The Green Snake of the Great Wilderness becomes enlightened

Chapter 758 Victory in all realms, derivation is complete

Chapter 758 Victory in all realms, derivation is complete
The head of the devil who had escaped from Christ's Great World was rapidly traveling through the space-time tunnel of the universe, but at the next moment a giant palm suddenly slapped it, and the four derived avenues in the giant palm instantly locked the head of the devil.

At the edge of the universe, Qing Luo stretched out his hand and took the head of the demon into the Hongmeng Dao Pagoda.

The current him is several points stronger than the one who first entered the Seventh Heaven Realm.

In the great world of Christ, after Zi Luo and Yahweh had a few secret words, they left again and stepped into one small plane after another to help the creatures of all worlds resist the invasion of the will of Hongmeng Dao.

With the fall of Qingluo, the fall of the eighteen Hunyuan, the victory of the world of Christ, the world of science and technology, and the victory of one plane after another, the power of the will of Hongmeng Avenue is getting weaker and weaker.

Daoist Hongmeng was naturally weakened by three points.

Daozu Hongjun and Patriarch Yang Mei began to gain the upper hand.

The days of the prehistoric plane passed day by day, and after the world spirits of the prehistoric plane devoured three thousand gods and demons, their strength improved further. With the victory in the battlefield of the six realms, the power of heaven gradually increased, and it was again imposed on Hong Huang. The body of Jun Daozu.

Time flies day by day, and a hundred years have passed since the Six Realms catastrophe and world annihilation war in the prehistoric plane.

But the supreme being of the universe, the three rulers of the eighth heaven are still fighting endlessly.

It's just that Daoist Hongmeng is already at a disadvantage.

For their existence, if time has no characteristic premise, it has no meaning for them.They don't have mana exhaustion, and the primordial spirit is exhausted.

This kind of existential war is possible even if it lasts for countless times.

When Hongmeng first opened, when the universe was first born, the battle between Pangu and Hongmeng Avenue lasted for 8000 billion years, and Pangu was cut off from the universe by Hongmeng Avenue, which occupies the entire universe, and died of exhaustion.

As the years passed, the beings of the six worlds had gradually emerged from the shadow of the World Annihilation War.But Da Neng, an ancestor who is above the Da Luo Jinxian, is still worried.

Ten thousand years later, Supreme Zi Luo returned and devoured the power of the Great Dao of the Myriad Realms, and he had reached the peak of the Fifth Heaven Realm!
Such a peerless monster, not to mention the heavenly way of the prehistoric plane, is not allowed to exist on all major planes of the universe.But because of the catastrophe, the Heavenly Dao of the Primordial Plane was temporarily compromised, and it has grown to such a degree that it is really frightening!

Therefore, Zi Luo Zhizun stepped into the prehistoric plane with one foot, and the prehistoric plane was full of wind and clouds, and endless thunder was bred in it.

Zi Luo Zhizun had no choice but to roll his eyes, retracted his feet, and cultivated outside the prehistoric plane, waiting for Qing Luo to return.

As for asking him to find Qingluo, it would span the entire universe, a distance of trillions of light years, and even if he was in the fifth-level heaven, he would probably get lost in it.

Thousands of years have passed, and all the Hunyuan in the prehistoric plane have recovered some vitality, that is, the sentient beings in the six realms have recovered to the number before the war.

After all, after the catastrophe comes a new life, and there are many chances in the new life, and there are many once-in-a-lifetime opportunities.

Ziluo Supreme has waited for a hundred thousand years outside the prehistoric plane.

Finally, a figure came towards him.

Zi Luo's expression was startled, and he looked at the void of time and space twisting in front of him, a road of time and space was opened, and the ethereal figure in white walked out of it.

"Zi Luo pays homage to Your Majesty."

Without hesitation, Zi Luo bowed her knees and touched her head to the ground, and bowed to Qing Luo.

Qing Luo couldn't help laughing and said: "Okay, get up. These small thoughts can't be hidden from me."

Zi Luo smiled without embarrassment, like a young man meeting an elder, he said cautiously: "Your Majesty gave me a body and created my primordial spirit. Naturally, I am the Lord of Zi Luo."

Qing Luo didn't take it seriously. Vicious things like purple blood thorns were not tolerated by the universe, but they were by no means easy to be controlled by people.

"Okay, follow me into the prehistoric world."

Zi Luo paused, hesitated and said, "But I..."

"I've said it, so let's follow." Qing Luo stepped straight into the primordial plane, and Zi Luo hurriedly followed into the prehistoric plane, but this time there was no thunder punishment from heaven.

Zi Luo immediately followed Qing Luo closely.

Qingluo returned to Honghuang, and didn't go back to Evernight City, nor did she go to see the saints Hunyuan, but came to the demon world.

In the western corner of the demon world, there is a continental lake called the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Demons.

Although it is a lake, its area is extremely vast and boundless.However, this place has been shrouded by an endless array of stars all year round, and no creature dares to approach it.

Because this star formation was set up by His Majesty Donghuang Taiyi, even if Da Luo Jinxian stepped into it, it would be more or less ominous.

And under the big formation, there is endless demon energy, the demon abyss is deep, and thousands of demons roam.

When Qing Luo stepped into it, the starlight never messed up a strand of his hair, and the incomparable devilish energy never stained his white clothes.

Zi Luo followed closely behind him, seeming to recall from his memory that this was the Southwest Demon Abyss Sea among the four great continents in the old days.

Qing Luo and his party walked straight into the deepest part of the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Demons, but no matter how vicious the demons were, they dared not stop them in the slightest.

