Chapter 736 Eighteen Hunyuan!
Therefore, even though the original will of Hongmeng Dao knew Hongjun's schemes, it brazenly launched a war to unify the heavens and the world.

The prehistoric plane, among the six realms.

Endless zero beasts came, no longer in order, no matter what kind of enemy, they all swarmed up, covering the sky and covering the earth.

The Buddhist battlefield, on Mount Sumeru.

The Buddha's light that has been grand in Mount Sumeru for thousands of years is stronger than ever before.

The new future Buddha, Liuli Pharmacist Buddha, leads tens of thousands of Buddhas into a Buddha array, the heaven and earth resounds infinitely, and the Sanskrit sound of the six-character mantra is huge, and the six-character mantra is huge. Zero animal life, only the Buddha and Taoism shine in the world.

On Lingjiu Mountain, the Buddhist sect is currently the most powerful.

The ancient seven Buddhas displayed their supernatural power one after another, and the seven quasi-sages joined forces to fight, erupting with a powerful combat power of half a step in the realm of Hunyuan, forcing the eleven quasi-sages to be at a disadvantage.

The three great masters were the three heads of the Buddha Shakyamuni Buddha. As the present Buddhas belonged to the past Buddhas, the three of them also entered the ancient Buddhas.

Among the three great men, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is the most powerful.The Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Avalokitesvara, respected and loved by the world, is now displayed behind him with thousands of hands and thousands of eyes.

The thousand eyes in the palm of the thousand hands shot out endless golden light in unison, directly annihilating tens of thousands of zero beasts, and emptied the zero beasts within a ten thousand zhang radius around them.

In his hands willow willow branches and a jade purification bottle, he unleashes the supernatural powers of purifying the world, and he will not lose the wind in the battle with the three demon gods of the same realm.

On the Lingshan Mountain, there are a huge number of Buddhist disciples, and the sound of the angry Buddha thunder that shakes the sky. . . . . .

In the Buddhist world, Buddhism has an overwhelming advantage. Whether it is on the battlefield above Daluo or below Daluo, Buddhism's magical powers still have greater restraint against zero beasts.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The fairyland battlefield, above the Kunlun Divine Mountain, with the help of the favorable location to suppress the Kunlun Divine Mountain, and the help of the ancient Qilin tribe, the Kunlun battlefield can still have a slight upper hand.

As for Jin'ao Island, there are thousands of sword qi everywhere. As a disciple of Jiejiao, who has no sword and who has no qi?

Seek longevity by practicing Qi, protect yourself with swordsmanship.

The endless sword energy killed an unknown number of zero beasts, and the sword rushed to the sky. Bi You's disciple was full of fighting spirit and drove back the enemy for [-] miles.

As for the Penglai Immortal Island, every time a powerful ancestor waved his hand, thousands of zero beasts turned into fly ash. As for the three thousand gods and demons, they did not descend on the battlefield at all.

In the God Realm, all the gods rely on the divine power of heaven and earth to gain the upper hand in the battle. The gods of the four seasons of the heaven and earth, all kinds of gods show their power, and the four sides of the Tianmen are solid and indestructible.

In the demon world, it is more brutal and bloody.Countless monsters that have not yet transformed formed a wave of hundreds of millions of beasts, overwhelming the sky and covering the earth, which is many times stronger than Zero Beast's crowd tactics!
In the human world, the situation is not good.

Zero Beast Wuren obeys the heart of the Lord God, and his thinking is single.But the three thousand gods and demons who rule them also have great wisdom.

Facing many battlefields in the Six Realms, they chose the human battlefield as a breakthrough.Because the human race has the shortest background and no other major forces have merged, although the entire human race is extremely powerful, there are eight battlefields, which are the easiest battlefields to divide troops!

Therefore, countless zero beasts came to the Six Realms, delaying the sequence of the Six Realms. Among the three thousand gods and demons, the descending thousand was located on the battlefield of the Human Realm, and the troops were also divided into eight places, forming a huge pressure on the eight battlefields at the same time.

No matter how weak the strength among the three thousand gods and demons is, they are still comparable to the existence of Daluo Jinxian.There are even nearly a hundred quasi-sage and powerful gods and demons for every thousand gods and demons!

Even though the Guixu plane's army was divided into eight places, it still brought the entire Human World battlefield to the brink of collapse.

