The Heavenly Journey of Zhuxian

Chapter 159 The Grand Finale

Chapter 159 Finale ([-])
The Shanhe sword appeared in Chen Tianxing's hand, and he threw the Shanhe into the air, and the Shanhe sword grew in the wind, shining brightly.Everyone made a formula in their hands, and their spiritual power went towards the Shanhe Sword.

The light of the Shanhe Sword soared even more, the sharp Gengjin Qi tore through the surrounding space, and the turbulent flow of the void continued to flow around the sword body.

Chen Tianxing flew up, pointing his sword towards the sky, and the huge Shanhe sword began to rise in the collapse of space.

Terrifying power circulated throughout the world, countless stars fell like meteors, and then exploded.The earth trembled violently, and the roar of the tide resounded through the sky and the earth.

Chen Tianxing manipulated the Shanhe sword and fell towards the god emperor. The surrounding gods did not move, but just protected his body, and looked at Chen Tianxing and others with a hint of teasing in their eyes.

The God Emperor's face remained unchanged, and he ignored the devastating attack in front of him as nothing.I saw him raising his hands in an embrace, his head raised slightly, and his eyes slightly closed.

Suddenly, everything in the world seemed to stop.The wind stopped whistling, and the Shanhe Sword actually stopped in mid-air. Chen Tianxing felt his body was so obscure that he couldn't move.But just for a moment, the 'power of chaos' in his body was running rapidly, and his body recovered.

A head of black hair quickly turned purple, and his eyes turned into a light purple, deep and gloomy.

With a violent explosion, the Shanhe sword fell down again with a little strangeness.

"Huh?" The God Emperor frowned slightly, his body exuded a golden light, and his body swelled instantly, turning into a golden body.Grab the palm of your hand towards Shanhe Sword, a boundless golden light blooms in your hand, and the law of space flows in your palm.

There was no earth-shattering power, but that hand easily grabbed the Shanhe sword, and with a light pinch, the Shanhe sword unexpectedly shattered.

However, Chen Tianxing didn't seem to see it, only to see that he was clenching the formula with both hands, showing a smile towards the god emperor, and uttered a few words softly: "Wan Jian Jue"

The Shanhe sword dissipated suddenly, and countless divine swords radiated purple light, sweeping away in all directions like a storm.

That is to say, Daoxuan Daoxuan shouted loudly: "War!"

Everyone shot towards those divine mansions, and the war was about to break out!
Countless divine swords streaked across the sky, and thousands of divine mansions reacted quickly, but they were still somewhat annihilated. These are the few divine mansions with weaker aura that Chen Tianxing took care of specially.

Most of the others were blocked, but as soon as the countless divine swords disappeared, majestic voices resounded throughout the world:
"Heaven and earth righteousness, greatness and eternal existence, don't seek to kill immortals, but kill ghosts and gods." Wan Jianyi's unruly figure appeared above the head of a god's mansion, and the magic trick of killing ghosts and gods was resolutely launched, and the world trembled.

Wan Jian moved forward one by one. In his eyes, everything in the world disappeared, and only the enemy under the sword was in his eyes.

The bright sword light was so terrifying in his eyes. At this moment, he couldn't even bring up the idea of ​​blocking it. There was only one thought in his mind, which was to escape. However, the sword light was so fast, he didn't have time to As soon as I moved, I felt a pain in my body, and then I lost the feeling.

"Nine Heavens Profound Brake, turned into Divine Thunder
Huanghuang Tianwei, led him with a sword. "

All of a sudden, Qingyun and the others made various moves frequently. On the battlefield, the ground was broken and the space was wiped out.

Numerous explosions and flames continue to fill the air
The Ten Thousand Excalibur turned into a Mountain and River Sword again and fell into Chen Tianxing's hands. Lu Xueqi held Tianya and stood beside Chen Tianxing, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

At this time, the voice of the god emperor sounded, full of anger:

"This emperor is invincible in the world, walked through the blue sky and yellow spring, and walked through the long river of time, how can you and other ants be worthy of competing with this emperor."

Boom. Bang.
A huge bronze coffin came from outside the sky, with a vast blue light, crushing the space of time, and falling from the head of the god emperor with supreme pressure, suppressing him.

"Oh, who is it?"

Xiyue's figure floated down, and said coldly: "Who is talking about being invincible?"

"Xiyue." Chen Tianxing and Lu Xueqi shouted in surprise.

Xiyue turned her head and smiled, nodded, and said, "I'm back!"

After speaking, Xiyue floated up and landed on the huge bronze coffin, her eyes were closed tightly, and she was chanting an obscure ancient spell, and the inscription on the huge bronze coffin glowed with a strong blue light.

The giant bronze coffin trembled violently, Xiyue's face turned pale, the mysterious power swayed the power of heaven and earth to suppress the giant bronze coffin, but the giant force of heaven and earth could not be suppressed, the giant bronze coffin began to collapse inch by inch, and countless Golden light bloomed from the cracks, destroying the power of heaven and earth covering it.

Chen Tianxing and Lu Xueqi attacked one after another, only to see the Shanhe sword in Chen Tianxing's hand flying out, splitting out nine lightsabers and inserting them around the huge bronze coffin.

Lu Xueqi landed on top of the huge bronze coffin, and made a tactic in her hand, the red phoenix power emerged to wrap the entire huge coffin.

As soon as he made a move, Chen Tianxing and Lu Xueqi felt the horror in it.Infinite power came back from the giant coffin, impacting their physical bodies.With their cultivation base, they felt infinite pressure.

At this time, the pressure in the giant coffin suddenly decreased, and just as they breathed a sigh of relief, an infinite force suddenly exploded in the giant coffin, hitting like a landslide and tsunami.

Directly breaking through the seals of several people, the giant coffin exploded, and the three of them flew out backwards.

Invisible fluctuations swept through.
The three of Chen Tianxing had blood hanging from the corners of their mouths, and looked ahead fearfully.

At this time, the battlefield is full of burning bodies, stumps, gunpowder smoke, blood, and black smoke. This is the theme song of the battlefield at this time.

Most of the Qingyun group fell, and countless elders died in battle. Compared with the Shendi side, they were weaker in terms of number and cultivation.

At this time, Daoxuan Daoxuan, Wan Jianyi and the others were still fighting hard, the sword energy and magic arts were released crazily, and the earth and space collapsed terribly.

An elder was burned by the flames, and rushed towards the flaming mansion with a roar. With an earth-shattering explosion, the elder and the mansion disappeared together between heaven and earth.

Such scenes are constantly happening on the battlefield, everyone is already crazy, they have no time to grieve, they either die or the other party dies, life is so fragile on this battlefield, so what about immortals?What about God?How many have fallen in this battlefield?
The world is collapsing, the power of terror is raging, blood is falling like raindrops
Under the deep pit in front of Chen Tianxing and the others, a strong golden light bloomed, and the space around them continued to collapse. A figure walked in the void step by step like walking steps.

Chen Tianxing and the others felt as if a volcano was brewing in front of them, and a terrifying atmosphere raged in it.
(End of this chapter)

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