Chapter 705
After Qingluo followed Nuwa, she no longer concealed her saintly appearance.

I saw Dayan's divine light in the sky as white as the sea, and the auspicious purple energy under him was rampant for thousands of miles, and the purple and white two-color paved a magnificent and magnificent holy scene.

Qingluo climbed to the sky above the top of Kunlun Sacred Mountain, bowed down to all living beings in the world, and the saints and dharma were worshiped by all living beings.

In the Nightless City, Shen Gongbao looked up, and all the elders of Tiancheng looked excitedly at the saint.

On the lunar star, Chang'e walked out of the moon palace, held Shi Ji's hand tightly, and said in a daze of acquiescence, "Is it finally about to start?"

The demons of Luzhou in Beiju, the witch clan, the Styx in the sea of ​​blood, the gods in reincarnation, the Buddhas of Buddhism, the three clans of dragon, phoenix and unicorn. . . . . .

Great ancestors
The majestic statue of Nuwa stands on Luzhou in Beiju, and the majestic statue of Qingluo stands on Dongshengshenzhou. The two saints look at each other and know what they mean.

With a solemn expression, Qing Luo saluted to the sky, to the earth, and to all living beings, and then said: "I, Qing Luo, am the saint of world creation!
When he was proving the position of a sage, he made a great wish for all living beings in the world.

I feel that it is difficult for all living beings in the world to be in harmony, it is difficult to achieve success in cultivating the Tao and seeking immortality, it is difficult to defend the lives of common people, and it is difficult to complete the four continents of the world.

All kalpas rise and fall, and all living beings are ants.The world is out of control.

It is my great wish that all beings in the world are equal;
All kinds and all races are saved for my great wish;
It is my great wish to have the same Dao and all sects.

I want to fulfill my ambition with today, the prehistoric world will establish the power of all races, and the world will enter a new era. "

The voice of the sage spread throughout the three realms, and the place where Qing Luo was at the moment was the center of the heaven and earth, and he was the one who attracted the attention of all life.

"I created all worlds by derivation, and I created all worlds by good fortune.

Starting today, the three realms of the prehistoric and desolate will no longer exist!

All the prehistoric lands, open! "

The figure of Yuanling Ancient Pagoda appeared behind Qingluo, and four magic chains of heaven, earth, black and yellow stretched out from the four tentacles of the ancient tower.

In the next moment, the mountains and rivers of the four prehistoric continents trembled, and the four continents split apart, shocking countless creatures.The four major continents shattered and scattered all over the world.

All the powerful ancestors used their great supernatural powers to protect their respective dojos, each guarding a place.Before they could figure out anything, Qing Luo once again displayed the prestige of a saint.

"The prehistoric world, divide!"

I saw that Qing Luo instantly shot out the infinite derivative dharma chain straight up, soaring straight up to the sky, and then illuminated the pure white Dayan divine light for 33 heavens.

The infinite dharma chain also goes straight down to the Nine Nethers and passes through the eighteen layers of hell, connecting the nether world.

Qing Luo preached again: "The holy beasts of the five directions return to their respective places, and the five poles will never return!"

As the sound fell, the heavenly dragon flew up from the building wood of Dongji in the east, left Dongji, which had been suppressed for endless years, bowed to Qingluo, and then flew into the deep ocean of the east.

A phantom of a majestic Suzaku flew out from the undead volcano in the south, and it turned into sparks all over the sky and fell to the south of the sky. The ancestor of the phoenix showed the real body of a phoenix, with a fiery red phoenix tail closely followed by more than a hundred phoenixes of various colors, and the hundred phoenixes headed north , Qi Qi chanted to thank the saint for his kindness, and then sank into the ancestral land of Tiannan. The eyes of the undead volcano shook, and the fire on the ground was about to erupt.

In the West Pole of the West, hurricanes raged everywhere, and a stalwart white tiger stepped out of the West Pole, spreading golden wings on both sides and flying into the sky into chaos.

In the northern arctic land, the icebergs shattered, the snow peaks shifted, and the huge basaltic body walked out of the arctic and stepped into the seabed of the Beiming Shenhai, and finally could sleep peacefully.

