The Green Snake of the Great Wilderness becomes enlightened

Chapter 745 Holding the Sun and the Moon Between Two Palms

Chapter 745 Holding the Sun and the Moon Between Two Palms

And in this short period of time, the battle situation was once again turbulent.

No matter how good the three Hunyuan Supremes are, they are extremely depressed at the moment, cursing the owner of that voice for being too treacherous and cunning, and not worthy of the name of a saint.

At this moment, Lao Tzu and Zhen Yuan are standing shoulder to shoulder, even if the three of them attack them by force, they will not be able to achieve results in a very short period of time.

Therefore, the three Hunyuan Supremes made the decision to retreat for the first time!
An unfathomable Lao Tzu of the fifth heaven, and a sixth heaven sage who can destroy Hunyuan, they had to retreat.

What the three Hunyuan can think of, I can think of even more.If the three Hunyuan are allowed to leave, it will still be a great trouble when they return.

The only way to win is to try!
The Taiji diagram of Lao Tzu and the sage flew out from the small plane of the supreme space, and turned into the Taiji Golden Bridge, and then set the universe.

The Xuanhuang Pagoda rises, and the 33 heavenly heights suppress the three Hunyuan Supremes!

Zhen Yuanzi also published the Book of the Earth again, and the book of the Earth was hung and engraved on the top of the Xuanhuang Pagoda. The endless gravity weighed down the Xuanhuang Pagoda by three points.

But each of the three Hunyuan Supremes is similar to Lao Tzu. Even though Lao Tzu tried his best to suppress it, the Space Supreme with the Myriad God Banner still broke the space seal and left through the space gap.

However, a vast light rose from the distant sky, and the four majestic dharma chains of heaven, earth, black and yellow wrapped around the corner of the Wanyu god's banner for an instant, forcibly keeping the derivative supreme.

In the light, Qingluo stepped into the light and looked directly at the Supreme Daoist, and the Supreme Supreme who failed to leave also looked at Shangqingluo.

No pleas, no prologue, no words of any kind.

Both Qing Luo and He knew that each other was the most crucial opportunity on the road.

For each Dao, there is only one true Dao Master of the universe, and perhaps the Hunyuan of different planes have the Hunyuan of the same practitioner.

But in the existence above the sixth level of heaven, it is absolutely impossible for two fellow practitioners to exist together as the Universal Daoist!

This is the battle between the two of them.

The Space Supreme went and returned, if the Derivative Supreme was left here alone, maybe there was a possibility of falling, but with the three of them together, even if they were defeated, they would never be in danger of falling and suppressing.

The three Hunyuan Supremes confronted the three Primordial Supremes, and no one spoke nonsense.

Qingluo stepped out in one step, turning into thousands, thousands of Qingluo walking in the universe.

The white shadows overlap, the white light is hazy, and Qingluo walks the universe. It is not an illusion, not an afterimage, but Qingluo's derivative avenue has evolved into a universe here.

Derivation is the universe, and the universe is Qingluo.There is only one Qingluo, and one Qingluo is this universe!
The faces of the three Hunyuan were extremely dignified. It seemed that this derivative saint was even more terrifying than imagined!
And without the knowledge of the three Hunyuan, a pure white light and shadow quietly left among the thousands of blue bodies, rushing towards the place where the earth-shattering and majestic forces are fighting in the depths of the universe.

No need for Qingluo to say more, Lao Tzu and the sage also shot again.

As Zhen Yuanzi was about to make a move, Qing Luo stopped and said, "Fellow Daoist, you don't need to waste your energy, just rest and recuperate!"

After hearing this, Zhen Yuanzi nodded in response.With his first-tier strength, he really can't help much.What's more, at this moment, he has been seriously injured and his combat strength has been greatly reduced.

Zhen Yuanzi sacrificed his life and returned to the battlefield of the human world. Even though he was seriously injured, he was still an unrivaled Supreme Hunyuan for the vast number of ants!
In the battlefield of the human world, the outcome has been decided!

Countless cheers shook the sky and reached the ears of the five Hunyuan Supremes.

