The Heavenly Journey of Zhuxian

Chapter 56 The title should not be important!

Chapter 56 The title should not be important!

"Father, what are you doing! Xiaofan has been kneeling outside for several hours! He has already admitted his mistake! You still don't let him in!" Tian Linger said excitedly!

Then there was the sound of rocks breaking in the cave, probably Tian Buyi caught the rocks!
The sky is gradually covered by dark clouds, the wind blows, and the thunder falls!

With a bang, the rain fell overwhelmingly!

Zhang Xiaofan faced the sky, the rain wet his face and his clothes too!Even that heart became cold!The stick is just stuck in the side!So ordinary, even a little ugly!Zhang Xiaofan laughed at himself, thinking: "The only thing that stays with me is this one!"

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and the sky is full of lightning and thunder!The cave in the distance has long lost its light, and it has long been difficult to see clearly!Late at night!

"You are really interesting, everyone else has gone back. You are the only one kneeling outside!" A water green figure appeared beside Zhang Xiaofan holding an umbrella!

Zhang Xiaofan looked up at her, but his consciousness gradually became blurred!The rain seems to be lightening!
Baguio was soon soaked, the whole umbrella was on top of Zhang Xiaofan's head!

Zhang Xiaofan was in a daze, only felt that the gentle face and figure beside him were by his side like a dream!The sound of lightning and thunder gradually faded away!Only the gentle voice remained beside my ears, whispering softly!

In the bleeding cave, he struggled with the nightmare.She is with him!She fell into despair with her childhood, and he protected her!
Baguio hugged Zhang Xiaofan lightly, like a memory, like nostalgia!
In the bamboo forest not far away, Chen Tianxing watched the figures of the two gradually blur!

The clear sky after the rain is extraordinarily beautiful!The whole blue sky seems to have been refined!
Zhang Xiaofan wakes up, everything last night is like a dream, like an illusion!The dry clothes on his body may be the only trace of last night!
Zhang Xiaofan couldn't help worrying: "She ran here alone, will she be discovered by the righteous seniors?"

At this time, Tian Buyi's figure appeared!He walked past Zhang Xiaofan, paused: "You follow!"

Zhang Xiaofan whispered: "Yes, Master!"

Zhang Xiaofan got up together, his legs went limp involuntarily, he almost fell down!Tian Buyi frowned, but didn't say anything!
Zhang Xiaofan rubbed it with his hands for a while, bit it and followed!

Deep in the woods, Tian Buyi said, "You've been drenched in the rain all night, are you all right?"

"The disciple is fine, the disciple deserves what he deserves!" Zhang Xiaofan said in a low voice!

Tian Buyi snorted coldly: "Do you blame me in your heart?"

Zhang Xiaofan shook his head again and again, "Disciple absolutely dare not have such thoughts!"

Looking at his dull disciple, Tian Buyi felt a little anxious!Mingming and his daughter were childhood sweethearts, and obviously liked his daughter, but was tricked away by that kid Qi Hao.Every time he thinks of this, he feels a little angry in his heart!
As long as this disciple is a little more courageous and brave in front of Linger, there will be so many things now!If it doesn't work, he told me directly to his master earlier, wouldn't I agree with him and Ling'er?What's wrong with Qi Hao now!

Tian Buyi thought a lot, Zhang Xiaofan would be miserable, he was very worried!

Looking at Zhang Xiaofan's appearance, Tian Buyi sighed and said, "Lao Qi, do you have anything to tell me?"

Zhang Xiaofan was taken aback, could it be that Master knew about Baguio's affairs!

Seeing this apprentice's flustered look, Tian Buyi was also a little impatient: "Why did you treat your elder brother like that! Do you feel uncomfortable seeing your senior sister and Qi Hao being intimate!"

Zhang Xiaofan was startled, his face instantly turned pale!

Tian Buyi sighed, and continued: "Lao Qi, I didn't blame you! If you and Ling'er can succeed, I will agree with your teacher and wife! But why are you so unlucky! Mingming and Ling'er are worthy of each other! She is a childhood sweetheart, how could that kid Qi Hao get it!"

A certain string in Zhang Xiaofan's heart was shaken, a wave of warmth hit his heart!All kinds of emotions were intertwined, and thousands of words came to my lips, but I only shouted: "Master"!
Tian Buyi also patted Zhang Xiaofan on the shoulder!

This turmoil is over!

(End of this chapter)

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