The Three Emperors and Five Emperors, the Three Clans of the Suiren, the hundred sages of the human race, the quasi-sages and great powers of the human race, and the Da Luo Jinxian all made their moves one after another.

The Divine Cauldron of Kyushu also showed its divine splendor, bless the strength of the human monks, and tenaciously resist the army of gods and demons.

Even if the human race masters are all out, there are still two to three hundred Da Luo Jinxian scattered on the battlefields, and there are even more than [-] quasi-sages who have not made a move, and the human race battlefield is already at an absolute disadvantage!

At a time when the morale of the other worlds is at a high level, the human army is fighting alone, with heavy casualties!

Lao Tzu and Zhen Yuan Zi, who were guarding the battlefield of the human race, looked ugly.

Even though the human race was at an absolute disadvantage, the two still did not make a move.Because, above the void, there stood five Hunyuan Supremes staring at the two of them.

Laozi and Zhenyuanzi were not afraid, but worried that once Hunyuan made a move, the two of them would accidentally let a Hunyuan supreme god and demon empty their hands, and a random blow would be a devastating blow to the entire human battlefield.

Even though the human race is at a disadvantage at this moment, relying on the blessing of the human race's nine tripods, it is enough to last for a long time.

Night Realm.

The originally prosperous center of the Six Realms, where tens of billions of places are full of human footprints, is now full of black and gray colors and zero beasts.

Only the surroundings of the Evernight City, with a radius of ten thousand li, are bright.

Nightless City has many expendable means, which should be used in the early stage of the war.But at this moment, Shen Gongbao has changed his war strategy. The seemingly endless army of zero beasts is frightening, but in fact they are all cannon fodder in the early stage of the war.

Therefore, Shen Gongbao ordered to open the four heavenly gates of Tiancheng, and send 300 million troops to each gate to wipe out the zero beasts and prevent the spirit beasts from besieging the city.

Rotate every other month.Tiancheng's nearly 9000 million army is divided into seven armies, and each army has one month to fight and six months to rest.

And take advantage of this to use these cannon fodder to familiarize the army with the army of zero beasts, and to overcome the fear of zero beasts!
Obviously, these zero beasts were cannon fodder, they were defeated by Tiancheng's army thousands of miles away from Tiancheng.

As a result, Tiancheng even regarded the battlefield thousands of miles away as a place of trial!
Qing Luo sat in the empty sky above Tiancheng, facing him, there were three supreme beings staring at him.

Yiwei is an old acquaintance, and it is the ancient power, the Beast Emperor God Rebellion that Qiu Dao first met!All of them under Hong Huang's subordinates were wiped out by Qing Luo, and they had no way of life or death, so they could only be thrown into the Guixu Plane, and now there is only the second level of Hunyuan Heavenly Realm!

The other is Chaos, the fierce beast of Tao that is famous in all heavens and ten thousand realms!
It has four points, one is Qiongqi, one is Taotie, one is Wuwu, and the other is Chaos!The four evil beasts are cosmic evil beasts, and their clones descend in all the heavens and all realms to cause disaster to the world.

The four are all existences of the Hunyuan triple heaven realm!
As for the third place, it is the supreme existence of one of the 12 Yuan Dao, the supreme being of the True Spirit Dao, named "Xin"!Its strength is the Great Supreme Exalted Realm of the Hunyuan Fifth Layer Heaven Realm.

Qing Luo perceives through Xin's Dao rhyme, that the 12 Yuan Dao Supremes may all have arrived!
The 12 Yuan Dao is the most fundamental Dao for the heavens and the universe. The 12 Yuan Dao is not a single Dao, but a general term for a class of Dao.

The 12 Taos are divided into: the Avenue of Time, the Avenue of Space, the Avenue of Reincarnation, the Avenue of Derivation, the Avenue of Heaven and Man, the Avenue of Destruction, the Avenue of Creation, the Avenue of Five Elements, the Avenue of True Spirits, the Avenue of Tai Chi, the Avenue of Chaos, and the Avenue of Strength.

Each way does not refer to a single way, but a unified way, from which thousands of ways can evolve.

For example, the Dao of Tai Chi can be transformed into the Dao of Yin and Yang, the Dao of Water and Fire, and the Dao of Life and Death. . .

