The Heavenly Journey of Zhuxian

Chapter 2 Zhang Xiaofan

Chapter 2 Zhang Xiaofan

Chen Tianxing bought some dry food at the market, and walked along the path pointed by Uncle Han!

Along the way, Chen Tianxing's greatest feeling was that the air in this world was much better than in his previous life!The whole person feels relaxed and happy, and the whole body seems to be much more relaxed!

Chen Tianxing left Heyang City, passed through a forest, and came to a dirt road!

According to what Uncle Han said, as long as you walk along this dirt road for two hours, you will see a stream, cross the stream and walk west for half a stick of incense and you will be there!

The journey was fairly peaceful, and Chen Tianxing didn't encounter anything!
Chen Tianxing arrived at Caomiao Village when the sun went down!

Chen Tianxing thought for a long time and still didn't enter the village directly. He found a cave one mile away from the village!
He intends to stay here tonight. If he enters the village rashly and encounters the tragedy in Caomiao Village, he can't guarantee that he will have such good luck to travel back!

The sky soon became completely dark, and Chen Tianxing curled up in the cave. He tried to start a fire, but he didn't have any tools to start a fire. It was really not easy!
Fortunately, the weather was not too cold, so Chen Tianxing was able to survive the night!
As the sky was getting brighter, Chen Tianxing woke up. He slept very lightly that night.

After all, it was in the wild, if it was night he would fall asleep to death.Some snakes, insects, rats and ants are trivial matters, if they are hit by some wild beasts, it will be really cool!
Chen Tianxing saw that it was still early, so he fell asleep again. It would definitely be much safer during the day, so he didn't wake up until the sun was high!
After waking up, he ran to the stream to wash his face, rinsed his mouth, ate some dry food indiscriminately, and went straight to Caomiao Village!

At this time, there are not many people in Caomiao Village, because most of the villagers should be busy working in the fields at this time, or busy working!

"Stinky boy, where are you going?" There was a yelling and cursing, but the voice was obviously childlike, and it was obvious that it was just a child's play!

Chen Tianxing, who was lamenting the magnificence of Qingyun Mountain, was attracted by this voice!Isn't this the beginning of Zhu Xian? Could it be that tonight Caomiao Village will
While Chen Tianxing was still in a daze, a child's voice rang in his ears: "Who are you? Why haven't I seen you before?"

The two children who were a little closer to him had delicate features and were extremely cute. Chen Tianxing vaguely guessed their identities in his heart!
"I'm from outside, and I want to join the Qingyun sect. I heard that people from Qingyun often pass by in your village. Is it true?"

The child in front puffed out his chest, and said with some pride: "Of course it's true, the immortals from Qingyunmen often come to our village to buy firewood!"

The corners of Chen Tianxing's mouth raised slightly, these children are really interesting!
"That's good, hey, I don't know your names yet?"

"Yeah. My name is Zhang Xiaofan, his name is Lin Jingyu, and this is Wang Ermu." Zhang Xiaofan said happily, as if he was very happy to meet new friends!
Another child quickly covered Zhang Xiaofan's mouth and said, "Oh, Xiaofan. We should let him say his name first!"

Chen Tianxing said with a smile: "My name is Chen Tianxing, and now I live in a cave outside the village!"

"Ah, then what do you eat?" These children asked eagerly!

Just as Chen Tianxing was about to speak, the voices of villagers calling these children to go home for dinner rang out in the village!
Those children ran away in an instant, only Zhang Xiaofan and Lin Jingyu stayed where they were!
Zhang Xiaofan said apologetically: "Chen Tianxing, my mother called me home for dinner, let's play together later!"

"Xiaofan, Xiaofan, let's go back quickly!" Lin Jingyu anxiously pulled Zhang Xiaofan away!
Looking at the figures of these children, Chen Tianxing couldn't help thinking of when he was a child, and he was full of thoughts for a while!

