the heavens will not be an ant!"

When Haotian heard the last words, his eyes flashed brightly, and he said, "Thank you saint for your guidance."

Qing Luo waved her hands, and walked away lightly.

Go back for three hundred years, travel all over the heavens and the heavens, and observe the power of the gods in the heavens.

When he reached No.20 Seventh Heaven, he stopped in his tracks.

Here, it used to be the East Extreme Changle Realm, and there is a shrine in it, which is the Miaoyan Palace. There is a god emperor in the shrine, Taiyi Saves Ku Tianzun, also known as Dongji Qinghua Emperor.

Now, the god of a realm has fallen, the main god has lost the seal of the god realm, and no one can set foot in the 27th heaven.

There was no sadness or regret in Qing Luo's eyes.The corpses of good and evil ego belong to him, and they are all buried in heaven and earth. This is his fate of the three corpses.

It's just that Shanshi used to be good for the world, and his long-cherished wish should also be remembered by Qingluo.

The long-cherished wish of the evil corpse is to be forever.

The long-cherished wish of the good corpse is that all sentient beings will never cease to be kind.

Qing Luo will fulfill their long-cherished wish.

The cloud sleeves are spread out, and the immeasurable brilliance shines on the world.

Qing Luo walked into the 27th layer of extinct world, pointing to the sky with one hand and pointing to the ground with the other, calling out: "Open!"

The world that has been silent for thousands of years is alive again.

The loud rumbling sound spread throughout the prehistoric world, and the sky opened again and again above the sky, surrounded by clouds and mist, and bright.

Qing Luo stretched out her hand and Xiaozhu appeared.

Xiao Zhu was stunned for a moment before he realized and said, "Greetings, Master!"

A divine seal emerged from Qing Luo's palm and handed it to her, saying: "Xiao Zhu, are you willing to bring your light to countless sentient beings?"

Xiaozhu Mingwu took over the seal and said, "Disciple is willing to give it a try."

Qing Luo smiled and said: "Then let's go."

Xiaozhu thanked him, got up and held the seal of Emperor Dongji Qinghua, and walked into the center of the world.

She still looks like a girl, holding up the divine seal with both hands, and the divine seal shines brightly to penetrate the edge of the world, arousing the world of Qinghua Changle.

She became the center of the whole world in an instant, and the dark and dead Qinghua Changle Realm reappeared as the once vibrant and prosperous God Realm.

Countless white awns floated between the sky and the earth, and billions of white awns illuminated the prehistoric world. In an instant, countless flowers bloomed, and dandelion flowers bloomed again between the sky and the earth.

Xiaozhu is transformed into the appearance of the goddess of light, and the colorful bright sun rises behind her, the goddess of dawn, and the light of dawn shines on the world.

A lion's roar came, and nine lions came from outside the sky, guarding Xiaozhu's side, majestic and majestic.

The first level of the world is revitalized, and the four royals of the heaven are once again in line.

Goddess Xiaozhu chanted to heaven and earth: "My Xiaozhu, now known as the source of Qingxuan Jiuyang God, is the new Qinghua land in the east pole, doing good to the world and illuminating all living beings.

Anyone who recites my name, the ten directions will help the suffering, seek the sound and rush there! "

The heavenly dao sensed above the sky, and the mysterious and yellow merits fell into Xiaozhu's body, breaking through into the late stage of Da Luo Jinxian!
Many great powers in the world are envious and sigh. I don't know how many people are staring at the position of the four emperors in the heaven. It's a pity that the sage took action, and they have no choice but to extinguish this desire.

Qingluo helped Xiaozhu achieve the throne, not only because she was his first disciple, but also because Xiaozhu walked with the light and practiced the way of light, she is the most suitable candidate to inherit Taiyi to save suffering Tianzun!
(End of this chapter)

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