The Heavenly Journey of Zhuxian

Chapter 28 The Seven Meridians Meeting Wu Shi

Chapter 28

Time passed quickly, and the one-time Qimai Martial Arts Competition is about to begin!
As early as a year ago, Qi Hao from Longshou Peak brought Lin Jingyu to tell the rules of this martial arts meeting!

This martial arts meeting is different from the past. In the past, there were four people from each branch of Qingyun sect, and four more people from Nagato Tongtian peak, making a total of 32.

But this time, there were nine disciples from each of the seven veins, and one more disciple from Nagato, making a total of 64.Everything else is the same as before!

Master Shuiyue has no opinion on this, but this time the rules are not friendly to the lineage of Dazhufeng.Even with the addition of Dazhu Peak's first Tian Buyi's own daughter, there are only eight people.

I heard that Tian Buyi lost his temper because of this!

Xiaozhufeng's disciples participating in the Qimai martial arts competition this time were selected through internal martial arts competitions!
The most incredible thing this time was that Senior Sister Xiyue actually won.Become one of the candidates for this Qimai martial arts competition!

You must know that in Xiaozhufeng today, the person with the lowest level of cultivation is Senior Sister Xiyue.

The one who was fighting her was Senior Sister Zhang Min, whose cultivation was at the fifth level of Yuqing.Although Senior Sister Xiyue exposed Yuqing's fourth-level cultivation, it did cause a sensation.But Senior Sister Zhang Min's cultivation is truly the fifth level of Yuqing!
In fact, the reason why Senior Sister Xiyue was able to win was because of her Siyin sword (that is, the one given to her by Chen Tianxing, she named it Siyin.)
The second is because of her own efforts over the years!
The third reason is that Chen Tianxing also taught her a lot of sword skills before!
Of course, some people think that Senior Sister Xiyue is due to luck this time!
But following their master, Master Shuiyue, everyone had no objection!
At that time, Master Shuiyue specially patted Xiyue on the shoulder, encouraging him: "Not bad, not bad. Fight hard, Xiyue!"

After Master Shuiyue left, Chen Tianxing, Lu Xueqi, Hua Yaoyao and other disciples who had a good relationship with Senior Sister Xiyue congratulated and encouraged her!
She blushed on the spot and couldn't say a word.But the expression in his eyes gradually became firmer!

In the end, the person to fight in Xiaozhu Peak was decided.

They are: Chen Tianxing, Lu Xueqi, Wen Min, Xiyue, Hua Yaoyao, Bai Xiaoxiao, Lu Yuerong, Liu Yanxi, Zhang Zijin.

Among these nine people, Chen Tianxing was the highest one, he was on the ninth level of Yuqing, and he was only one step away from stepping into the Upper Purity Realm.

The second is Lu Xueqi, who has the eighth level of Yuqing's cultivation.As for Senior Sister Xiyue, she has the lowest cultivation level.The other people, there are five people from the fifth floor of Yuqing, and one person from the sixth floor of Yuqing, that is, Senior Sister Wenmin!
That being the case, why is Senior Sister Xiyue Yuqing's fourth floor so low?It is even considered to be poor talent.That's because she entered Xiaozhufeng one year earlier than senior disciple Wenmin.

Originally the eldest disciple should be hers, but it was because of her cultivation talent that she later took charge of Xiaozhufeng's three meals a day.Gradually, it faded out of everyone's sight.

In addition, Wen Min was well known by Qingyun's various veins, and slowly passed on, Wen Min became everyone's elder sister!
After a few days, except for the disciples who need to stay at Xiaozhufeng.All the others, under the leadership of Master Shuiyue, flew to Tongtian Peak, the main vein of Qingyun!
Looking from a distance, Tongtian Peak soars into the clouds, and the white clouds are misty.All kinds of lights flashed around Tongtian Peak.That is the magic weapon for the imperial envoys of the disciples of all veins!
Chen Tianxing and his party walked with the sword, the wind whizzed by their ears.The crowd descended from the clouds and arrived at a square.This square is huge, with nine bronze tripods placed in the center, placed in threes and threes, the clouds are misty, and it looks like a scene of a fairy house!This is the sea of ​​clouds, one of the six scenic spots of Qingyun!
As soon as Chen Tianxing and the others settled down, a disciple in a white Taoist robe stepped forward and said, "I have seen Master Shuiyue, the master, please go and discuss the details of the Qimai Martial Arts Competition!"

