Chapter 9 Kite
Chen Tianxing felt a little surprised, he didn't expect that Lu Xueqi would take the initiative to talk to him!
When Lu Xueqi asked about Chen Tianxing's past, he also had mixed feelings!

"I had no parents since I was a child, but was adopted by a grandfather. He treated me like a parent and son, not only gave me a home, but also taught me martial arts. Later, the grandfather passed away.

For some reason, I wandered around.I accidentally heard about the elegance of Qingyunmen, so I made up my mind to worship Qingyun! "

Chen Tianxing is still using this set of statements, which are mixed in truth and falsehood.After all, he came across from another world, this matter is too shocking to the world!

After hearing this, Lu Xueqi looked at Chen Tianxing with a much softer look!

At this time, a pile of fire was almost burnt out, leaving only burning charcoal!
Chen Tianxing took out a few steamed buns in the food box, skewered them with a wooden skewer, and baked them on the fire with his hands!

"Little Junior Brother, why is this?" Lu Xueqi pointed at Ember and said!

Chen Tianxing looked at Lu Xueqi's cute look, and his heart trembled!
"Little sister, you don't know something. It's only delicious when grilled with burnt charcoal! If it's grilled with wood, the food will be tainted with a smoky smell, which is extremely unpalatable!" He also carefully explained to Lu Xueqi!

Lu Xueqi looked at Chen Tianxing who was talking eloquently, and thought in her heart: "It seems not bad to have such a junior!"

After a while, the surface of the steamed buns turned brown, and a tempting aroma of wheat came out!

Lu Xueqi supported her small head with her hands, looked at Chen Tianxing's twirling steamed buns, and secretly swallowed her saliva!
Chen Tianxing saw this scene inadvertently, his heart throbbed endlessly, and he shouted loudly in his heart: "Old man's maiden heart!"

Under Lu Xueqi's eager eyes, the steamed buns are finally baked!
Chen Tianxing handed a whole bunch of steamed buns to Lu Xueqi, and said, "Okay, little senior sister, try it!"

Lu Xueqi swallowed, took the steamed bun, poked it with her finger, then tore off a small piece and fed it into her mouth!
In an instant, the wonderful wheat fragrance blooms in the taste buds, and after chewing slowly, the faint sweetness permeates the mouth!Lu Xueqi's eyes lit up, she didn't expect the steamed buns to be so delicious after baking!
"Little sister, let's eat it!" Chen Tianxing looked at Lu Xueqi expectantly, and asked with a smile!

Lu Xueqi actually laughed, nodded and said: "I didn't expect this steamed bun to be so delicious after being baked! Thank you so much, little brother!"

At this time, Lu Xueqi was still young after all, and her temperament was not as cold as later!
Chen Tianxing was almost dumbfounded for a while, but Lu Xueqi's smile was even more glamorous and irresistible!

"Junior Brother, Junior Brother" Lu Xueqi saw Chen Tianxing stayed where she was.
Only then did Chen Tianxing come to his senses: "Sister, eat first, I'll heat up the porridge!"

Lu Xueqi burst out laughing when she saw Chen Tianxing flustered!
Chen Tianxing also echoed and laughed together! ——
After Lu Xueqi finished eating, Chen Tianxing covered the remaining embers with soil!Seeing Lu Xueqi's puzzled look, he explained: "This will prevent the fire from igniting other places!"

"Little brother, you know a lot!" Lu Xueqi exclaimed!
Chen Tianxing was still a little embarrassed, and said shyly, "I'll understand after running around a lot!"

Lu Xueqi was slightly taken aback, her eyes revealed yearning!

"Little brother, what does it look like outside?"

Chen Tianxing felt a little distressed seeing Lu Xueqi like this.Although she is very talented, she is still a child after all. Since she went to the mountain since she was a child, she has never seen the outside world again, and she is accompanied by a sword all day long!

As the two walked, Chen Tianxing said: "Outside, the outside world is very big. There are all kinds of delicious food and endless scenery! All kinds of fun, beautiful fireworks, beautiful river lanterns, and more. There are kites”

Listening to Chen Tianxing's talk, Lu Xueqi yearned for it even more!

Chen Tianxing also saw it, his thoughts were spinning quickly, and he had an idea after a while!

In the afternoon, Chen Tianxing chopped a tear bamboo with a hatchet, and split it into bamboo strips.

"Junior Brother, what are you doing?" Hua Yaoyao asked suspiciously when she saw Chen Tianxing on the stairs as she passed by the corridor!

Chen Tianxing looked up at Hua Yaoyao, smiled and said, "Senior Sister Yaoyao, guess what?"

