The Green Snake of the Great Wilderness becomes enlightened

Chapter 701 Returning to the Great Desolation

Chapter 701
After Qingluo settled the people, she walked into the Creation Palace together with Ge Kun and Qinglan.

The rest of the disciples and the lotus elves started their duties.

At this moment, the lotus elves have entered Dayan, and they are also considered to be of the Mu clan. They will all become the powerhouses of the Mu clan. There are Qing Jia Qing Yi and others, and the Mu clan will become the Dayan plane under their leadership. The super rich family of the first era!
Teng Liu bid farewell to everyone, flew to the northern cold sky, established a dojo, commanded the snow elves in the north and taught Taoism.

Ao Bing flew to the eastern sea to build the Dragon Palace.

Shuo De flew into the sky, rushed to the sun star above the nine heavens, established the Sun God Palace, and dispatched the glory of the sun.

Qu Kong went to the west of Jinming Shenshan, established a Taoist temple, built it as the source of Kagura, and spread the way of joy to the world.

Qing Jia, Qing Yi and the others occupied the [-] mountains in the east, and the mountains and forests with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles were used as the territory of the Mu clan, where they settled the clan land, educated the spirits, and enlightened the spiritual wisdom of the forests in the mountains.

Although there are only a few dozens of people, and only six holy ranks, after they took over the theocracy, Dayan Heaven and Earth began to improve the order. The theocracy was first established, the wind and snow were orderly, the sun was divided, the sea and rain were smooth, and the world was more suitable for living beings. birth.

And everyone began to preach Taoism. Teng Liu enlightened the spirits of the snowstorm spirits in the northern cold sky, preached Taoism, and helped them escape from mortals and become spirits as soon as possible.

Shuo De enlightened the fire spirits on the Dayang Star, and told them about the Dao and the Dharma enlightenment.

. . .

Because of their arrival, the entire Great Evolution has accelerated the pace of world evolution.

In the Creation Shrine, the three of them sat facing each other.

Ge Kun said: "Do you really want to leave now?"

"That's right, the opportunity has come, and it's time for me to fulfill my ambition." Qing Luo nodded.

Qinglan said solemnly: "With such a big risk, if you fail, you may have to bear immeasurable karma, and even lose your prehistoric holy position directly.

It's better to delay for tens of thousands of years, as long as you stay in Dayan, even the ancients and heavens will be unable to handle you.At that time, when my cultivation level rises again, and I have the world cognition of the Dayan plane, wouldn't it be more likely to win if I help you together? "

Ge Kun also said: "It is for this reason that the prehistoric way of heaven is not a good thing. My sorrow back then cannot be repeated."

At this moment, they are in the plane of Dayan, the whole plane was created by Qingluo, and they are isolated from the plane of the wild, so they naturally don't have to be in awe of the plane of the wild, they just curse the way of heaven and swear to the way of heaven, nothing will happen .That's why Qinglan Ge Kun persuaded Qingluo without any taboo.

Qing Luo just smiled and said: "The prehistoric way of heaven can be delayed, but the extraordinary catastrophe cannot be delayed!

I made a great wish, not only for a holy throne, but also for the prehistoric sentient beings, for the transcendent catastrophe!
If I can't do it, no one in the world can do it.As the authority to gather the three chosen sons, I have no retreat at all. "

The two were silent, and their hearts were private.They naturally wanted Qingluo not to be in danger, but in the face of the calamity of annihilation and the mission of the son of Daoxuan, their selfishness would only hurt.

Qinglan was silent for a moment, then said: "Then we will stay in the Dayan plane to cultivate quietly. When the extraordinary catastrophe comes, we will definitely fight side by side with you, experience life and death together, and decide the eternal battle together!"

Ge Kun also said without hesitation: "I am willing too, not only the two of us are willing, but also your disciples, who doesn't want to advance and retreat with their master?"

