Chapter 54

The three of them have been flying all the way for seven or eight days!The boundless sea is under your feet, and the boundless sky is above your head!Flying with the seabirds all the way, it also has a bit of chic meaning!

But after flying in this vast and boundless sea for several days, they suddenly found out embarrassingly that they were lost!It can be seen that getting lost has nothing to do with cultivation!
The seabird flew low, and several people quickly followed.Seabirds naturally get tired after flying for a long time, so they must know where there is land!
Sure enough, within half an hour, a small island appeared in front of everyone!Overjoyed, a few people hurriedly flew towards the island!

This small island is not big, but there is no shortage of some animals on it.There are also strange and tall trees with fruits the size of a child's head growing on them!Others may not know it, but Chen Tianxing recognized it at a glance, isn't this a coconut tree!

The three of them sat around the fire without saying a word!Zhang Xiaofan pondered, he has been missing for so long, will his master, wife and senior brothers worry about him, and the senior sister whom he misses so much.

But whenever he thought of Tian Linger, Baguio's figure would always appear in his mind inexplicably, he quickly shook his head, trying to get rid of these messy thoughts!

Chen Tianxing was thinking about what would happen next.Although there are deviations in the memory of the previous life, the big things should still not change!
But Xiyue didn't know what she was thinking, she was depressed!
Chen Tianxing copied the remnants of the heavenly scriptures he got from Ten Thousand People, and copied a copy for Zhang Xiaofan and Xiyue.And warn them not to spread the word!

At this time, above the head, several streamers of light flashed rapidly.One in front and one in the back, there should be a few more in the rear.It can be seen that someone is fighting, one behind the other is chasing!

Several people quickly chased after him, Chen Tianxing naturally knew that this should be Qingyun's person!

A few people flew up directly!As a result, both sides of the fight were taken aback, thinking they were the opponent's men!
The three of Chen Tianxing were attacked by people from both sides. Fortunately, Chen Tianxing's cultivation was already comparable to that of the older generation, so he resolved the two attacks without incident!

"Xiaofan" two voices sounded!
Zhang Xiaofan only felt a buzzing in his head, a little at a loss!He looked back, that red dress was exactly the senior sister he was thinking of!Song Daren and Du Bishu beside Tian Linger also looked excited when they saw Zhang Xiaofan!

However, in Baguio's eyes, she felt a little lonely!

"Brat, I knew you didn't die so easily!" Tian Linger flew to Zhang Xiaofan's side, and punched Zhang Xiaofan's chest affectionately!
"Senior Sister." At this time, Zhang Xiaofan felt a sense of being separated from another world, but there was also a kind of enthusiasm and excitement brewing in his heart!

Baguio's resentful and angry voice sounded: "Zhang Xiaofan, you bastard, you already know your senior sister, don't you even want to look at me?"

Zhang Xiaofan and Tian Linger were taken aback, Zhang Xiaofan looked back, who is it if it's not Bi Yao!
Chen Tianxing and Xiyue stood aside and watched the play with great mood!

Zhang Xiaofan is not calm now!

"Why are you here?"

When Baguio heard this, a nameless anger welled up in his heart!

"This is not your home, you can come, why can't I come!"

Baguio stared at Zhang Xiaofan angrily.On the other side, Tian Linger and his senior brother looked at him in bewilderment!
All of a sudden, Zhang Xiaofan also had a big head!
Seeing this, Chen Tianxing stopped watching the show, after all, it was just for fun, and it might turn into a tragedy after watching it!
So Chen Tianxing explained the reason to Tian Linger and the others, but they were still confronting each other!This is also true. After thousands of years of separation between good and evil, how can you trust each other all at once!

Finally, Baguio glared at Zhang Xiaofan and left!

Under the leadership of Tian Linger and others to Liupo Mountain, Zhang Xiaofan naturally followed back to the residence of Dazhu Peak!

Chen Tianxing and Xiyue returned to Xiaozhufeng's residence!Master Shuiyue saw the two of them and said, "Just come back, just come back!"

This time, the Demon Cult made a comeback.Some old demons who have been hidden for many years have re-emerged, and many new faces have been added, and their Taoism cultivation is not low!It can be seen from this that the Demon Cult's plans are huge!
But Chen Tianxing knew that the Demon Cult was just trying to catch Kui Niu this time!As for how the ghost king, Wan Wanchang, fooled these people, I don't know!
At night, Xiyue left with Master Shuiyue.Only Chen Tianxing and Lu Xueqi were left behind!
The moonlight is bright and clear, and the night wind is gentle.

Lu Xueqi threw herself into Chen Tianxing's arms, and hit Chen Tianxing hard!
"let you leave me, let you leave me"

Tears couldn't stop flowing down, Chen Tianxing was also heartbroken, and the heat came from his eyes!

After a long time, perhaps Lu Xueqi was tired from crying and fell asleep in his arms!Even so, Lu Xueqi still wrapped around Chen Tianxing tightly!The whole person hangs on his body, like an octopus!
Chen Tianxing looked at Lu Xueqi's tear-stained face, full of pity!

Xiyue stood in the bamboo forest in the distance and looked at the two, tears streaming down quietly!She felt a heart falling rapidly, as if it was boundless!Cold, the coldness penetrating to the bone wrapped her up!
At this moment, even she herself didn't realize that a faint purple appeared in her eye sockets!

(End of this chapter)

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