Hua Yaoyao also became curious for a while, sitting next to Chen Tianxing, watching his movements!

"Cut, I'll know if you don't do it just by watching you, hum!" Hua Yaoyao said arrogantly!
Chen Tianxing cut the bamboo strips short, made a few gestures with his fingers, and then slowly tied them up with hemp rope. After a while, a kite frame was made!
At this time, Hua Yaoyao said in surprise: "I see, little brother, what you made is a kite!"

Chen Tianxing said with a smile: "Hahaha, senior sister saw it!"

Hua Yaoyao pouted, and said arrogantly: "Of course, your senior sister is smart!"

Chen Tianxing quickly nodded and said yes!
Then, he picked up a large piece of white paper from the side and started cutting it.After everything is ready, paste the white paper with paste!

After the paste dries a little bit and sticks firmly, Chen Tianxing puts the kite on the steps.

He picked up the brush and dipped it in the ink, after a little thought, he started to write on the paper!

Hua Yaoyao was at the side, but she glanced at Chen Tianxing in surprise: "I didn't expect my junior brother to be able to do such a thing!"

The corners of Chen Tianxing's mouth raised slightly, imitating Hua Yaoyao and said arrogantly: "Hmph, your little juniors know a lot!"

Seeing this, Hua Yaoyao couldn't laugh or cry, and said, "Yes, yes, my junior brother is the best!"

Not long after, a pair of lifelike, black and white, cute and cute animals appeared on the kite!
"Hey, what is this, it looks so cute!" Hua Yaoyao said in surprise!
Chen Tianxing said: "This is called a panda, and it loves bamboo the most!"

"Panda? Hmm. Is it a bear or a cat?" Chen Tianxing also had to admire the senior sister's brain circuit to ask such a question!
Chen Tianxing explained angrily: "They also have a name called iron-eating beasts, which can eat even iron. Sister, do you think it is a bear or a cat?"

"Wow, the teeth are really good." Chen Tianxing covered his head, well, this senior sister is completely hopeless!

He picked up the kite and a coil of string and walked straight ahead!
Hua Yaoyao hurriedly followed: "Junior Brother, wait for me, I want to play too!"

Not long after walking, Chen Tianxing saw that familiar figure, and he walked quickly!

"Little sister!"

Lu Xueqi turned around and saw that it was Chen Tianxing: "What's wrong? Junior brother!"

Chen Tianxing raised the kite in his hand and said, "This is the kite I made."

Lu Xueqi looked at the kite in Chen Tianxing's hand, and was slightly taken aback!
"Come on, let's fly a kite!"

Chen Tianxing didn't think too much, he directly took Lu Xueqi's hand, and ran to the place where he practiced swords in the morning. There was a big place there, just right for flying a kite!
Lu Xueqi didn't realize it until she was pulled away by Chen Tianxing. Feeling the warmth in her hands, her pretty face blushed in an instant!
At this time, Hua Yaoyao who was following behind saw this, her eyes widened, her face full of disbelief!

"Good guy, I'm direct good guy!"

Chen Tianxing asked Lu Xueqi to grab the kite, and said, "Little sister, let go after a while when I tell you to let you go!"

Lu Xueqi nodded blankly, and Chen Tianxing put the thread for a long time, and then ran quickly!

Lu Xueqi let go of her hand, the kite followed Chen Tianxing and flew quickly!Flying higher and higher soon!

Only then did Chen Tianxing stop, and led the kite to Lu Xueqi's side!

"Little sister, here, you try too!" He stuffed a wooden handle tied with a ball of thread into Lu Xueqi's hand!

"Me? Is it okay?" Lu Xueqi was still a little dazed!
Chen Tianxing smiled and said, "Yes, I will teach you how to play!"

With that said, Chen Tianxing grabbed Lu Xueqi's hand and asked her to let the thread go slowly!

The kite flew higher and higher, and slowly Lu Xueqi also showed a smile, looking at Chen Tianxing tenderly!
"Little brother, um...thank you!"

The red-hot sunset fell on Xiaozhufeng, and Chen Tianxing and Lu Xueqi seemed to be covered in red clothes!
Slowly, the disciples of Xiaozhufeng all saw the kites in the sky!Many people showed looks of memory!
At this time, Master Shuiyue was sitting in a pavilion not far away, looking at Chen Tianxing and Lu Xueqi who were having fun, and smiled!

At this time, Master Shuiyue was sitting in a pavilion not far away, looking at Chen Tianxing and Lu Xueqi who were having fun, and smiled!

 Signed the contract, rest assured to collect and invest, giggling.
(End of this chapter)

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