The Heavenly Journey of Zhuxian

Chapter 157 The Eve of the Great War

Chapter 157 The Eve of the Great War
In the Qingyun Mountains, the sun is shining and the mist is misty.All the ancient trees and spiritual plants have undergone earth-shaking changes.Lu Xueqi, Daoxuan Daoxuan, Wan Jianyi, Cangsong, Tian Buyi, Master Shuiyue and others have broken through the limit of the world one after another and entered the fairyland.Today's Qingyun can be called a real fairyland on earth!

By the moon-watching platform of Xiaozhu Peak, Chen Tianxing was lying in Lu Xueqi's arms, his head resting lightly on Lu Xueqi's lap.Lu Xueqi gently pressed Chen Tianxing's temples, and the clouds rose and set in the distant sky.The breeze lifts up the mist in the mountains, bringing coolness and freshness to the face.

"Xueqi, do you think we will win?" Chen Tianxing asked with some fear.In front of people, he is Qingyun's head teacher, a true immortal in the world, and the hope of the human race.Only when he was in front of Lu Xueqi, would he show this fragile side.

Although at this time he was the best in the world, but when he thought of the legendary protoss, he still felt powerless after all.

Lu Xueqi pressed Chen Tianxing lightly, but was stunned for a moment when she heard this, and then said: "Yes, what the ancient sages can do, we can definitely do!"

In the far west, there is an endless desert, where there is no water, no plants, only countless yellow sand and desolation.

However, at this time, many Qingyun disciples were welcomed here.Even Chen Tianxing came in person.

These Qingyun disciples were busy for a while, and then one of them stepped forward and saluted: "Master, we are ready!"

Chen Tianxing nodded with a smile and said, "Okay, let's start!"

"Yes, head!" The man saluted and left quickly.

Chen Tianxing stood in mid-air in the void battle, behind him were dozens of disciples Yu Jian stopped.These disciples had anticipation on their faces, and they were also a little apprehensive.

The disciple standing on Chen Tianxing's right hand clasped his hands together and said firmly, "Start."

Hundreds of miles away and thousands of meters in the air, a disciple was carrying a huge iron lump that looked a bit like a mushroom.

He quickly fiddled with the iron lump a few times with one hand, and then threw the thing directly downward.Afterwards, the disciple quickly took out a jade slip and crushed it, the brilliance flashed, and the disciple disappeared in place.

call out.
The space in front of Chen Tianxing and the others rippled, and a disciple fell out of it.The disciple's eyes were full of fire, and he stared intently at the distance.Still whispering in his mouth: "Five, four, three, two, one"

Just after counting to one, an incomparably dazzling light suddenly burst out from a hundred miles away, and even the sun's light lost its color under this light.

A huge fireball with a diameter of more than 70 miles rose up, and the surrounding clouds first reflected blue-green light, and then disappeared.

The earth was undulating like waves, and it flew up to an altitude of thousands of meters.The huge mushroom cloud rises slowly.

Immediately afterwards, a deafening, earth-shattering sound swept over.A moment later, an extremely powerful shock wave rushed towards the four directions, as if a thousand horses were galloping, irresistible.

At the moment when the shock wave came, a transparent film appeared in front of Chen Tianxing and enveloped everyone.

Boundless dust and smog enveloped this far western land
Qingyun's disciples were stunned, trembling all over, looking at the explosion in front of them, even though they knew the power of this thing was huge, they still couldn't believe it at this time, we made this thing?

After a long time, the crowd burst into excited and enthusiastic voices:
"We made it hahaha."

"We made it hahaha."

At this time, they laughed and cried when they laughed, and laughed when they cried and cried.

Although the research and manufacture of Zhuxian No. [-] has the support of the head Chen Tianxing, there is still a lot of gossip in the sect. Their cultivation base is the existence at the bottom of the sect. Chen Tianxing entrusts them with this burden. They were all under tremendous pressure, but fortunately, they succeeded.

At the place where the explosion occurred, the entire ground sank tens of meters, surrounded by fragments of colored glaze.Chen Tianxing inspected it himself, and found that the surrounding radiation dissipated very quickly, which seemed to be related to the spiritual power between heaven and earth. Its ability to purify this radiation was beyond Chen Tianxing's expectations. After his estimation, the radiation would take about half a year. will disappear completely.

The successful explosion of Zhuxian No. [-] made the disciples of the research institute extremely excited.They plan to work on making another fusion-style thing next.

Three years later, the Killing God No. [-] successfully exploded in the Far West.

Qingyun Beitang broke out to create a frenzy of "killing gods".

There are Qingyun strongholds in all major cities and towns in the whole world.Everything is so organized.

Ten years later.
The spiritual power between the heaven and the earth is getting stronger and stronger, there are five levels of monks in the world, and the remaining five levels basically know a few martial arts.

The common people live and work in peace and contentment, and the Lingmi and other seeds researched by Qingyun are being promoted all over the world, and everything seems to be developing in a positive direction.

At the highest point of Tongtian Peak, Chen Tianxing stood here looking at the whole world.

The newborn sun climbed up his face, and a drop of morning dew dripped from his hair.

Chen Tianxing raised his head slightly to look at the sky, and there seemed to be a purple light in his eyes.After a long time, he withdrew his gaze and whispered, "Is it finally coming?"

On Tongtian Peak, green smoke curled up to the sky, and the bronze tripod stood above the sea of ​​clouds.

Everyone gathered here, Ling Xing and the other dozen or so people stood on the high platform in front of them.

More than ten rays of light flew out from the Yuqing Palace and landed on the high platform.When the light dissipated, it was Chen Tianxing, Lu Xueqi, Wen Min, Qi Hao, Lin Jingyu, Zeng Shushu, Song Daren and others who came.

"Ling Xing, a disciple of Tongtian Peak, has a noble character, both ability and political integrity. Today, he will inherit the No. 19 head of Qingyun."

The rest passed on to the next generation of disciples one after another.

Today, most of Chen Tianxing's descendants have grown up, and the future is theirs.And the affairs of the Protoss should end in the hands of Chen Tianxing's generation and the previous generation.

At night, above the sea of ​​clouds, Reverend Daoxuan, Wan Jianyi, Tian Buyi, Cang Song, Master Shuiyue, Suru and others, as well as Chen Tianxing, Lu Xueqi, Wen Min, Qi Hao, Xiao Yicai, Zeng Shushu, Lin Jingyu and others were all here .

Besides them, there are 730 other elders, all of them are from the generation of Master Daoxuan and Chen Tianxing.

Chen Tianxing stood at the forefront, and his voice sounded:
"This should be the last battle. In this battle, all of us may fall. They are backward and corrupt, and only perishing is their final destination.”

"In this battle, we must win, and the human race must win. The human race will never die, and the human race will survive forever."

The sound of mountains and tsunami resounded through the heaven and earth, and the soaring fighting spirit pierced the sky.
(End of this chapter)

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