Another example is the avenue of destruction, which can be played as the avenue of destruction, the avenue of killing, and the avenue of curse. . .

Another example is the Five Elements Avenue, under the Five Elements, the Wind, Thunder and Ice Avenue, the Tidal Avenue, and the Avenue of Life. . .

The 12-element Dao is the foundation of the existence of all Taos in the universe, and the existence of the 12-element Dao is indispensable in any universe plane, but almost all planes have never gathered the 12-element Dao, and the Primordial Plane is the only one!
Now that one of the 12 primordial paths, the True Spirit Dao Supreme, has come, even if Qing Luo doesn't know it, he can guess that there may be eighteen Hunyuan Supremes!

12 Yuan Dao Zhizun plus the four fierce beasts, and the god Ni Luohu, Qing Luo knew the number of enemies as soon as he turned his mind.

He didn't care much about the existence of those two first-level people.After all, Qing Luo is the apex of the second realm of Hunyuan Sixth Heaven.

This Supreme Practitioner of the True Spirit Dao, although only at the fifth level of heaven, is extremely powerful.

The Dao of True Spirit is the root of all Dao of Illusion, Dao of Mind, Dao of Yuanshen, etc.As a supreme existence, its certain strength is extremely impressive.

And the plane of returning to the ruins really looked up to him.

In the entire battlefield of the Seven Realms, he was the only Hunyuan alone, and even so, he still sent three Hunyuan Supremes!

Even if Qing Luo is the existence of the second realm,
It can be one against three, although he will not be defeated, but it is determined that it will be difficult to achieve any results.

Qing Luo seemed to be closing her eyes and adjusting her breath, but she was actually deducing the situation of the entire Six Realms battlefield at this moment.

He watched the tens of thousands of zero beasts below become extinct, but the three opponents remained unmoved.

It seems that the Zero Beast Army can not only be re-summoned but also automatically and quickly created without their distraction.It seems that there must be some mystery in the Guixu plane that stays outside the prehistoric plane.

Qing Luo looked at the situation in the Six Realms, and naturally found that the defeat of the Human Realm battlefield had already been revealed.But none of you Hunyuan made a move.It seems that the other Hunyuan have been restrained.

At this moment, above the sky of the demon world, Nu Wa stared at the three figures standing in front of her with killing intent in her eyes.

One is the Supreme Dao of Destruction, the other is the Supreme of the Dao of Reincarnation, and the other is the Supreme of the Dao of Heaven and Man. Among the three supremes, the Supreme of Reincarnation is the strongest, the fifth heaven.The other two are existences of the fourth heaven realm!

In the fairy world, Yuan Shi stared at the Supreme Being of Good Fortune, the existence of the Fifth Heavenly Realm in front of him!Even though when he saw the real body of Hongmeng, his Taoist realm had risen again, and he had reached the peak of the fourth heaven realm, but he was still far behind the existence of the fifth heaven realm.

In front of the Master Tongtian, there is the fierce beast, Wuwu!It is also the existence of the four heavens.

In the God Realm, in front of Haotian Kongxuan and Kongxuan, there are fierce beasts Qiongqi and Taotie, one of the fourth heaven and the other of the third heaven.

In the Buddhist world, Luo Hu stared at the two of them, and the other was the Supreme Time Dao, whose strength had reached the peak of the fifth heaven!Although Luo Hu's strength is slightly weaker, he still exists in the fourth heaven realm. Together, the two of them are enough to defeat a saint of the fourth heaven and a third heaven!
In the underworld, Empress Pingxin walked out of the land of reincarnation for the first time, but she did not get out of the reincarnation.Because behind him is the grand and magnificent reincarnation disk of the six realms, and the treasure candle Jiuyin, which must enter the reincarnation of hundreds of millions of living beings, stands beside him, opposing the Supreme of the Five Elements Dao and the Supreme of the Tai Chi Dao.

The Supreme of the Five Elements Dao is the only existence of the Sixth Heaven Realm among the Supremes of the 12 Yuan Dao!

The will of Hongmeng Dao is for the supreme beings of all dao, even if his subordinates are under his control of life and death, they are not at ease bestowing them with the power of the sixth heaven, and the existence of the seventh heaven is even more impossible!

(End of this chapter)

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