Qing Luo said with a faint smile: "Three, you have already begun to lose in the Guixu Plane!"

The Space Sovereign snorted coldly and said with a sneer: "How can the ants battlefield control the real battlefield?
Even if the Hunyuan battlefield is not good, it is Daoist Hongmeng who really decides the outcome!
Even if there are several strong people in the eighth heaven, they can't help Daoist, let alone you only have one Daoist who has just entered the eighth heaven! "

Qing Luo turned around and asked with a smile, "My fellow Taoist, what do you think?"

Lao Tzu was silent for a moment, and returned with a smile to Qing Luo for the first time: "Fellow Daoists have their own answers in their hearts. Don't care what others say, just stick to what you believe in!"

Qing Luo nodded and said: "Qing Luo is rude, I need to trouble fellow Taoists to help me."

Lao Tzu shook his head and raised his eyebrows: "For you, it is for all living beings, and it is also for heaven and earth."

The three of Space Supreme were a little dazed. They obviously didn't know that the two who were about to make a move just now were delaying the time instead.

However, Qing Luo did not delay any longer.

Thousands of shadows of Qingluo stopped instantly, and a derivative dharma chain was born in each hand, which was locked to the three across the world.

The Derivative Supreme immediately showed thousands of derivational light mirrors, which illuminated thousands of light chains, the chains and the light flickered and clashed, and the derivation avenue surged and surged, and the Dharma chains illuminated by the light mirrors were all like entering a quagmire. It takes a lot of effort to advance an inch, but the chain of derivation is still moving forward slowly.

The Space Sovereign shakes the Myriad Universe God's Banner, and the endless space tide rises again, rushing towards the thousands of gods falling in blue.

Qingluo pointed with one hand, and a grand ancient pagoda of light appeared in the void. The ancient pagoda radiated infinite light and shone on thousands of god shadows. force.

The three Hunyuan Supremes were all shocked: "The power of the universe!"

Even Lao Tzu's eyes flickered with astonishment, and then he laughed.

Lao Tzu also unfolded the Tai Chi Diagram, this time the Tai Chi Diagram turned into a golden bridge, and the bright golden light stood in the east. Lao Tzu stood on the bridge, and the heaven and earth Xuanhuang exquisite pagoda rose gradually, and the Xuanhuang light curtain rose in the southern sky.

Seeing this, Qing Luo touched the ancient Yuanling pagoda immediately, and then retreated to the western sky. The ancient pagoda became billions of feet tall and rose to the northern sky.

At this moment, the three supreme beings realized that they were surrounded and trapped!
Dongfang Laozi sits on the Taiji Golden Bridge, only the golden bridge stands in the world, and the old man sits on the bridge.

Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, 33 layers of sky high light curtains, thousands of exquisite and crisp mystic sounds resounded in the universe, shining in the south.

The Yuanling Ancient Pagoda stands in the north of the void, echoing the Xuanhuang Pagoda, one yellow and one white, echoing from the north to the south, and thousands of virtual white light curtains cover the sky.

Under Qingluo's feet, an ancient picture also emerged. Although it did not belong to the innate, it was still a treasure!The picture shows the good fortune of mountains and rivers, and the society is boundless. The world in the picture is suspended by towering fortune beads, and the whirling phantom is like the real world.

The three Hunyuan Supremes felt the gap among Hunyuan for the first time, and with three against two, they were at a disadvantage.

The Xuanhuang Yuanling Twin Pagodas stand erect, the Tai Chi Good Fortune Twins Picture Exhibition, the old man sitting alone at the head of the Golden Bridge, and the mountain and river phantom teenagers stand alone.

The swaying of the Wanyu God's Banner in the hands of the Space Sovereign became more and more intense every time, and the endless space avenue swayed in the void, and the sinking of the twin towers could not be shaken.

