The Green Snake of the Great Wilderness becomes enlightened

Chapter 753 Life and Death Are Pride, Tai Chi Universe

Chapter 753 Life and Death Are Pride, Tai Chi Universe

Even though Wu Wu is already at the fifth level of heaven at this moment, he is still powerless in the face of the Jietian Sword Formation!
After all, the gap between the Unbreakable Four Saints and the Unbreakable Five Saints is not only a Hunyuan gap, but also a quality gap.

What Wuwu is facing is not a saint, the Master of Tongtian, but five Hunyuan Supremes!

Wuwu's vicious intentions are everywhere, and he no longer uses any divine channeling methods. For it, the most powerful thing is the body of the beast.

The body of a billion-foot-high gigantic beast appeared, and it wanted to break through the Jietian sword formation, but the palm of Tongtian Sect Master thundered, and the five swords flew into the sky together. Every time the 梼杌 rose by one foot, the Zhuxian World became taller by one foot.

The leader of Tongtian religion stands on the altar, Zhu Xian's four swords all emit four sword lights, and the four swords and Jietian sword light merge into one, turning into Hongmeng sword light, but it is more subtle than the original Hongmeng sword light.

All the murderous intentions that shattered the ages rushed away, and the sword light pointed at the head of the fierce beast.

The fierce beast with ferocious eyes jumped at Hongmeng Jianguang, and slapped it fiercely with its huge and sharp palms.



There was an angry animal cry amidst the huge roar.

The Hongmeng sword light dissipated, and the legs of the beast had been cut off!

The master of Tongtian raised the four swords of the immortals again, and the light of the Hongmeng sword converged again, and the fierce beast of Wuwu let out a rage, and the endless murderous intentions in the world gathered on its feet, and it gave birth to intact feet again.

On the Kunlun Sacred Mountain, the world tree behind the old woman on Good Fortune Avenue is even bigger, and the figure of the old woman is even more illusory.

He scanned the entire battlefield of the Six Realms, and said, "Since all the realms are blocked, let's break through from the old body!"

After the voice fell, the old woman took a step back and fit into the magnificent world tree, and the tree body instantly expanded into billions and billions of vast voids.

A tree turns into a universe, and the sinking of a universe slowly falls, not destroying, but perishing together!

The supreme good fortune wants to use the endless years of Dao fruit to perish with the entire fairy world!His prehistoric sage can do his best, and so can his Hunyuan who returns to the ruins!

Under this vast universe, the entire fairyland is like a speck of dust, an ocean trying to submerge a grain of sand, how simple and suspense-free?

Tongtian, who was in the battle with Zhuwu, was startled and wanted to leave the battle, but the fierce beast of Wuwu split into thousands in an instant, impacting every space node in the world of the immortals, and wanted to break out of the battle.

The leader of Tongtian was distracted, but Zhu Wu seized this opportunity, and once again stalemate with the leader of Tongtian.

The voice of Creation Supreme resounded throughout the six realms, shaking the mind of every living being.

"The way of good fortune is the way of infinite vitality, and the way of fate is endless destruction!

Prehistoric, let me destroy!Daoist Hongmeng, I have fulfilled my old mission, so I bid farewell. "

But at this moment, Tianzun on the Kunlun Mountain, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke out.

Such a huge fall in the universe cannot be stopped by him alone!Hunyuan's life-sacrificing blow from the sixth heaven, even the existence of the seventh heaven realm must be extremely cautious, not to mention that he is just a saint who is less than the fifth heaven.

Yuanshi Tianzun shook his head and laughed, and Zhongzheng's peaceful voice came out: "The Great Desolation was opened by Pangu, how could it die because of you?

God Pangu opened the sky, so I, the descendant of Pangu, will protect the sky! "

Standing on the top of Kunlun Mountain, his figure is always so straight, so majestic, and so noble.Not for himself, but to maintain the majesty of God Pan Gu!
This is his way, the way of heaven and man, he inherits Pangu, and he protects the world.

Yuanshi Tianzun fits body, heart, and spirit.

The Kunlun Divine Mountain rose again with a bang, the sky split in two again, and the earth became thick and sank again.

Yuanshi Tianzun became a mountain, or the mountain merged into Yuanshi Tianzun.

