The Heavenly Journey of Zhuxian

Chapter 47 Blood dripping hole

Chapter 47 Blood Dropping Hole ([-])
Chen Tianxing walked straight inside.Baguio came to her senses, seeing Zhang Xiaofan looking straight at her, her face turned red in an instant!
She poured water on Zhang Xiaofan's body: "Hey, idiot, let's go!"

Zhang Xiaofan's neck shrank, his face turned red, he felt embarrassed!

Hurry up and run inside!

The few people walked very carefully. After all, this is the first time someone has come in in 800 years. No one knows if there is any forbidden killing array or the like.Chen Tianxing is no exception, he always reminds himself that this is a real world!

Facts have proved that Xiao Dingda is still very powerful.A group of them walked in and didn't encounter any prohibition or anything like that!

It's just that along the way, the passage is quite tortuous, deep and long, and it's still going upwards slowly, I'm afraid it has reached the middle of the mountain!

"It's here!" Chen Tianxing suddenly stopped and said in a low voice!Both Zhang Xiaofan and Baguio stopped!

Ahead was a large stone chamber, and the few people looked at each other before walking inside!

After entering, everyone discovered that this stone room is not the end, there is a passage inside!

In this stone room, there are two huge statues, one is hideous and terrifying, and the other is benevolent!There is a stone table under the statue with an incense burner and incense candles on it!
Seeing this, Baguio stepped forward solemnly, lit the incense candle and put it in the incense burner.Kneel down solemnly again!
The green smoke curled up, and the place where no living beings had appeared for more than 800 years has recovered a trace of human habitation!
"The Holy Mother of Ghosts, King Tiansha Ming, Baguio, the 43rd generation disciple of the Holy Cult, sincerely pay my respects."

Zhang Xiaofan was amazed, seeing this he understood, this is probably the evil god enshrined by the Demon Cult.He snorted coldly and stopped watching!

Chen Tianxing didn't have much feeling, be it the righteous way or the devil's religion!He has his own set of criteria for discernment!

Several people continued to walk in, and after a while, they came to another stone room!In fact, it is more like a cave than a stone chamber!
There are jagged rocks and stalactites inside.In front of a few people, there was a huge monument erected, with flying dragons and phoenixes written on it: The world is not benevolent, and everything is a humble dog!
The brushstrokes of these big characters are ancient and clumsy, and they go straight to the dragon and snake, with the momentum of flying out head-on.At first glance, there was nothing there, but after staring at it for a while, Zhang Xiaofan and Bi Yao unexpectedly took a step back involuntarily!
However, Chen Tianxing stared at these big characters intently, as if there were sun, moon and stars in his eyes!The pupils are mysterious and abnormal!

After a while, Chen Tianxing returned to his mind. Just now, he seemed to have seen an earth-shattering battle
He took a deep breath and called the two of them to move on!At this moment, no one noticed that the bead in front of Zhang Xiaofan's stick actually lit up with a soft blue light!

A bluestone platform appeared in front, and on the bluestone platform was a corpse, sitting there quietly!
Baguio was quite bold, and stepped forward to walk around the corpse twice, and said with a smile, "Maybe this is the black-hearted old ghost who shook the world 800 years ago!"

Chen Tianxing also nodded as if something was going on: "I guess it should be!"

"Evil Cult demons should die here!" Zhang Xiaofan said solemnly!

As soon as these words came out, Baguio immediately exploded.She is like a princess in the ghost king's sect, so she has suffered this kind of anger!

"Zhang Xiaofan, are you interested? One day, a Demon Cult demon, a Demon Cult demon. There is a Demon Cult demon in front of you, why don't you two brothers kill me quickly!"

When Zhang Xiaofan saw Baguio getting angry, he immediately blushed, "I, I." He didn't know what to do, so he looked at Chen Tianxing for help!

Chen Tianxing looked at these two people, feeling a little helpless, they didn't love each other to death!He decided to add fire to them: "Hey, Xiaofan. Let me tell you, there are scum in the orthodox way, and there are good people in the devil's religion too! Miss Baguio can barely be considered a good person!"

It's okay if you don't say this, but once she said it, Bi Yao looked at Chen Tianxing viciously: "This girl is a bad person, she kills people like hemp, and does all kinds of evil, come and kill me!"

Chen Tianxing helped his forehead, and waved his hands helplessly: "Yes, you two play slowly, I will pass first!"

Only left in place, Zhang Xiaofan and Baguio looked at each other, big eyes staring at small eyes!

Chen Tianxing didn't pay attention to the two of them anymore, he walked directly to the innermost part.

There is a stone wall in this stone room, and densely packed characters are engraved on this stone wall.Chen Tianxing took a deep breath and looked carefully at the words on the stone wall!
"The first volume of the Heavenly Book!"

The creation of the heaven and the earth is based on the time of chaos, when the ignorance is not divided, the sun and the moon contain their brilliance, the sky and the earth are mixed, the outline changes, and the turbidity becomes old.

The reason why heaven and earth can last forever is because they do not grow by themselves, so they can last forever.However, all things in the world have their appearances. All living beings are obsessed with the appearance of self, the appearance of people, the appearance of living beings, and the appearance of longevity. Because of the appearance of all beings, there are three poisons, three fears and three terrors in their hearts. It will not last long.

There is no punishment in the celestial phenomenon, and no name in Taoist praise, so it is said that there is no self, no one, no sentient beings, and those who have no life can reach the light.Adhere to the righteous way, the inner nature of the body, the heart of heaven and earth.

Therefore, moving and resting in the earth is the forerunner of heaven and earth.

So there is no truth.

Share the nature of heaven, earth and man, do nothing and do nothing.

Therefore, if the old things do not exist, they are not enough to prepare!
Chen Tianxing closed his eyes tightly, with relief on his face, but also a little ferocious!Scenes from the previous life came to mind.He seemed to have gone through reincarnation, and for a moment he didn't know whether he was in Zhu Xian or in the real world!After all, did Zhuang Zhou dream of the butterfly, or the butterfly dreamed of Zhuang Zhou!
In an instant, Chen Tianxing seemed to appear in another world.He found that his cultivation base was gone, no matter how he tried to run Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao, there was no reaction at all.He hurriedly checked the sword point, but there was no sword point!
He collapsed directly to the ground, and an inexplicable panic hit his heart!

At this time, a group of people rushed out and called him young master, and Chen Tianxing was dragged away in a daze!
He was ignorant all day long, and year after year, under the arrangement of his family, he got married!He drank a lot that day!When he lifted the red hijab!Lu Xueqi's appearance appeared in front of his eyes!

A thunder blasted in his mind, he stroked her face with trembling hands, suddenly, the person in front of him changed again!
Chen Tianxing pushed her away and rushed out desperately!
"Fake, fake, you are all fake."

He looks like a madman, extremely insane!A blue thunder fell from the sky and landed on top of his head!
Everything around is starting to shatter, everything is disappearing!
One layer of Yuqing, two layers of Yuqing, nine layers of Yuqing, one layer of supernatant, two layers of supernatant!His cultivation base climbed rapidly, and he stopped at the peak of the upper and lower realms!
"Brother Tianxing, Brother Tianxing"

(End of this chapter)

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