Qing Luo's mind flickered, and he said with a smile: "Okay! Since we are all of one mind, we will advance and retreat together!"

The three looked at each other, laughed and talked spontaneously, and the road ahead was unimpeded.

Qing Luo set off, leaving the Dayan plane, he stood outside the chaos of the Dayan plane, standing there for a long time.Qing Lan's words moved him and made him change his mind.

The access to disciple disciples and Ge Kun Qinglan is not just for the need for them to help the evolution of the Great Evolution Plane, but more importantly, to protect them!

Qing Luo raised her hand, unable to drop it for a long time.In the palm of the five fingers is the Dao seal that controls the cosmic star formation of the Dayan Plane. As long as he drops his hand, the Dayan Plane will seal it to death, and no one can come out without his will.

However, Qing Luo withdrew the Dao Seal.As Ge Kun said, did his disciples ever think about Gou An's life, abandoning his teacher and sacrificing himself?
Which of his disciples doesn't want to advance and retreat with him, experience life and death together?

If he really loses in the future, how long can he survive even if the Dayan plane is far away from the prehistoric plane?After all, once the Transcendent Tribulation Lord wins, he will control the planes of the heavens forever, and no one can escape his control.

That being the case, it might as well fight side by side with him.

If you win, you will live together.

If you lose, you will die together.

Qing Luo waved his sleeves and left, crossed the time-space tunnel, and descended to the prehistoric plane.

Outside the prehistoric plane, in the chaotic Zixiao Palace.

Tiandao Hongjun opened his eyes and turned to Hongjun Daozu, watching Qing Luo who was traveling through time and space into the prehistoric world, his face was still expressionless, but he said: "The one who escaped, the source of the great way, I hope to really create a glimmer of life! "

A hundred years have passed since the boundary gate of the Dayan Plane appeared above the Nightless City.

The Nightless Heavenly City on this day is no different from the ordinary Heavenly City.There are tens of thousands of immortals coming and going in and out of the Sifang Tianmen. When the sun star rises, the hazy cloud formation in the city that never sleeps spontaneously begins to swallow the clouds and store the vitality of heaven and earth.

In the city, the four major urban areas are full of people, coming and going like weaving.Even if Tiancheng uses the space two-dimensionally to open up space to accommodate more and wider creatures of all races, witches, demons, Buddhas, immortals, gods, Taos, and ghosts, Tiancheng has indeed reached a saturated state.

Thousands of tall floors have been built in the city, even castles in the sky, floating streets, and thousands of small cave worlds have been opened up to accommodate them, but it still cannot satisfy the yearning of the world's creatures for the city that never sleeps.

The first city of all ages, the city pioneered by saints, the giant city that has never been broken, one of the four superpowers in the prehistoric world, freedom, security, natural treasures, panacea, magic circle, all mechanisms and methods exist.

In any case, the City of Nightless Sky is not the top of the prehistoric world, the elixir training device has the unshakable lineage of the Supreme, the inheritance of Taoism and the law has the inheritance of many powerful talents in the lineage of the six saints, and the name of the magic formation. all over the world. . . . . .

However, when all the elements are gathered together, they are among the best and even the most extreme in the prehistoric world. In the whole prehistoric world, there is only the city of nightless sky, which is unshakable.

Since the catastrophe, the sage of Nightless Tiancheng has testified, and all the monks in the world are full of admiration and yearning for Tiancheng.Therefore, hundreds of thousands of immortals go to Tiancheng every day, as well as creatures who already live in Tiancheng, there are also many casual cultivators, powerful caravans, and migrating races. The total number of creatures has exceeded hundreds of millions!
Nightless Tiancheng has reached capacity saturation, and is restricted by the space area, which limits the development of Tiancheng.

Qingluo silently returned to the prehistoric world, stood with her hands behind her back, leaning over Tiancheng, looking at the extremely prosperous Tiancheng, it's time to change!

(End of this chapter)

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