Chapter 725 When the wind is surging (please subscribe!)
The voices in the Linghuang Hall were endless, Shen Gongbao's decrees came out one after another, and Elder Tiancheng felt heavy in his heart.It's not because of the future prospects, as long as the Evernight City exists, they won't worry about the future.

What makes the elders feel heavy is the decree and mission issued by the city lord, which is too heavy.Even though they are all immortal beings of Daluo Jinxian, they are still troubled by these extremely complicated affairs.

For example, in the refining of the Bright Fleet presided over by Elder Xuankong, each fleet needs [-] battleships, and each battleship has tens of thousands of spiritual materials, and a Daluo Jinxian is required to be the commander. One hundred and eight Taiyi Golden Immortals preside over each battleship. As for other low-level monks, it is easy to get together, but each battleship needs a hundred Golden Immortal puppets as the formation base, and a fleet will be on board once it arrives. Wanjinxian puppet.

He formed this first bright fleet and emptied most of the golden fairy puppets in Tiancheng.Not to mention 36 bright fleets?
And the Fifth Elder, who presided over the refining of the Golden Immortal Puppet, felt even more desperate in his heart.Every golden fairy puppet can't be refined casually, even if she can slap many golden immortals to death with one slap, but no matter how you say it, the golden fairy is already an existence beyond the cycle of life and death.And the Golden Immortal Puppet needs extremely complicated depiction of Dao patterns. A Golden Immortal Puppet needs thousands of monks to sacrifice day and night for a hundred years, and more than a hundred kinds of natural materials and earth treasures. , in order to have the strength of the Golden Immortal!

And just to meet the needs of the Bright Battleship, it is a terrifying amount to the sky.What's more, a large number of puppets must be provided for the Tiancheng city wall guards, and a large number of Dao soldiers must be cultivated.

The fifth has already regretted being in charge of this puppet master at this moment, even if she really has five clones, it is not enough at all.

The reason why she is named fifth is because she has five completely independent Da Luo Jinxian avatars. It can be said that she has five lives, and the combined combat power of the five bodies soars. Even if she is only in the middle stage of Da Luo, no one dares to Offend her in the slightest, after all, the horror of a puppet master is far beyond the imagination of the world.

There are also the elders of the animal department and the military department. . . .

All the elders in the Linghuang Hall felt that it was difficult to complete, but limited by the authority of the Supreme Elders, they did not dare to complain.

In the end, it was Yue Ji who was courageous, she took a step to the left, stepped forward and said, "Dare to ask Linghuang, what is the time limit for me to wait for the mission?"

As soon as this remark came out, the hearts of all the elders tensed instantly, so naturally the longer the waiting time, the better.

Shen Gongbao didn't speak, but just took a look at Baoshan Sanren, and she immediately said: "According to my Tiancheng sage's words, in accordance with the time discipline of the six realms created by me, the extraordinary catastrophe will only be 30 years later at the latest. It takes thirty centuries to usher in the life-and-death calamity of the universe!
As for my preparations for the battle in Tiancheng, it needs to be completed in 25 years, and the battle preparations are fully prepared for the catastrophe. "

Some Tiancheng elders below were obviously relieved, such as those who went to contact the external elders, cultivate spirit insects, and refine the big formation, they were all slightly relieved.

And the elders who refine a large amount of war equipment all have bitter faces, not to mention 25 years, according to the current productivity of the city that never sleeps, it is difficult to achieve 50 years.

Such a heavy task really squeezed them to death.But none of the elders complained, and they dared not and would not. As Daluo Jinxian, they naturally had no stupid people, let alone people who pretended to be fools.

There is no doubt that they will be very busy in the coming long years.

Shen Gongbao sighed, and said: "Everyone, I can't do anything with this strategy. In the face of the catastrophe in the future, I have to work hard for you! I, Shen Gongbao, and all the Supreme Elders will represent all living beings in the Nightless Realm. Thank you all!"

As soon as the words fell, the five figures at the top of the hall stood up together, and then bent down to the people below the steps and saluted them with the ceremony of the city that never sleeps.

The five people above the steps are the Supreme Elder, the Linghuang, the mighty power of heaven and earth, the existence that countless ants look up to.They have always been the only ones who bow down to all living beings, and their backbones cannot even bow down for them.

Today, they stand on high authority, salute those who look up to them, and salute them who are ants.Today they let go of the dignity of the ages, but they did not drop a trace of coercion.

Establish a heart for the world and a life for the people.In order to inherit the unique knowledge of the past saints, and to bring peace to all generations.

In every era, there are always those who are able to be kind to themselves, and those who are willing to stand up for the world, for all beings, and for the sake of the Tao.

Those with weak strength are heroes, and those with strong strength are all beings in the era. Faith is the sky and light above the humble and powerless ants in the catastrophe!
In the old prehistoric times, in the eyes of all the great powers, if the Tao was the first, the skin was the second.Even sometimes the face surpasses the Tao.But today, it is rare for the elders to salute the younger generation, and to salute the ants with a strong body.