In the central place, Qilin Ancestor walked straight out of Qilin Cliff, and devoted himself into the Kunlun Ancestral Vein for intensive cultivation.

The five sages left the land of the five poles and released the shackles, but they also lost the power of heaven and earth in the land of the five poles, and no longer had the power of Hunyuan, and they all fell to the half-step Hunyuan realm.

At this moment, the prehistoric land is shattered, the world is unstable, and the ice and snow are violent in the north. The sea in the east vibrates and the huge waves rise up and swirl to swallow the island. The undead volcano in the south finally erupts. Cracked, the spiritual energy was out of balance, the central land and the four continents began to separate, and the earth's veins were overwhelmed and unable to bear the load.

The world is in disaster, all living beings are terrified, countless living beings are crying and fleeing in panic, and all living beings are in troubled times.

The faces of all the saints on the wall of the plane were ugly, and I even wanted to step out of the wall of the plane in one step, wishing to hit Qing Luo, who had seriously injured the vitality of the world, with his crutches.

Empress Nuwa's eyes reflected the panic of all living beings, and the shattering of the world, but she didn't stop her, she just did what she should do.

Under the feet of the Nuwa Empress, there are red neon, and slowly spread out a map of the mountains and rivers, and the world of mountains and rivers has suppressed the prehistoric land that is about to be broken.

Another beam of infinite zhenqi soared into the sky, entrenched on the top of Nuwa, and turned into a four-legged divine tripod.The mouth of the tripod was opened wide and released infinite black and yellow true energy to prop up the crumbling 33-fold sky, filling the Tianhe River that was about to tilt again.

Qing Luo bowed to Nuwa, "Thank you, fellow daoist, for your help."

Nuwa laughed and said, "Let's do it quickly, how can we establish a new one if we don't break it? Leave the world of suppression to me, fellow Taoists, feel free to use it."

Qing Luo thanked her, raised her head to look at the sky, then lowered her head to look at the ground, then pointed to the sky with one hand, and pointed to the ground with the other, seeing the infinite and the infinite.

"I use the 33 levels of heaven to reproduce a realm. It is the heaven, and it is the residence of the gods and spirits. It is no longer the supreme of the three realms, and it does not hold the power of the three realms. It is not a place of faith that cannot hold power."

"I use the Nine Nether Underworld, the Eighteenth Floor of Hell, and the western part of Luzhou in the north to regenerate a realm, which is the realm. It is the residence of ghosts, ghosts, and witches. I am in charge of reincarnation in all realms."

Words follow the law, the heaven and the earth respect the order.

I saw the 33rd heaven rising straight up, and countless Dayan Dao patterns spread all over the 33rd heaven, recasting the principles and laws of the heaven.

See also Jiuyou Difu, [-] levels of hell, merged with the western part of Luzhou in Beiju under the divine light, and sinks into the deepest part of the earth, attracting magma and fire from the center of the earth Merge into the sea of ​​blood.

Seeing this, Empress Nuwa, a stalwart green flower appeared behind her, and behind her stood a huge tree with a body of billions of feet. Two, one is to repair the heavenly realm for heaven, and the other is to repair the earthly realm for entering the earth.

Good fortune avenue and derivation avenue combine to divide the heaven and earth boundary, derivation is the soul that builds the new world from the inside, and good fortune is the body that shapes the new world from the outside.

The sky hangs high, the earth is deep, and the division between the sky and the earth is no longer what it used to be.

The Beiju Luzhou continent was forcibly torn into two, with the Ancestral Witch Palace as the boundary, and then sank westward into the land boundary, and all the witch clan circles were included in the land boundary since then, and Beiju Luzhou no longer existed.

With both hands, Qing Luo pointed to the East Pole with one hand, the other to the West Pole, and then pointed to the North Pole, and then pointed to the North Pole. The patterns of the gods circulated, and all of them flowed into the four directions.

The prehistoric world is shattered, the heaven and the earth are divided, the four continents are split, and all living beings are terrified.
(End of this chapter)

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