No matter how strong the feng shui fire of Chaos Supreme is, it can only be determined by Taiji Golden Bridge.
Derivative Supreme possessed great powers, all of which were suppressed by Qing Luo. In the confrontation and collision between the endless Derivative Divine Lights, how could he defeat Qing Luo who had comprehended the power of the universe in the late stage of the Sixth Heaven?
The three Hunyuan Supremes of the Guixu Plane became more and more frightened as they fought, and the more they fought, the more they felt like retreating.The three of them are three against two, and there is still no chance of winning!
In Qing Luo's mind, the derived dharma chain reappeared, connecting with the ancient Yuanling Pagoda, thousands of god chains entered the Taiji Golden Bridge, and thousands of god chains entered the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda.

Numerous chains of derivation methods are criss-crossed and woven into a net, laying a net for the three Hunyuan Supremes!
The Taiji Liangyi on the Taiji Golden Bridge floats above the Yuanling Ancient Pagoda and also appears in the phantom of endless mountains and rivers. The Taiji Liangyi has surrounded the sky, and the two mountains and two pictures are all in Taiji.

At this moment, Lao Tzu's Dao of Tai Chi and Qing Luo's Dao of Derivation form a state of communion and communion. Lao Tzu's Dao Xin has never looked at the universe and comprehended all dharmas like this. Lao Tzu's Dao is changing again!

Seeing that they were gradually surrounded, the three Hunyuan Supremes had no choice but to escape again.

After the sound transmission of the three minds, they decided to make a surprise attack from the west of Qingluosuo Town.

The heaven-defying defense of the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda and the unfathomable depths of the Yuanling Ancient Pagoda, they may not be able to break through.

Although Lao Tzu's strength is weaker, his Tai Chi Diagram, an innate treasure, is too powerful, and it is difficult to escape from the chaotic space after a moment's delay.

Relatively speaking, Lao Tzu's defense is unparalleled, but his attack is slightly insufficient.

And Qing Luo, who doesn't have the blessing of the ancient Yuanling Pagoda, doesn't have any powerful magic weapon, so his strength must be weaker. With the magical powers of the three of them, they can naturally seize the moment and escape.

After the decision, the three Hunyuan Supremes suddenly crossed the space without warning, and rushed straight to the west where Qingluo was. Thousands of divine lights were generated, endless chaos raged, and hundreds of millions of tides rushed back to Qingluo.

With such a grand momentum, even the existence of the sixth level of heaven could only back away, Qing Luo smiled lightly on his face, stepped back without hesitation, and flew back from the phantom of Wanxiang Mountains and Rivers.

The three Hunyuan Supremes felt relieved, and taking advantage of this huge offensive, they immediately displayed their supreme supernatural powers to cross the boundary and leave.

However, when they experienced the phantom of all phases, the map of good fortune suddenly covered the space and took three people into it.

But at this moment, Lao Tzu in the east flickered under the golden bridge, firmly fixed on the world in the picture.

The calm and watery aura around Lao Tzu instantly became horrifying, and the divine light of life and death disillusionment blasted out, and then transformed into Sanqing with one breath, and the three separate bodies combined their forces to summon Pangu's sound capital Tianshenlei, and Huanghuangshenlei carried the power of the ancient gods with a bang And down!


The vast air waves rushed to thousands of universes, the map of good fortune was already shattered, and the towering good fortune beads were also shattered.

Three bewildered figures escaped from it, and the three of them were shocked, fearful and angry, and the space lord shouted: "Lao Tzu! This revenge must be paid back in the future!"

After the voice fell, the three of them flashed into the space-time tunnel and entered it.

However, the golden bridge under Lao Tzu has already fixed the void, and the figures of the three Primordial Priests are still there.

Then, they looked back and saw the most terrifying scene in their lives!
Behind them, there is a pair of giant palms holding the sky. In the palms, the left palm holds the sun, and the right palm holds the moon. The light of the sun and the moon blooms in this person's palms.

With that stalwart white figure as the center of the billions of stars, the sea of ​​stars is suspended into a vortex, and the stars of the universe are like billions of bright crowns.

There is no such person in the world who grasps the sun, moon and stars between his palms!

The power of the cosmic star formation that envelops the entire prehistoric plane is completely in the palms of this grand and stalwart figure!

(End of this chapter)

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