Chapter 73

There is a flower in southern Xinjiang named Xuanming, which is born in the most upright and yang place. It smells a strange fragrance and has the effect of nourishing the soul and refreshing the mind.

Lu Xueqi closed the ancient scroll miscellaneous notes in her hand, let out a long breath, a gleam of light gradually appeared in her tired eyes.

She looked at Chen Tianxing tenderly, stroked Chen Tianxing's face lightly, and murmured: "Tianxing, I will definitely wake you up!"

Lu Xueqi pushed open the door, looked up at the sky, and narrowed her eyes slightly.

"Xueqi. It's been three years, Tian Xing, you don't have to be so persistent." Master Shuiyue looked at Lu Xueqi with pity in his eyes.Two of her most outstanding disciples, one unconscious, the other immersed in grief and unable to extricate themselves.

Lu Xueqi looked up into Master Shuiyue's eyes, and said with a wry smile: "Master, no matter what, this disciple will always be by my junior brother's side. Even if he can't wake up in this life!
Now there is still a glimmer of hope, the disciple believes that the junior brother will definitely wake up this time, definitely will! "

Master Shuiyue sighed and said: "Forget it, you go, you can go for a walk!" In fact, Master Shuiyue himself is not the same, she regards Chen Tianxing as her own, and now that she is in such a situation, why is she not grieving in her heart? Absolutely.

Lu Xueqi bowed firmly and said firmly: "This time, I will definitely bring Xuan Minghua back, and my junior brother will definitely be able to wake up!"

Boom Lu Xueqi's whole body was surging with spiritual power, and she had already broken through the supernatural state.

Lu Xueqi walked with the sword and entered the southern border!

In a room in Xiaozhufeng, Chen Tianxing's body was mysterious and abnormal.A series of mysterious powers swim in the meridians of flesh and blood.This is exactly the mystery of the Great Dream Sutra, practicing in a dream, using emptiness to transform reality, to prove the way to reach the heavens.

And this time facing Zhu Xian directly, it can also be said that blessings and misfortunes depend on each other.Under the oppression of Zhu Xianjian's unparalleled sword energy and heaven-reaching power, the already mutated Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao and this Great Dream Sutra merged with the two volumes of heavenly scriptures, and they actually merged.

The rare treasures used on Chen Tianxing's body did not play a role, but provided him with massive power.Although his dantian is still broken, under the new technique, there are infinite mysteries in his body.

With the operation of the exercises, the refined power continuously nourishes the physical body. When the physical body reaches a certain limit, these powers will be stored in every inch of flesh and blood.Well, in the words of Chen Tianxing's previous life, it is stored in the cells.

And the cells absorb power continuously, and finally explode, and after the explosion, the mysterious power of the kung fu exercises the physical body again and again with the impact of the explosion.Then new cells will be born, and the cycle will start again, and the newly born cells will be stronger and stronger each time.
Southern Xinjiang, far away from the Central Plains, is surrounded by miasma all year round, and there are countless poisons and alien species in it, which is extremely dangerous!
Lu Xueqi went deep into it, a poisonous snake sprang up from the swamp, with a flash of sword light, the poisonous snake split into two.Strangely, the snake head even jumped up and killed a rabbit.

During this journey, Lu Xueqi has encountered many dangers, but relying on her cultivation in the Qing Dynasty, she was able to save herself from danger every time.Poisonous insects that are hard to guard against, and alien species that have never been seen in the Central Plains, such as monsters with fish heads and human bodies, and snakes with three heads
Lu Xueqi searched for many days, but still found nothing. She even doubted whether there is such a ghostly place where the most positive and righteous place exists.If it weren't for a wave of belief supporting her, she would almost collapse.

At night, Lu Xueqi sat by the fire, but her thoughts flew far away.The breeze blew her hair and the hem of her clothes, and her thin body made her feel even more lonely and hesitant.

Sometimes, she felt that Chen Tianxing seemed to be still by her side.Still talking to her, still saying those blushing love words to her.

"Junior Brother, wait for Senior Sister, Senior Sister will definitely find Xuan Minghua and wake you up!"

Half a month later, Lu Xueqi searched here for half a month, but still found nothing.She also became more and more irritable, and she killed countless poisonous insects and beasts she met.

On the edge of a cliff, she forced herself to calm down.The Xuanming flower is a legendary treasure that only blooms in a thousand years. Searching for it aimlessly like this is undoubtedly looking for a needle in a haystack.

Lu Xueqi pondered for a long time, and decided to take a trip to Fenxiang Valley.After all, Fenxianggu has established a faction in this place for many years, so they must know something about Xuanminghua.

Thinking of this, she didn't care about rest, so she went straight to Fenxiang Valley to Yujian.

Fenxiang Valley is far away from the Central Plains, guarding the dark path known as the "black hole" for many years to prevent barbarian monsters from invading the people.He has a good reputation in the local area and is regarded as a first-class god.

Lu Xueqi came to Fenxiang Valley and explained her intentions to Yun Yilan, the owner of Fenxiang Valley.

Yun Yilan sat on the top seat, tapped the table with her fingers lightly, her eyes were extremely deep.

Li Xun on the side looked at Lu Xueqi fieryly, with a hint of greed in his eyes.

Lu Xueqi was very anxious in her heart, but she didn't notice so much.

After a long time, Yun Yilan said: "Martial Nephew Lu, this Xuanming Flower is a product of legend, there is no certainty whether it exists or not. Regarding this, I, Fenxianggu, do not know its whereabouts."

Lu Xueqi's eyes darkened, but Yun Yilan continued: "However, according to the characteristics of Xuanminghua, in a place where the sun is the most upright, I, Fenxianggu, still have a way."

(End of this chapter)

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