Master Shuiyue gave some instructions to Chen Tianxing and his party, and then followed that disciple to the main hall!

The arrival of Chen Tianxing and his party caused quite a commotion.After all, a group of people are Yingyingyanyan, and Chen Tianxing is the only man in Xiaozhufeng.It made the disciples of other veins envious and jealous.There are bursts of "ghost crying and wolf howling"

Lu Xueqi frowned slightly at this moment, as if she was not close to strangers.Senior Sister Xiyue walked last, her eyes on the ground.The other senior sisters were chattering non-stop.Especially Senior Sister Hua Yaoyao!
Chen Tianxing held Lu Xueqi's hand, whispered in her ear, "Senior Sister, you should smile more!"

Being held by Chen Tianxing, Lu Xueqi was also slightly taken aback, tenderness appeared in her eyes.It's just that it quickly dissipated, and the frosty face was restored.It's just that the hand holding Chen Tianxing did not let go!

This scene was naturally seen by other people, and Chen Tianxing felt as if he heard the sound of heartbreak.

If eyes can kill, the eyes of those male disciples are enough to kill Chen Tianxing ten thousand times!

"My goddess, who is that person?" Lu Renjia said

Jia Mingzhi: "That is the only male disciple of Xiaozhufeng, and it is said that he entered the first floor of Yuqing in one day!"

Lu Renjia: "."

At this time, Senior Sister Wen Min's eyes lit up, her face turned reddish and she walked towards the group of people who had just arrived in the sea of ​​clouds.Chen Tianxing and the others were also attracted and followed them!

"Senior Brother Song, it's been a long time!" Senior Sister Wen Min blushed and said with a hint of shame!
The man was startled, and quickly turned around, looking at Senior Sister Wen Min, who couldn't stop laughing silly.He looked like a fool!

Seeing this, all the senior sisters of Chen Tianxing covered their mouths and laughed non-stop, even Lu Xueqi also smiled!

Seeing this, Senior Sister Wen Min felt even more shy, but she still shouted: "Senior Brother Song!"

Before the man could react, another person next to him touched the man with his shoulder.And laughed loudly: "Haha, Senior Sister Wenmin, you and I haven't seen each other for a long time, how are you doing recently?"

Senior Sister Wen Min looked at this person and said with a smile, "This is Senior Brother He Dazhi, right?"

He Dazhi nodded again and again, and said with a smile: "I'm flattered, I didn't expect Senior Sister Wen Min to remember me!"

A few people were chatting when a handsome but slightly dull man walked over with a black stick in his hand.

"Brother Tianxing, do you remember me?"

Chen Tianxing nodded and said with a smile, "Xiaofan!"

Zhang Xiaofan smirked: "Hey, I thought Brother Tianxing didn't know me anymore!"

"How could it be? You brought me food back then, how could I forget it!" Chen Tianxing said with a smile!
"Brother Tianxing, you have a really good memory!" Zhang Xiaofan exclaimed.

Chen Tianxing shook his head, although Zhang Xiaofan has various problems, but his kindness is deep in his bones.

"Let's not talk about this, Xiaofan, you are still good, you can come to participate in this Qimai martial arts competition!" Chen Tianxing encouraged!
Zhang Xiaofan's face turned red in an instant, he hesitated and said: "Brother Tianxing, my talent is not good, master take pity on me...I just came to see and see."

Chen Tianxing shook his head, patted Zhang Xiaofan on the shoulder, and said, "Xiaofan, I believe in you. You also have to believe in yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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