Chapter 738 Cosmic Punishment
However, even though he is a Hunyuan of the fifth level of heaven, it is too self-defeating to compete with the heavens in the prehistoric plane!
I saw endless golden chains of law of order appearing between the heaven and the earth, tightly locking more than 220 Daluo Jinxian gods and demons. Although blocked by the law of time, they are still slowly merging into the heaven and earth.

Supreme Master Shi Chen said coldly: "You two are still not making a move? If you really integrate into this dimension, even if Daoist Hongmeng makes a move, they will not be able to revive them."

The Chaos Dao Supreme and the Derived Dao Supreme no longer hesitated, and immediately resorted to their own means to contend with the Dao of Heaven.

At this moment, most of Tiandao's power is being used on Hongjun's body, fighting against Hongmeng, and not much power is used.

Therefore, when the endlessly derived divine light and the long river of time that merged with chaos competed with the chain of order and law of the law of heaven, it unexpectedly stopped the rules of the law of heaven for a while.

But at this moment, the three Primordial Priests in the sky above the Nightless Realm all realized Qing Luo's sudden attack.

When they enter the chess game, they will automatically enter into the calculation.But not entering the chess game is still falling into the calculation!

Xin Zhizun said with an angry face: "How courageous! I have never been tricked by any creature!"

After the words fell, colorful light waves rippled in the void around Qingluo, and the pupils of Xin's eyes flashed with the color of glass for a moment, meeting Qingluo's pupils.

Qing Luo only felt that even with the strength of his primordial spirit in the sixth level of Hunyuan, he almost couldn't resist being pulled into the illusion by his supreme supernatural power.

Xin's Dao of Disillusionment couldn't work, his complexion became even uglier, and his heart became even more fearful.As the existence of Hunyuan Supreme, he understands that ordinary methods cannot affect saints naturally, so he used the original great supernatural power of the Dao of Disillusionment as soon as he came up, but it still didn't work.

He shouted coldly: "You two will fight with me, this person is too difficult!"

God against nature is the most hardworking, with the ancient fierce soldier Wan Huangdao floating in front of him in his hand, holding the fierce sword, he suddenly jumped straight ahead in the most primitive and reckless way, the bloody aura of hundreds of millions of fierce beasts on the Wanhuang sword is enough Shake the true spirit of Daluo Jinxian!

And Xin opened his mouth and spit out a glazed orb. The orb floated on top of it and turned into hundreds of millions of acres of colored glazed clouds. He closed his eyes, and a soft chant sounded from his mouth, which is the oldest cosmic sound in the Hongmeng universe!

"The true spirit before the eons, you originally belonged to the primordial universe, but you have been a living being for hundreds of millions of years. Now you are called by me, and you can return to the universe to obtain eternity!"

This sound is not the sound heard by the ear, but the sound of the fluctuation of the soul of the true spirit, the sound of the universe that cannot be blocked by any existence!
Qingluo didn't have any fear at all, and with a backhand palm, in the palm was a Dayan world, and in the Dayan world was an endless plane.

A giant palm holding the sky took down the Beast Emperor Shenni, even though Shenni had many plans, but he never thought that he would travel to the real Dayan plane in the chaos of time, and was captured by Qing Luo with the help of the Dayan world. The power to suppress the plane below.

Qing Luo withdrew her palm, and there was a bloodstain in her palm, which was planned by God Rebellion.

But before he could make a move, he suddenly stopped.

It's not that he doesn't want to move, but that the primordial spirit in his body is already summoning the call of the Supreme True Spirit, wanting to return to the universe and dissipate the heaven and earth.

The true spirit is invoking the call of the will of the universe, which comes from the oldest, purest and most original will of the universe, and sends down the guiding light for a supreme will.

The majestic and infinite grand mysterious blue light descended from the universe, enveloping Qingluo's Taoist body.

All of Qing Luo's wills are lost, and all of them belong to the will of the universe.After all, returning to the universe is the ultimate long-cherished wish of all true spirits.

But there is only one trace of will that remains clear, and that is the will to have no desire for Daowu from the homeland Earth.

Even if it's tiny, it's still Qingluo's will.

This is the only secret that only he and Kong Xuan know in the entire universe. Even the Dao ancestor only knows that he is the son of Tao Xuan, but he doesn't know everything about the son of Xuan.

This is a variable, a variable as small as infinitesimal.But because this variable exists in the Qingluo Dao Body, the body of the Hunyuan Sixth Heaven Supreme Being, the only God of the heavens who is the chosen God, this infinitely small variable becomes an infinitely large variable .

The supernatural power of the True Spirit Supreme is naturally not the best in the 12 Yuan Dao, but his True Spirit Summoning is the No.1 in the universe!Even Hongmeng, the peak existence of the eighth heaven, cannot compare with him in terms of true spirit summoning.

Xin faced Shang Qingluo, this is His only mission, to send this God of Choice back to the universe, to return to the original power of Hongmeng Dao!
But what surprised him was that Qing Luo actually showed a hint of resistance!
However, even if he wakes up, it's too late!
Chaos, the fierce beast of Tao, opened his mouth and swallowed Qing Luo into his stomach.

But Xin breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, her tense heart finally relaxed.He glanced at all the living beings in the Nightless City, and then ignored those ants.

The most urgent task is to help the chaotic beast refine the Qingluo Taoist body as soon as possible, so that its true spirit can return to the universe. In this way, the god of choice, the great change in the universe, the one who escapes becomes the universe, the entire universe There are no more variables!

