Chapter 695 The Great Way to Jane
In today's world, the Kyushu of the human race is in a dynasty that has not yet been unified, which is the Song Dynasty.Although the Kyushu separatist regime is in a relatively stable state, in the situation of all forces, there are always crises and desires going hand in hand, people's greed for power and wealth, inter-ethnic disputes, and war implies peace.

Qingluo walks through the bustling Bianliang, the night market is illuminated by lanterns and carved plaques, pedestrians come and go like weaving, every mortal is making a living, business is the world, books are the most important, and the dynasty that emphasizes literature over military affairs is brought to the extreme.

The teachings of Confucianism are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and belong to the world.Taoist and Buddhist sects are also spread all over the country, and their beliefs are prosperous.

On the other hand, the Jurchens in the north are gradually prospering, secretly developing for the future destruction of Daliao.

At this moment, in the southwest of the Northern Song Dynasty, the Dali Kingdom is firmly in a corner, and the tribes of Tubo and Xixia are all close to the Northern Song Dynasty and stare at each other.

Although there are Taoist and Buddhist beliefs in these countries, more people believe in the Human Race Holy Mother Nuwa Empress!

Because the ethnic groups in these countries trace back thousands of generations, they all originated from the riverside tribes and forest tribes. In ancient times, their ancestors are all descendants of more than a thousand tribes who lived outside the Luoling Mountain.

In other words, their beliefs are all Nuwa temples!They regard Nuwa as the supreme god, and Nuwa's descendants are the gods who walk in the world to show fraternity instead of Nuwa, and the saints are the rumored gods who are in charge of Nuwa's pulse.

The Empress Nuwa didn't compete with the Sanqing and the Western Saints back then, she just prepared for a rainy day, kept a low profile and silently, and silently developed a branch of the family.

In today's chess game, she has no regrets when she makes a move, and makes a decision.Every move seems random and useless, but when all the chess pieces are dropped and turned into pieces, it will condense into an earth-shaking force!
Even after tens of thousands of years of preaching, the three religions of Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it is no longer possible to decline.

But she, Nuwa, also stands in a place where she does not worship, coexisting with Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism.

Although Nuwa and the saints seem to have the same position in the luck belief of the human race, the price they paid for this position is not the same.

The two sages of the West worked so hard to accomplish several calamities, and even suffered the calamity of the devil, suffering a lot.

The Sanqing and the Three Religions have experienced the battle of conferring gods, the sect was unstable, and the disciples of the disciples suffered heavy casualties.

Although Empress Nuwa lost some things, but compared with the saints, she won the game without entering the game, and won the game by watching the game!
Qing Luo admires Empress Nuwa very much, no matter in the past or now, she is a saint with great wisdom, and she is also a terrifying woman!

But he has no clear connection with Nuwa, whether it is Nuwa's help to him in the past, or his future cooperation with Nuwa, this sage of good fortune is indispensable!

Walking through Bianliang, heading south all the way, passing through the old capitals of dynasties, ancient capitals, desolate cities, or the prosperity is still there, or the dilapidated cities.

Walking through the wilderness path, the dirt road was muddy with light rain on a rainy day.

Qingluo walked by, unstained by wind and rain, and unstained by mud, not because of avoiding dust, but because of the wrong time.

The sage walks the road of three times, walks in the past, experiences the present, and despises the future.

This wilderness path is mostly a road stepped by outside travelers, walking straight forward along the road marks, walking until the sky is dark, an ancient temple, Gulan Temple, appeared in front of Qingluo.

The dilapidated temple, the walls are covered with moss, and the plaques on the temple have long been mottled, and it is difficult to see the handwriting. Qing Luo saw the bustling and bustling of this temple in the past, with strong incense.

After all, it is not called Lanruo Temple!

Qing Luo stepped into the courtyard, ignoring the few little demons in the murals on the temple wall, neither could hide nor put out a strong pressure, no one could see him.

Here, there is a special smell that makes Qingluo enter this place.

Can't express it in words, only comprehend it.

In the courtyard, the sky is covered by ancient locust trees, the rain is pattering, the old temples are dilapidated and the walls and houses are uninhabited and lifeless.

The night was dim, and Qing Luo was still standing with his hands behind his back, under the ancient locust trees in the courtyard, closing his eyes, contemplating and comprehending this small world.

Traveling for [-] years, he has seen too much and experienced too much, more than several saints.

Even several saints have never been as close as Qing Luo has walked and seen.

Every saint has his own way, it doesn't matter whether it is right or wrong, good or evil, high or low, the way to become a saint, there is absolutely no way of vain.

It's not that a few saints couldn't let go of their bodies to walk the wilderness, but that it was unnecessary.The saints have hands and eyes open to the sky, knowing the past and the future, the fate of ants, seeing everything with one glance, even if they are high above, they can still see the dust.

They seldom walk in the world, just because it is not necessary, it is not beneficial to the Tao, and it adds more karma.

I am afraid that only the Zhunti sage walked the wilderness the closest, and therefore among the several saints, Zhunti's way is the closest to Qingluo's way.

Zhunti's way is the way of living beings, and Qingluo's way is the way of derivation.

The way is from Zhunti, the way lies in all living beings, and all living beings are crossed, all are my way.

The Tao is from the blue, the Tao is in all things, and the living beings are born, and the life is endless.

Qingluo's way and Zhunti's way are both close to all living beings and ants, so they both walk in the prehistoric times.

Ants are also the way, why not get close to ants?

Qingluo falls in the deserted temple on a rainy night, standing quietly under the ancient pagoda tree.Gu Huai had spirituality, but he couldn't detect any difference between this rainy night and the thousands of deserted rainy nights in the past.

The few little demons on the murals in the temple also couldn't detect any difference between this deserted night and the past.

Qing Luo stood here all night, listening to the wind accompanied by insects on rainy nights, the sound of rain pattering and rustling leaves, and the sound of the wind was faint. Everything in the dilapidated temple was old and corrupt.

But after thousands of years, the little demon in the mural attained enlightenment and became a golden immortal. He left this place and went to the deep mountains and old forests to occupy an area to become the demon king. There were no demons here, so he was discovered by mortals and a brand new temple was built and restored.

Without Taoist monks to subdue demons and eliminate demons, the three demons in the murals will absorb the spirits of thousands of mortals, and in the end they will kill each other and win the one demon.

The demon is flourishing, but the decline of this place has turned into vitality again.

The interconnection of all things is the cause, and the future of all things is the effect.All principles and dharmas are subtle.

The loser keeps losing but wins in the end, and the barren land has been barren for a long time but it has turned into prosperity.

Qing Luo smiled in satisfaction, stepped across the courtyard, and continued southward.

He has practiced the Tao for [-] years, and he has had many insights like this. Every time he gains something, but he also gets something.

In the deepest part of the law, reason and Tao are the roots of practice, leaving the realm of the law and entering the realm of the Tao, from the shallow to the deep, and then from the deep to the simple.

From the great to the simple, simplicity is not easy, but the most abstruse Tao and reason can be displayed in simple ways.

Qingluo walked through Dongsheng Shenzhou, and felt a lot, and there was an expanding continent in the world of mind.

Southern Zhanbuzhou, the last continent is taking shape and is being completed.

The period of ten thousand years of ambition is getting closer and closer.

Honghuang seems to be still peaceful and stable, and the general situation is stable.But there will always be sudden changes due to a few people.

(End of this chapter)

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