Chen Tianxing found two rocks that could spark sparks in the stream, caught a few small fish and some fat crabs in the river, and returned to the cave!
It took a lot of effort to start the fire, and he impatiently started to deal with the small fish and crabs!

After processing them, they were roasted on the fire. Although the small fish had no taste, they could still be eaten.The crab is the real delicacy. Although no condiments are added, the crab itself has a little salty taste, and it tastes really delicious!
After eating the dry food, Chen Tianxing felt warm all over his body, very comfortable!
After resting for a while, Chen Tianxing began to practice swords, and he has almost developed a habit for so many years. This may be the reason why he has achieved so much in this field!

"Wow, Chen Tianxing, you dance so beautifully!" Zhang Xiaofan's voice sounded from the side!
Chen Tianxing stopped, looked at Zhang Xiaofan and smiled, "Why are you here!"

Zhang Xiaofan walked over, touched his head, took out a piece of paper-wrapped stuff from his bosom, slowly opened it, it turned out that there were some food inside!
"I'm afraid you'll go hungry if you don't have anything to eat here, so I brought some food from home and brought it to you!" Zhang Xiaofan said shyly!
The corners of Chen Tianxing's mouth turned upwards, this Xiaofan is really kind-hearted!

"Thank you Xiaofan, but I've already eaten it!"

Zhang Xiaofan touched his head, thought for a while and said: "Well, you should keep it, you can still eat it when you get hungry later!"

Chen Tianxing also took advantage of the situation!
Zhang Xiaofan looked at his sword eyes full of envy, he said hesitatingly: "Chen Tianxing, can I touch your great sword?"

When Chen Tianxing heard this, he was also slightly taken aback, but he quickly realized that he is just a child who knows what!

So Chen Tianxing smiled and handed the Tianwen Sword to Zhang Xiaofan!

Zhang Xiaofan wiped his hands on his clothes excitedly, and took Tianwen with both hands!

It's just that Chen Tianxing forgot one thing, because of special reasons, his strength is almost the same as that of a man.But Zhang Xiaofan is just a child, how can he hold this sword?
As a result, Zhang Xiaofan just held the sword, when Chen Tianxing let go, the sword directly hit the ground!

Startled Zhang Xiaofan, Chen Tianxing picked up the sword!
Zhang Xiaofan said embarrassingly: "I'm sorry, God will help me."

Chen Tianxing smiled and said, "It's okay, but I forgot that this sword is very heavy!"

Said, Chen Tianxing handed the sword to Zhang Xiaofan again, but this time he also held it with his hand!

Zhang Xiaofan touched the sword, his eyes showed envy!After a while, he returned the sword to Chen Tianxing!

It's just that he kept looking at the Tianwen sword. Seeing this, Chen Tianxing smiled and said: "Xiaofan, you like swords so much, let me make one for you!"

"Really?" Zhang Xiaofan asked in surprise!
Chen Tianxing nodded and said, "Of course it's true!"

When Zhang Xiaofan heard it, he jumped up happily!

Chen Tianxing led Zhang Xiaofan into the cave, he pulled out a piece of firewood that was as thick as an adult's arm from the firewood that was going to be burned, and sat on the stone beside Zhang Xiaofan!
Chen Tianxing directly sharpened the firewood with the Tianwen sword. The Tianwen sword was indeed extremely sharp. After a while, the firewood was cut into the shape of a sword!
Zhang Xiaofan sat on the side, propped his chin with both hands, looked at Chen Tianxing adoringly and said: "Tianxing, you can handle such a heavy sword, and you can also make wooden swords! You are really good!"

Chen Tianxing was also talking to him with a smile!
After half a stick of incense, a sword engraved with patterns is freshly out of the oven!

After Zhang Xiaofan excitedly took it from Chen Tianxing's hand, he ran out excitedly, waving wildly outside!

Seeing this, Chen Tianxing also danced with his sword, and Zhang Xiaofan also started to learn from him when he found out!
Seeing this, Chen Tianxing slowed down, and Zhang Xiaofan also laughed out loud!
(End of this chapter)

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