Under the sea of ​​thousands of demons, Wutian, who was bound by the golden chain of law of order of heaven and earth and sealed off the entrance, opened his eyes and saw the person coming.

For a moment, eyes accustomed to the darkness looking at the light turned out to be a little strange.

After Wutian saw the person coming, he was taken aback, and then ignored him.Even though the cultivation realm of the visitor is much higher than him, but the magic way is three thousand, the way of heaven is indestructible, and he will not fall from glory.

However, being imprisoned here without end is no different from death.

Qing Luo smiled and said: "The Heavenless Demon Ancestor, the Supreme Rahu has passed away."

He was a little stunned, he didn't expect the first sentence to be this.

With a single wave of Qing Luo's hand, the derived divine light enveloped the golden chain of the law of order and law of heaven.

The Qingluo Yuanshen and the Dao of Heaven communicated and became one in an instant, and the four dharma chains shattered with a bang, dissipating the heaven and the earth.

Wutian Mozu has been sealed for hundreds of thousands of years, and the primordial spirit who has been silent for hundreds of thousands of years is a little confused.

Immediately, he thought of it, smiled, and said sadly: "You came here for the share of the son of Daoxuan."

Qing Luo nodded without hiding her clumsiness.

Wutian Demon Ancestor shook his head and said, "You go. I won't give it to you."

Qing Luo stretched out a finger, stretched out the slender index finger in the white sleeve, pointed at the primordial spirit of the entrance, and the power of heaven that sealed the primordial spirit was also taken into his hand.

Qing Luo turned around and left, just said to Zi Luo: "Swallow them all."

After hearing this, Zi Luo was overjoyed, licked her tongue, and hurriedly melted thousands of thorns, scrambling to swallow those demons.

Wutian Demon Ancestor couldn't turn his head around, he shouted: "If you destroy the way of magic, the way of heaven is incomplete, and you will naturally die!"

Qing Luo didn't look back, and still walked step by step toward the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Demons, and said flatly, "You think too highly of yourself. The Ten Thousand Demon Sea Demons cannot represent the way of the devil!"

"But in the entire prehistoric world, only the Demon Race exists in the Demon Abyss Sea!" Wutian snorted coldly.

Qing Luo spread out her palm, and the point of light in the palm was endlessly derived from the law. "Demon, I can also create! So, if you don't exist, the way of magic will still exist!"

The point of light in his palm is the power of heaven sealed within the Wutian porch, and his endless mental calculations deduced the structure of demons, and his derived avenues can naturally derive new demons.

The Wutian Demon Ancestor was shocked, and then roared: "If I fall, the Taoist share will disappear by itself."

Qing Luo sighed and said: "But I am already one of the masters of the universe, even if the share of Taoism comes to any place in the universe, as long as you spend some time and effort, you can naturally find it.

It's just that you have to wait a little longer. "

Wutian Demon Ancestor was terrified, and said in shock: "You, you, you have broken through the seventh heaven!"

Qing Luo walked to the entrance of the Haiyuan Tunnel, suddenly turned her head and said, "Otherwise?

Wutian Demon Ancestor, I will personally send you a journey, let you feel the power of overlord! "

After finishing the words, Qing Luo stretched out his hand to generate divine light and shot it directly at Wutian Demon Ancestor.

With his current strength, which is only in the first level of heaven, how can he resist Qing Luo's blow?
Wutian yelled: "I pay!"

The Derivative Divine Light stopped instantly, Qing Luo glanced at Zi Luo, and Zi Luo stopped devouring unwillingly.Just now he knew that His Majesty was only putting pressure on Wutian, and Wutian would naturally succumb in a short time, so he just raced against time to pick the holy power and Daluo Jinxian's demons to devour, each Daluo demon can be compared to thousands Tens of thousands of ordinary demons are much more delicious!

Qing Luo took Zi Luo out of the sea of ​​ten thousand demons, the sea of ​​ten thousand demons, the great array of stars disappeared, and the demons reappeared, but their power was already weak.

Zi Luo has swallowed ninety-nine out of ten of the Da Luo Jin Demon Clan and the Quasi-Saint Demon Clan, and even the Jinxian Taiyi Demon Clan has swallowed many of them.

The background accumulated by the demons for many years has been emptied.

Even if he came out of the world again, it would be difficult to produce a quasi-saint demon, let alone a Hunyuan Supreme!

Qing Luo took Zi Luo into the starry sky.

In the starry sky, the two main stars of the lunar yin and the sun radiate grand fiery light to illuminate the endless star universe.

In the past, the prehistoric Lunar Sun double star was not so grand.This is a change that only occurred after devouring three thousand gods and demons.

Between the two main stars, a small universe is sealed inside, hidden from the eyes of all beings.

Qing Luo walked into it with Zi Luo.

As soon as they entered it, a huge oppressive force from heaven and earth descended on Qingluo and Ziluo.

But Qing Luo's body glows with derivation light, and derivation is everywhere in the universe, and these suppressing forces will naturally disappear.

Qing Luo turned around and said to Zi Luo: "You stay here, no one else can enter. I'll go for a walk."

Zi Luo nodded and said yes, guarding the outside of this small universe to prevent outsiders from entering.

Qingluo descended to the clouds in one step, there is no ethereal and pure aura between heaven and earth, no ubiquitous order of heaven, no Tao and law, no immortals and Buddhas, and no ghosts and ghosts.

Here, there are only [-]-meter-tall buildings, the sky is full of smog, the roar of machines, the flow of people are like weaving, the hustle and bustle is flourishing and extremely prosperous.

There is no imaginary touch in Qing Luo's heart, no long-lost memories. In the eyes of his master, the earth is just a place in the endless universe civilization.

(End of this chapter)

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