The Green Snake of the Great Wilderness becomes enlightened

Chapter 723 Attracting Heavenly Punishment Eyes, Level 5 Heaven Realm!

Chapter 723 Attracting Heavenly Punishment Eyes, Fifth Level Heaven Realm!
The avenue of destiny is elusive even for saints.With the help of the great power of the sage, deduction with the help of the way of heaven can only know all the things in the week, but it is impossible to predict the situation outside the week.

Therefore, Shen Gongbao's action has already alarmed the saints Hunyuan.

Qing Yuntian, Yuanshi Tianzun was surprised.He never thought that the disciple he abandoned would be able to walk on the avenue of destiny that no one has ever stepped on!

A real life-defying change!

In the sky above the Nightless City, suddenly dark clouds and strong winds blew up, and the black clouds overwhelmed the city, layer after layer of black clouds piled up, like a huge black mountain pressing down on the Sky City.

The black clouds even covered up the brilliance of the sun, moon and stars above the Nightless City, and the entire heaven became gray-black.

Endless thunderbolts were bred in the heavy black clouds, and the thunderbolts rolled and rushed, but they didn't come out, but they were still accumulating.

All the living beings under the black cloud of calamity were terrified and their hearts throbbed, as if a great fear and catastrophe were coming.

In the world of mountains and seas, the faces of the four great powers were ugly.I'm afraid this is God's punishment!It is a punishment to change the fate without authorization and affect the operation of the heaven.

Shen Gongbao sighed, and said: "It seems that I may not be able to survive this time. I will tell fellow Daoist Baoshan all I know at the moment when the thunder disaster strikes. The Lord of Tiancheng will need to trouble fellow Taoist in the future."

Baoshan said in surprise: "No! The poor have little knowledge and cannot control Tiancheng at all. The city owner should choose someone else."

Shen Gongbao shook his head and laughed, and just about to open his mouth to say something, the holy lady who was avatar of the corpse suddenly said: "Don't die, the city lord, you are the emperor of Wu'er Ling, the master of the nightless world, with great merit and great luck, even if you are punished by heaven and thunder." It's dangerous, but it won't really let you fall."

"No, it might be possible if it is ordinary punishment from heaven, but this thunder calamity is probably the most terrifying eye of punishment!" Shen Gongbao said sadly: "I reversed my fate without authorization, which is more serious than going against the sky directly. Won't let me live!"

Qian Zu remained silent, apparently having recognized the reality.

After hearing this, the holy lady was still not pessimistic, but looked back at the wall of the plane, with incomprehensible trust in her words, and said leisurely: "He will not give up any of his own people!"

Above the Nine Heavens, the Eyes of Heaven's Punishment gradually appeared. Those terrifying white and transparent eyes were filled with frightening indifference and emotionlessness.Inside the pupils of the eyes is the judgment of the supreme will on the ants of all living beings, and He controls all living beings.

In the eyes of Thunder Punishment, endless thunder flashed, and hundreds of millions of divine thunders directly hit Shen Gongbao in the mountains and seas with the power of destroying heaven and earth.

At this moment, Shen Gongbao was busy thinking, wanting to tell Baoshan Sanren what he knew about his fate, only at this moment, heaven and earth believed that he was bound to die, and gave up the restriction on the dying person, so he had the opportunity to tell others.

But just as Shen Gongbao was about to turn his divine sense, he froze.

I don't know when there is a majestic figure standing between the sky and the earth, with the sun, moon and stars above his head, and the beings of the six worlds under his feet. He is surrounded by illusory white clothes and stands in front of him.

The majestic and holy figure raised his right hand straight up to meet him, and then there were countless mysterious and mysterious Dao Dharma chains, which turned into hundreds of millions of divine locks and flew into the sky, and the pure white light shot directly into the void to face the endless thunder.

As if the sky was falling apart, the huge shock of the shattering of the sky and the earth shook the void, and endless space storms scattered in all directions, and even the light of time and space was distorted accordingly.

The Eye of Punishment paused, obviously never expecting that anyone would stop him.

