The Heavenly Journey of Zhuxian

Chapter 58 Believe me, the title is not important

Chapter 58 Believe me, the title is not important
The reason why Chen Tianxing exploded his cultivation was also to demonstrate.Let Cang Song know that he is not something he can handle casually!

The matter passed like this, Tian Buyi and the others also discussed about Kui Niu.After all, as the righteous way, what the Devil's Cult wants, they will desperately stop it!
In the early morning of the second day, the sun rises in the east, and the sea breeze is relaxing.

Disciples from various factions of the righteous way went deep into Liupo Mountain to search for traces of the Demon Sect.Chen Tianxing and Lu Xueqi led the disciples of Xiaozhufeng.The eyes of the disciples of other branches looked over from time to time, full of envy!

Except for Chen Tianxing, they were all female disciples, with fluttering clothes and hair draped over their shoulders.It is a beautiful scenery!

In the distance, precious lights can still be seen flashing past, all of which are the demeanor of the magic weapons of the imperial envoys of the disciples of various veins!

This Liupo mountain is not small, with beautiful scenery, towering mountains, and different scenery in the Central Plains.While admiring the scenery, many disciples searched for traces of the Devil's Cult!
On the way, Chen Tianxing and his party met everyone from Dazhu Peak!So everyone went together!

A group of people wandered around in the mountains, rivers and dense forests, and there were no traces of the Demon Cult.Can't help but relax a little!
Once out of the dense forest, a clear stream appeared in front of everyone!After flying for half a day, I was a little tired.Tian Ling'er saw the creek like a wild horse running wild, and rushed over!

As Tian Linger's little follower, Zhang Xiaofan naturally followed closely behind!The two of them scooped up the water by the stream and washed their faces!
This creek comes from the mountains and passes through mountains, rivers and dense forests.Therefore, there are many round pebbles in the stream.There are many stones of different colors!

A group of people played in the stream, and the tiredness all over their bodies dissipated!Chen Tianxing pulled Lu Xueqi to walk a little further away from the crowd.

The sun is not dry, the breeze is just right!
The two of them strolled by the stream, very pleasant.Before they knew it, the two moved away from the stream!A sea of ​​flowers unexpectedly appeared in front of the two of them!
Rao is that these two people are both comprehension and knowledgeable people, and they can't help but shine!This sea of ​​flowers is not big, but it is extremely compact.Different colors, brilliant purples and reds, very fragrant!
Although the fragrance is tangy, it is fresh and not greasy. It seems that here, the suppressed heart is released!
"It's so beautiful!" Lu Xueqi couldn't help saying out loud!

The corners of Chen Tianxing's mouth raised slightly, and he took Lu Xueqi's weak and boneless hand and walked towards the sea of ​​flowers!
"Senior sister likes it, so we will plant a sea of ​​flowers in Xiaozhufeng in the future, and then build a house in it." Chen Tianxing said with a smile!

The corners of Lu Xueqi's mouth turned up, and she asked knowingly: "Oh? What are you building a house for?"

Chen Tianxing stopped, pulled Lu Xueqi into his arms, and whispered in her ear: "Of course it's where you and I got married!"

A blush climbed onto Lu Xueqi's snowy cheeks, she broke free from Chen Tianxing's embrace, and shyly muttered: "Little brother, I didn't promise to marry you!"

After finishing speaking, she turned around and ran into the sea of ​​flowers!

"Senior sister, don't run away, you will never be able to escape my palm in this life!" Chen Tianxing shouted and chased after her!

Not long after, Lu Xueqi was caught by Chen Tianxing.The two held hands and lay side by side in the middle of the sea of ​​flowers!

Chen Tianxing pulled out a vine man from the side, and he broke several branches of various flowers.I saw him move his hands up and down, and after a while, a beautiful garland appeared on his hand!
Chen Tianxing brought it to Lu Xueqi himself, and Lu Xueqi laughed happily!That familiar, extremely beautiful face looked at him!Chen Tianxing couldn't help but stare dumbfounded!
Usually because of her temper, Lu Xueqi always has a frosty face, she rejects people thousands of miles away!Only in front of Chen Tianxing, her tenderness will bloom!But at this moment, Lu Xueqi was wearing a wreath on her head, and an inexplicable feeling hit Chen Tianxing's heart hard!
The two slowly approached, suddenly Lu Xueqi pushed Chen Tianxing away, and smiled slyly!He got up and pulled a cane like Chen Tianxing.

Lu Xueqi put the garland she made by herself on Chen Tianxing's head, and Chen Tianxing hugged Lu Xueqi's waist!

Before Lu Xueqi could let go of Chen Tianxing's head, Chen Tianxing kissed her!

After a long time, the two separated!Chen Tianxing looked unsatisfied, Lu Xueqi's face was flushed and her breathing was unstable!
"Okay, okay, let's go back quickly! Otherwise, Senior Sister Wen Min and the others should be in a hurry!" Lu Xueqi whispered!
Chen Tianxing smiled and didn't speak!Let Lu Xueqi pull him forward!
The people from the Big Bamboo Peak surrounded Chen Tianxing, while the senior sisters and Tian Linger from the Small Bamboo Peak surrounded Lu Xueqi!
"Hey, Junior Brother Chen, what are you doing here! Why don't you hurry up and ask for it!" Du Bishu laughed fiercely!

"Oh, the wreath on Junior Brother Chen's head is pretty good! Can you borrow it from Senior Brother?" The group of people teased Chen Tianxing and Lu Xueqi one after another!
After teasing for a while, they dispersed!They went up the stream and came to a mountain stream!

At this time, the sky gradually darkened.It seems to be raining!
Everyone looked at Chen Tianxing one after another, Song Daren stepped forward and said: "Junior Brother Chen, it's getting late today, I wonder if we will continue to look for it?"

Chen Tianxing looked at the mountain stream in front of him, then looked up at the sky, thought for a moment and said, "Well, it's getting late today, let's go over the mountain stream and see if there is no trace of the Demon Cult, then go back!"

Only Chen Tianxing has the highest cultivation here, so everyone has no objection, after all, everyone is a little tired today!

I didn't expect this mountain stream to have other caves. As soon as I turned around the mountain stream, a cave appeared in front of me!

When Zhang Xiaofan saw the cave, his body trembled slightly!The experience of the Ten Thousand Bat Ancient Cave has just passed.

"Shall we go in and investigate?" Zhang Xiaofan said weakly!

However, before he could answer, there was a whistling sound in the sky!Look at that costume, who is it if it's not a demon cultist?
Chen Tianxing and his party consisted of dozens of people, and there was nowhere to hide!And there are more than a dozen of those demon cultists, and they have already discovered such a big goal of Chen Tianxing and the others!
"Hahaha Qingyun kid, it doesn't take much effort to get here, kill me!" The dozen or so people in the sky came to kill Chen Tianxing and his party!
(End of this chapter)

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