Chapter 52

Chen Tianxing hugged Xiyue and left with Zhang Xiaofan!He checked and found that Xiyue didn't have any injuries!But what makes him strange is why she has been in a coma!He also tried to wake her up, but failed!He had no choice but to give up temporarily!

"Brother Tianxing, where are we going?" Zhang Xiaofan asked suspiciously!
Chen Tianxing did not stop, and said as he walked, "Donghai Liupo Mountain!"

"Aren't we going back to Qingyun?" Zhang Xiaofan asked doubtfully!
Chen Tianxing said: "The Demon Cult of Liupo Mountain is gathered, and our Qingyun has sent people there! Let's go directly to meet them!"

"Okay!" Zhang Xiaofan nodded and replied!
Along the way, Chen Tianxing was also thinking.According to the original book, next, Zhang Xiaofan will go to Xiaochi Town, where he got the Xuanhuojian!But now, Xuan Huo Jian has fallen into his hands!Zhang Xiaofan can't get it no matter what!
But without Xuanhuojian to suppress the evil spirit of his stick, there must be many changes!Chen Tianxing could tell that Zhang Xiaofan's personality was being subtly influenced by that stick!

Because, according to Zhang Xiaofan's stubborn character, those words he said in front of thousands of people will definitely refute him.But Zhang Xiaofan didn't, and even had some agreement in his heart, this is a big problem!

Thinking of this, he thought, in the sword cave.Cheng Ying appeared in the center, followed by a small piece of ten thousand year jade essence!

In this sword point, Chen Tianxing is the only master, he can mobilize all the power in it!The power of the mysterious fire on Chengying's body appeared, and the ten thousand-year jade essence slowly melted!It was constructed to look like a jade pendant!

Chen Tianxing infused the power of Xuanhuo into the jade pendant, and also carved the charm of pure heart and calm mind!Three days later, when approaching Changhe City, the jade pendant was considered to be fully cultivated!
Chen Tianxing and Zhang Xiaofan came to the city, intending to take a rest, and then make a thorough investigation to see why Xiyue fell into a coma!
The two of them were walking in Changhe City, surrounded by cultivators from various sects, and they didn't know where they were going!

The two of them planned to find an inn to stay in before talking!Thinking of this, an inn in Haiyunlou appeared in front of him!

Chen Tianxing walked in with Xiyue in his arms, Zhang Xiaofan followed closely behind!

"Boss, come three guest rooms!"

In the room, Chen Tianxing checked carefully again, but still found nothing unusual!Xiyue's body is extremely good, very healthy.She is healthier than ordinary people, but she is just in a coma!

This made Chen Tianxing wonder if Wan Wan had done something!
"Brother Tianxing, how is senior sister?" Zhang Xiaofan pushed open the door and came in and asked!
Chen Tianxing shook his head, and said: "Senior Sister Xiyue's situation is very strange, she is obviously very healthy, but she just doesn't wake up!"

Zhang Xiaofan was silent for a while, then said: "Senior Sister will be fine, Brother Tianxing, you haven't eaten for three days, you should go eat first!"

Chen Tianxing was startled, then nodded: "Okay!"

As soon as the two went downstairs, Chen Tianxing saw an acquaintance.Holding a fairy flag in his hand, with a little girl beside him!Isn't this just Zhou Da's flickering!

With a thought, Chen Tianxing walked over and interrupted Zhou Yixian who was fooling the boss!
"Hey, isn't this Mr. Zhou!"

Seeing that Chen Tianxing hadn't spoken yet, Zhou Zhouxian shouted happily, "Brother Chen!"

Chen Tianxing rubbed Xiaohuan's hair with a smile, and said with a smile, "Long time no see, Xiaohuan!"

"Ahem, Chen Xiaoyou! What a coincidence!" Zhou Yixian said angrily, after all, this guy started to touch his granddaughter as soon as they met!

At the dinner table, Chen Tianxing explained Xiyue's situation to Zhou Yixian one by one!Zhou Yixian also frowned, and the hand that just ate the roast chicken kept pulling his beard!

Necromancer, could it be that guy has revived again?Zhou Yixian was deep in thought, but he didn't say this!

"What Chen Xiaoyou said is really strange. The old man didn't have a clue for a while, so I should go and see the girl's situation first!" Zhou Yixian thought deeply!

Chen Tianxing said eagerly: "It's very, very, please take a look at Mr. Zhou, and I will definitely be rewarded by then!"

At this time, Zhou Yixian seemed to have not heard the word "big report", he just waved his hand casually!
Chen Tianxing was a little surprised, according to Zhou Yixian's nature, it shouldn't be like this!But at the moment, Senior Sister Xiyue was still in a coma, so he didn't think much about it!

A group of people walked towards the room, and just reached the door, before they opened the door, the door opened!Senior Sister Xiyue appeared before her eyes!
Chen Tianxing said in surprise, "Senior Sister Xiyue!"

Seeing so many people, Xiyue shrank involuntarily, but when she saw Chen Tianxing, worries, fears, helplessness, and longing flooded her heart, and she couldn't hold back her tears anymore!

She rushed forward and hugged Chen Tianxing tightly!

"Little brother"

Chen Tianxing froze in place for a moment, at a loss, his whole body was stiff, and he didn't know where to put his hands!
Senior Sister Xiyue's tears kept running down her cheeks, Chen Tianxing's shoulders were all wet, and the pear blossoms were raining!
The most difficult thing to get rid of is the beauty, Chen Tianxing couldn't bear it in his heart when he saw this, he patted her on the shoulder, and said softly: "Senior Sister Xiyue, it's okay, it's okay!"

Zhou Yixian and the others had already slipped away. When they left, Zhou Yixian was still winking at Chen Tianxing!

After a long time, Senior Sister Xiyue's temper gradually stabilized!
When the two returned to the room, the atmosphere was a little awkward for a while!

Chen Tianxing was about to ask about Senior Sister Xiyue's situation!
But she spoke first: "Mm, little junior brother, I...didn't do it on purpose just now, junior brother, you don't think senior sister likes you, do you?"

Xiyue's face was flushed, and the tears at the corners of her eyes were still wet!A pair of pear blossoms with rain, such a pitiful appearance, is really heart-warming!

Chen Tianxing was also taken aback, his heart fluttered a little, but Lu Xueqi's appearance came to mind, then he shook his head and said with a smile: "How could it be! Junior brother won't misunderstand, senior sister!"

A trace of paleness emerged, and Xiyue forced a smile and said, "That's good, that's good!"

Immediately, the two fell into silence!

"Senior Sister" and "Little Junior Brother" were taken aback for a moment, then laughed.

"You talk first" "You talk first" The two were taken aback again!
Chen Tianxing smiled and said, "Senior Sister Xiyue has been in a coma for several days, do you want to eat something!"

"No, you can go first, Junior Brother, I want to rest for a while!" Xiyue said with a smile!
Chen Tianxing nodded and said, "Well, Senior Sister Xiyue, take a good rest!"

After Chen Tianxing left, Xiyue lay on the bed, her eyes were a little empty, as if her soul had been taken away!Two lines of tears fell down.Quietly!
At this moment, a ray of purple light flashed from her eyes, even Xiyue herself didn't realize it!

(End of this chapter)

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