But at this moment, the Chaos that swallowed the blue sky suddenly became ferocious, and the beast's body instantly turned into a gigantic stalwart of trillions of feet, swallowing endless vitality of heaven and earth, and the four energy of chaos were eaten by it.

Xin's complexion changed slightly. He who was reciting the words of the universe at this moment actually felt the resistance of the will of the universe!The will of the universe resists the recall of the true spirit that this universe needs most!

The "sacrifice" of recalling the true spirit of the universe cannot be stopped once it starts, only success or failure!
Within Chaos is a chaotic world with infinite extension, but Xin doesn't know what happened in Chaos at this moment. He can only summon the will of the universe with all his strength, and force the universe to swallow the true spirit of Qingluo!
As for the life and death of God Rebellion, at any rate, he is also the Primordial Supreme Being, and it is impossible to be in danger for a short time.Once Qingluo's true spirit returns to the universe, there will be no such person as Qingluo in the natural universe, and God will be out of trouble naturally!

However, a scene that Xin Zhizun never dared to imagine appeared!

A huge beast with six wings, four palms, and a dragon-tiger head leaped out of the sky, and swallowed the True Spirit Orb of Primordial Spirit floating above Xin's head in one gulp!

The sacrifice process was interrupted in an instant, and Xin was immediately subjected to a backlash. Even with his state of mind of Hunyuan Supreme, he couldn't bear this huge and terrifying pain.

There were cracks all over his body, and strands of rotten black air emanated from the cracks, and then the cracks on the flesh began to tremble.

The cracks gradually became larger, and Xin's screams became more intense.Not only physical pain, but also spiritual pain.

Then, in those gradually widening gaps, indifferent pupils without emotion were born!
One by one eyes gradually opened, covering Xin's whole body, on the arms, legs, feet, neck, chest, back, face, and even the head, all covered with black eyes!
A touching, terrifying, weird and disgusting appearance grew on the body of a Hunyuan Supreme!
He summoned the will of the universe, but failed and lost the power of the universe. The instinctive will from the most primitive universe was punished.

The will of the universe is the instinctive will of the entire universe, or it cannot be called will, it is just an instinctive reaction of orderly operation to the objects in the universe, and it has no selfish thoughts.

The original force of Hongmeng Dao is a spirit born from all the sources of power in the universe. This cosmic spirit has selfish will and controls more than half of the sources of power in the universe. His thoughts and will can be called human beings!
Xin, exerting the will of the universe and arbitrarily violating the iron rules of the universe, the true spirit can only return to the iron rules of the universe voluntarily or after falling, so the universe is punished.

Even Shen Ni was shocked, and took a step back when he saw this monster with a long body and many eyes.

As the ancestor of the primordial ferocious beast, he was born as a rebellious beast.

He took refuge in the plane of returning to the ruins, just for the sake of something.Even the will of Hongmeng Daoist was blinded by his animal nature.

He originally planned to swallow this Supreme Master Xin together, but at this moment, his appearance was too strange, and his body was full of decay, so it was hard to say anything.

Therefore, he looked at the stalwart chaotic beast body!
With the power of destroying the Dao, Wan Huang Dao slashed straight at the body of Chaos. As long as he swallowed Chaos, and then refined the Hongmeng True Spirit Orb in his belly, it was inevitable that he would break through the fourth and fifth heavens.

As for the battle between Yihonghuang and Guixu plane, it may be difficult to tell the winner in ten thousand years.He was looking for a small plane. One day in the prehistoric world may be thousands of years in other small planes.

With plenty of time, after the breakthrough, he will enter the Guixu battlefield again, fish in troubled waters, and even the eighth heavenly realm is not impossible. As long as he achieves the eighth heavenly realm, even in the face of the original power of the Hongmeng Dao, he can survive safely!
His plan is perfect, but the reality has too many variables.

He underestimated the strength of Hunyuan Supreme, underestimated the strength of Chaos, even if he suppressed a saint in his belly, Chaos could still fight against God's rebellion.

As for Xin, it was because the communication with the will of the universe was too sinister and could not be distracted at all, so he was successfully attacked by the treasure. At this moment, he, who received the backlash, was gradually decaying, no matter the Taoist body or the Taoist realm or It's a true spirit, and it won't be long before it will truly dissipate into the universe.

The chaotic fierce beast howled angrily: "God rebellious, how dare you betray Daoist Hongmeng, and kill yourself!"

Saying that, it opened its mouth again and sucked in, and a piece of cosmic chaos was swallowed by him.

Shen Ni's complexion changed drastically, he really underestimated the gap between the second level of the fourth level and his second level, and even stepped into time and space, far away from the two planes of Guixu and prehistoric.

At this moment, the Hunyuan Supreme Powers in several other battlefields all fought one after another. The saint Hunyuan of the Primordial Plane clung to the Hunyuan of the Guixu Plane to prevent them from going to Nightless Sky or Humans. The world battlefield changes the situation.

The situation at this moment can only be delayed!
According to the thoughts of the saints Hunyuan, the sacrifice was interrupted, although Qing Luo was trapped, but after all, he had the strength of the sixth level of heaven, and no matter how defiant the chaotic beast was, it was impossible to trap Qing Luo for too long.

As long as Qing Luo gets out of trouble, one of the three Hunyuan on the nightless battlefield will decay, one will retreat, and the other will be seriously injured. The time to turn the situation around is at that time!
(End of this chapter)

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