Eyes closed and opened again, releasing endless purple divine thunder again, it is Zixiao divine thunder, thunderous thunder is the highest thunder method, the purple thunder that is as gorgeous as fireworks tears the sky, and goes straight to that place with an incomparably magnificent and terrifying aura Dao figure.

Wei An's white clothes point to the sky with one hand and the earth with the other, and between the two fingers of the sky and the earth is the original heart.The sky and the earth reflect my true heart.

From the ten thousand trillion territories of the Six Realms, endless chains of derived dharma rise up, and hundreds of millions of white dotted lines turn into chains, locking time, locking time and space, locking all dharmas in the world, locking myriad ways and mysteries, and setting the universe and the world!

At this moment, the figure in white is no longer alone, but united with the whole heaven and earth, the holy power of the saint and the power of heaven and earth have locked the power of hundreds of millions of divine thunders.

The Eye of Heaven's Punishment was stunned, but Qing Luo made an inch of it.The derived body floats up from behind it, slowly turning, the pure white light illuminates the hearts of the world, understands the principles of the world, and the derivatives are endless and have no end.

The dao wheel was suspended behind Qingluo's head, and the shining light set him off as a true god of creation, a god of all beings in the world.

Derived light shines on the locked Zixiao Shenlei, participates in the creation of the supreme mechanism, understands its way, and transforms into Dayan Shenlei!

In just a moment, the brilliant purple light of Zixiao Shenlei disappeared, turning into a pure incandescent, hot and terrifying Dayan Shenlei.

Qing Luo stretched out her hand and waved her arms: "Take it!"

Hundreds of millions of thunderbolts flowed back like a tide, and all of them poured into the stalwart figure in white. The next moment, Qing Luo's breath swept across the six realms, venting hundreds of millions of light years into the universe, and shocked all Hunyuan saints.

Nuwa was taken aback for a moment, then said in surprise: "This is breaking through the fifth heaven realm?"

Master Tongtian was surprised: "Can it still be like this?"

Although the saints Hunyuan didn't make a sound, but at this moment, their hearts are like the leader of Tongtian, and they have seen such a way to break through the realm!
Qing Luo's closed eyes opened again, and they stared at the Eye of Heaven's Punishment, their gazes were directly facing each other.

A saint looked at each other with punishing eyes for a moment, and Qing Luo didn't make any further calculations. To make an inch once is to make a fortune out of misfortune, and to do it again and again is to kill oneself.

Even if he is the God of Taoism and the God of Creation in the Dayan Plane, the Eye of Heaven's Punishment is afraid of him, but it doesn't mean that the Eye of Heaven's Punishment is powerless to suppress him.

Qing Luo straightened his body, took a step back slowly, and gave a half salute to show his respect and his heart of still abiding by the rules of heaven and earth.

Seeing this, the Eye of Heaven's Punishment glanced at Qingluo with its emotionless pupils, and then at Shen Gongbao behind Qingluo, then receded and disappeared.

Qing Luo paused for a moment before stopping the numb right palm that had just been shaken and lost consciousness, and swept with his left hand, the dark clouds turned into clear sky, the sun and moon reappeared in the sky, and the stars hung in the sky again.

When all sentient beings lost their senses due to the brilliance of the sun and the moon, and then came back to their senses, the stalwart figure had already dissipated.

When the Tathagata comes, no one notices it, and when it leaves, no one knows.

In the mountain and sea world, the gray-haired Shen Gongbao suddenly knelt down, touched the ground with his head, and said excitedly: "Shen Gongbao thanks the saint for his mercy!"

The holy lady sighed and helped him up, "You are suffering for the billions of souls in Tiancheng. Even if you have nothing to do with the saint, he will still stand up for you."

In just a few days, Shen Gongbao experienced the ups and downs of life and death. Although his expression was a little sluggish, his state of mind was transformed and sublimated!
The great powers of the outside world sighed, this is the first saint who dared to face the eye of punishment!It was also the first time that someone faced the Eye of Punishment and retreated completely.

This world-creating sage has set too many precedents, people have become accustomed to his astonishment, and give birth to a feeling that it should be like this!

(End of this chapter)

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