The elders of Tiancheng all shocked their hearts. It was the shock brought about by the breaking of the eternal iron rule. After the shock, they were moved, it was their responsibility, and their sense of responsibility.

All the elders of Tiancheng also performed the salute of Tiancheng, and returned the salute with respect and respect, without any arrogance because of receiving the salute with the power of heaven and earth.

On the steps, five people got up.

Under the steps, everyone stood up.

No more complaints and dissatisfaction, no more fatigue and depression, all the elders of Tiancheng can only be full of fighting spirit at this moment!
Da Luo, not relying on a few words on the scene, empty words filled with righteous indignation can arouse their blood to boil.They are all strong men above the same line, and they are all strong in the same line. Only by exchanging hearts and entrusting their true feelings can they exchange their sincerity.

In the Six Realms, as a behemoth, the super-powerful Nightless City began to act.

Immortals from various tribes in the Nightless Sky City were running around, searching for natural materials and earthly treasures to refine spiritual materials. People came and went frequently, and the six-world teleportation array was never idle.

Various auction houses in the city, and all the precious spiritual objects in the shops selling spiritual materials are officially purchased by Tiancheng, all kinds of spiritual treasures, panacea, magic talismans, talismans, etc. . .All were swept away.

Even the branches of the Nightless Business Alliance all over the Six Realms are quickly transporting all kinds of natural materials and treasures back to the headquarters of the Nightless Realm.

In the small worlds of Tiancheng, there are auras everywhere, and the immortals are extremely busy, there are puppets, battleships, spirit treasures, and new formation maps one after another. . .They are all being manufactured and refined at a very high speed.

Tiancheng even opened up channels in all directions to attract monks and immortals from the six realms to join the Evernight Tiancheng and increase the manpower of Tiancheng.

The Wanwu Hall in Tiancheng is the only hall organization in the Nightless Realm that specializes in issuing any missions. There are hundreds of thousands of missions on it, waiting for capable or qualified immortals to accept the missions.

Nightless City is like a bottomless pit, constantly devouring all kinds of spiritual treasures and spiritual materials in all directions, immortals and monks from all walks of life, and it is the kind that will never be satisfied.

The actions of the Nightless City are really too big, so big that it affects the entire Six Realms. The huge demand for materials has swept away the slow rise of all prices in the Six Realms.

Even, Qian Zu promoted and released coins similar to banknotes, which are like mortal bank notes, guaranteed by the credit, strength, and financial resources of Evernight City. It is easy to trade, the amount is huge, and it is easy to hide, carry and store, etc., and it has become popular in the Six Realms on a large scale.

The demand for various personnel and supplies in the Nightless Tiancheng has also stimulated the monks from all sides in the six realms to attract more monks to go to Tiancheng. Entering Tiancheng is either to make a living, or to seek the Tao, or to make a fortune. Or for various other purposes, the number of immortals in Evernight City is increasing every day.

With the display of the strength of the city that never sleeps, the huge army, powerful combat power, and abundant financial resources have made all major forces in the six realms very afraid.Even without the existence of the saint Hunyuan, the Evernight City would be too terrifying.

Once it is too strong, it will cause rumors.

Soon, rumors spread in the Six Realms.

"The Nightless Sky City is not satisfied with ruling the Nightless Realm. After its strength has expanded, it has the idea of ​​invading other great realms. Now it is recruiting troops, accumulating strength, and waiting for the thunderbolt."

"The teleportation formations of the six realms are all under the control of Nightless Sky City. If they want to attack any realm, it will not be a matter of a moment? And I heard that Nightless Sky has a great supernatural power called wormhole, which can Teleport to any precise location in the Six Realms."

. . . . . .

These rumors have intensified and have reached the point where everyone knows them.

But neither the Evernight City nor the major forces in the Six Realms remained unmoved.

The major powers will only laugh at the short-sightedness of those ants, not to mention the imminent catastrophe, and the external troubles are so terrifying, who would want to fight for supremacy?

Even if there are no external worries, do they really think that the general trend of the world and the pattern of the six realms are determined by the power on the surface?It is those saints who really determine the structure of the six realms. Even if they are not as strong as night sky, how can they dare to invade the six realms without the promise of saints?

But as more and more rumors spread, the lower ranks of the big forces gradually infected the middle ranks, and the middle ranks became more influential, and even the upper ranks began to waver.

Because all kinds of rumors are too true.

"The nightless Tiancheng prepares for the war with such great fanfare, because it knows that all parties will never think that Tiancheng will invade the Six Realms. It is because of knowing what the enemy knows, that Tiancheng is so open-minded."

"Since the establishment of Tiancheng, don't you feel that Evernight City has a greater and greater influence on all beings in the world? Nightless City has been changing all living beings and changing the pattern of heaven and earth step by step a long time ago. When the time comes, I plan to control the six realms in advance, and integrate the strength of all living beings to face the extraordinary catastrophe, which has a better chance of winning."

. . . . .

All kinds of rumors became more and more true. Even when the elders of Tiancheng Mansion heard these rumors, they really felt that these rumors were quite true. According to the deduction on the surface, these rumors were really disclosed without flaws.

(End of this chapter)

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