Kunlun Sacred Mountain is the relic of Buzhou, the highest branch of Buzhou Mountain. After the collapse of Buzhou Mountain, it was divided into four continents, east and west Kunlun, and East Kunlun is naturally the largest relic of Pangu.

At this moment, Yuanshi Tianzun's body does not fit well, and hundreds of millions of acres of Qingyun are blooming on the top, and the golden lamps cover the sky and cover the earth. The mountains are rising higher and higher, the clouds are lifting and rising, and the lights are getting brighter and brighter.

The Kunlun Divine Mountain has already surpassed the sky, and it has risen to one sky after another, and the good fortune universe has fallen at an extreme speed, falling down layer after layer of space.

The mountain is rising, the universe is falling, and the two are approaching extremely fast.

Finally, the two collided at extreme speeds!

Thunder and fire flickered between the sky and the earth, and black and white lights shone everywhere.

There is no doubt that the mountain was crushed by the stalwart universe, and "Buzhou" fell down again.

In the human world, Lao Tzu, who was at odds with Chaos Supreme and Space Supreme, was startled, and his heart trembled.

As the heart-to-heart communication between the three Qings, even the leader of Tongtian has a feeling in his heart at this moment.However, no matter how talented Lao Tzu is, it would be difficult for him to stand up against a Space Supreme of the sixth heaven and a Primal Chaos Supreme of the fifth heaven!

The mountain has fallen, and he has not yet fallen.

Yuanshi Tianzun showed up, with disheveled hair, disheveled clothes, and no trace of "proper" demeanor.

But at this moment, in the eyes of all beings, he is unprecedentedly majestic.

The fall of the universe, passing through the top of the mountain, slowly slowed down a bit, but there was already a huge aura pressing down, causing countless creatures to gasp for breath, it was difficult to stand up at all, and they all fell to the ground.

Ordinary creatures, immortals, and later, as the universe sank closer, the aura of Hunyuan Supreme followed, and even golden immortals could hardly stand up.

In the entire fairy world, on the top of Kunlun Mountain, all the creatures crouching on the ground are looking up at the disheveled saint, the saint who regards all living beings as ants, scaled and armored undeveloped people, and despises the weak.

Yuanshi Tianzun took off the broken Taoist hairpin, and the billion long hair behind him fluttered to shoulder height, always majestic and majestic.

Even though at this moment, he is still the Yuanshi Tianzun, the majestic and noble Yuanshi Tianzun, this is his way, just for the way, and what he does is only the way!

Perhaps, on this point, he is closer than Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu's pursuit of Tao is obvious. His pursuit of Tao has been integrated into the whole person, every word, deed, and even the whole thinking have become Exist only to seek the way.

Only by being infinitely close to death can one comprehend the true meaning of survival.

This time, Yuanshi Tianzun wanted to find the Tao in a different way. The Shuntian of the Dao of Heaven and Man had made him very tired, so it was time to find the same way in a different way.

Yuanshi Tianzun raised his left palm, slapped it in the air, and slapped it towards his spiritual altar in the entrance, and the consciousness that had been sleeping for endless years in the entrance awakened.


A strong air wave scattered in all directions, breaking through the nine heavens.


A howl of anger awakened countless creatures.

A majestic figure stood up, the sky was never as high as him, and the earth was never as thick as him!

In his eyes is the supreme obsession with the opening and closing of heaven and earth, and his majestic body and muscles have the mighty power to enlighten the universe!

He doesn't have a Pangu ax in his hand, only a banner!
However, in the face of the universe of the sixth heaven, one banner is enough!
He waved the Pangu banner in his hand, and the chaotic air cut pieces of the universe, slid down endless stars, shattered the universe, and fell the stars.

He grasped it with his left hand as a fist, and his fist was unstoppable all over the world.

He waved the banner with his right palm, and when he waved the banner, Ten Thousand Stars Fall would be unrivaled.

He just stood there, not moving like a mountain, but moving still like a mountain.

He once created the heaven and the earth, and now he breaks the universe to open the universe. He opened the heaven and the earth, and He split the universe.

Just like opening the sky, but not as good as opening the sky.

Qiqi 49 waved the banner, Qiqi 49 punched out, and He left.

When He left, billions of stars in the universe above the sky fell, passing across the sky like billions of fireworks in full bloom, brilliant and dazzling, and extremely romantic as He saw him off.

That figure also disappeared together, and there was no longer that majestic, dignified and contemptuous figure standing on the top of Kunlun Divine Mountain.

On the dome of the sky, nine dragon incense is displayed again, carrying the saint, flowers are falling from the sky, a strange fragrance is coming from the hollow, golden lamps are everywhere, and the sky is full of celestial clouds. This is the heaven and earth seeing him off.

He never explained it in words, because he never cared about the opinions of sentient beings, nor did he care about the gratitude of the ants. Dade is grateful. He was born proud and died proud, so why should others speak?
Even after his death, he still fits into Kunlun and sleeps here forever.Not only because this is the legacy of Pangu, not only because there are his disciples who explained his teachings, but also because this is the only former residence of their Trinity.

He never told anyone about himself, never explained too much, he has the reserve and majesty of a saint.

He is prehistoric and holy, life and death are majestic.

Master Tongtian's eyes blurred for a moment. He thought that he had already separated Sanqing, but when Sanqing was still connected with each other, the severance of love he thought was just what he thought.

Yuanshi Tianzun released the power of Pangu's Yuanshen, which is also the power of his own Yuanshen's true spirit. There is no heavenly sustenance, and no heavenly way can help him return because Pangu's Yuanshen is the only one in the world.

The sage Laozi was silent for a long time, and the pagoda of Xuanhuang Linglong protected him. Even though it was already crumbling, Laozi was still lost in thought.

He was not as excited as Tongtian, and his heart was still calm, but his soul was in too much pain.

The Space Supreme waved the Ten Thousand Universes Divine Banner 81 times, the power of the Divine Banner was great, the space moved and the space was overturned, the Xuanhuang Pagoda hung upside down, Lao Tzu stood upside down, and the Taiji diagram shifted. At this moment, the space solidified, and the Chaos Supreme sent it into His Heart, sent into Lao Tzu's body.

The next moment, the space roared and vibrated, and a chaotic world in Lao Tzu's body exploded in an instant, and even the body of a saint was instantly turned into fly ash due to the immense destructive power.

Space Supreme and Chaos Supreme are not surprising.

To freeze the space, he spent most of his cultivation to display it. Even the seventh heaven should be taken seriously, let alone Lao Tzu of the fifth heaven?

As for the Primal Chaos Priest's Chaos Heart, he cherishes it even more. He condenses all the power of the Dao of Chaos and turns the void into chaos in an instant, and it turns into chaos in Lao Tzu's body. Even Daoist Hongmeng can't save it.

The two supreme beings looked at each other with a smile, fought hard for a long time, and finally it was time to decide the winner!
Outside the void, Zi Luo Zhizun, who was sent away by Lao Tzu, was desperately devouring the endless chaos. His cultivation base of the first level of heaven was too low, and staying there would only become a burden to Lao Tzu, so Lao Tzu sent him away. go.

Now, Lao Tzu is sad.

The two supreme beings had just walked a few steps, the space supreme being looked cold, and said: "No! Why is there no heaven and earth vision of a fallen saint in the prehistoric world?"

As soon as this remark came out, the two supreme beings were on alert and immediately activated their supernatural powers to destroy the primordial plane.

However, the two of them were still one step too late.

In the endless universe, there came Lao Tzu's emotionless fluctuations.

"I have returned to the universe, I am the Tao, and I enter the universe."

At the next moment, a Tai Chi seal floated around the Space Supreme and Chaos Supreme. On the Tai Chi seal, Yang is for life and Yin is for death.

Lao Tzu is standing on the cathode at this moment, his body is gone, but his spirit still exists.

He has disappeared into the universe, but merged into the universe again.

The two Hunyuan Supremes are standing on the anode at this moment, doing it for a living.

The primordial spirit of the sage Laozi smiled lightly, and the Tai Chi seal slowly turned, and the three figures shifted between Yin and Yang, life and death.

Lao Tzu's spirit is in harmony with the universe, even if he is not the son of Daoxuan, even if he is only in the fifth level of heaven, he can still use the power of Tai Chi to borrow a trace of the power of the universe.

It's just that none of them can get out of this Tai Chi with the universe as the seal and the three Hunyuan Supremes as the life and death forces of yin and yang!
(End of this chapter)

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