Chapter 95 The Truth
The disciples of Fenxiang Valley frantically searched within a thousand miles, and any pedestrians who entered or exited were interrogated.For a moment, all the eyes of the world gathered here.Various sects sent spies to investigate the situation one after another. On the surface, the major righteous sects also sent disciples to express condolences.

It's just that these disciples didn't arrive at Fenxiang Valley, and were sent away by a group of elders of Fenxiang Valley.It's just that you're chasing a demon.

However, at this time, Chen Tianxing and Lu Xueqi had already returned to Qingyun.

Inside Tongtian Peak Yuqing Hall, there are only Master Daoxuan, Master Shuiyue, Chen Tianxing and Lu Xueqi.

Reverend Daoxuan sat at the head and asked: "Nephew Chen, Nephew Lu, what have you found during this trip?"

Chen Tianxing and Lu Xueqi looked at each other, Lu Xueqi was a little worried, but Chen Tianxing stepped forward without changing his face and said: "Sect Master, I have something for my disciples, please have a look at it, Master."

"Oh? Bring it here!" Reverend Daoxuan said in a little surprise.

Chen Tianxing took out the spar from his bosom that he deliberately placed in the main hall of Fenxiang Valley, walked up to Daoxuan Daoxuan, and poured the spiritual energy into it.

In an instant, the light of the spar suddenly appeared.The voice of the conversation reappeared in the Yuqing Palace.Naturally, Chen Tianxing had heard these words a long time ago. He thought that Yun Yilan and Shangguan Ce would not talk about some things, but he never thought that there was a big melon in it.

Only Yun Yilan's voice was heard: "That Lu Xueqi of Qingyun seems to have got a big chance? That kind of power is not like something in the world."

Reverend Daoxuan and Master Shuiyue both stood up, but they glanced at Lu Xueqi.

"Hmph, what else do you want to do?" Shangguan Ce snorted coldly.

"Hmph, for our Fenxiang Valley's century-old plan, Lu Xueqi must be in our hands, or die." Yun Yilan said fiercely.

"The one in the [-] Mountains has not been resolved, and you want to provoke Qingyun? Do you know that this will bring disaster to our Fenxiang Valley." Shangguan Ce scolded.

"Hehe, Qingyun? I, Fenxiang Valley, will replace it sooner or later." Yun Yilan's voice sounded again.

"Junior Brother, do you have any clues about the Eight Ominous Profound Fire Formation?" Yun Yilan asked.

"Hey, without the Xuanhuo Jian, where do we start with the Eight Vicious Xuanhuo Formation?" Shangguan Ce sighed.

"No matter what method is used, we must get the whereabouts of the Xuanhuo Jian from the mouth of the fox. In addition, we need to increase disciples to search for the remnants of the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox lineage. The Xuanhuo Jian is the most important part of the plan and must be found. "

When the sound came here, it became noisy, but even so, Master Daoxuan also understood the seriousness of the matter.His face was heavy, his eyes were slightly closed, and he was obviously in deep thought.

Although Master Shuiyue also looked heavy, she still gave Chen Tianxing a meaningful look.

Chen Tianxing and Lu Xueqi were silent, everyone was silent, they all knew how important this matter was, and if it got out, what kind of uproar would it cause.They are all waiting for Master Daoxuan's decision.

After a long time, Reverend Daoxuan opened his eyes, and facing Master Shuiyue, he said, "Junior Sister, let's call the heads of all branches! Discuss!"

Master Shuiyue was slightly taken aback, then nodded, and walked out quickly.

Reverend Daoxuan looked at Chen Tianxing and Lu Xueqi, his expression softened a little, and he said, "Nephew Chen and Nephew Lu, you have done a good job in this matter!"

Chen Tianxing and Lu Xueqi both saluted, and said together: "Thank you for the compliment, master master."

Reverend Daoxuan nodded in satisfaction, then fell silent.

Chen Tianxing and Lu Xueqi looked at each other, they didn't dare to leave or speak.

Time passed slowly, and the heads of all the veins came one after another.When everyone saw Daoxuan Master's face, they also knew that something big might happen, so they all became solemn.

After everyone came together, Chen Tianxing and Lu Xueqi wanted to leave, but Master Daoxuan asked them to stay by name.

Before anyone could ask, Master Daoxuan said, "Tian Xing, put that spar again!"

Naturally, Chen Tianxing nodded in agreement, and repeated Jingshi's words.

As the previous words slowly sounded, the faces of the chiefs of each branch became more and more gloomy.Tian Buyi slammed the table and said: "Hmph, you still have to control Martial Nephew Lu, or you will die. He is so powerful in Fenxiang Valley, and the master is willing to lead the team to Fenxiang Valley to ask for an explanation."

Master Shuiyue stood up and said viciously: "Brother Tian, ​​don't argue with me about this matter, I must go."

"Okay, okay. This matter needs a long-term plan!" Wan Jianyi stood up and said, his face remained unchanged, but his hand was already on the sword.

Reverend Daoxuan suppressed the voices of everyone discussing, and said: "This matter is not suitable for an open battle. If I, Qingyun, and Fenxianggu fight, then the Demon Cult will definitely move upon hearing the news, and then there will be another battle between righteousness and demons. Everyone If you have any ideas, please tell me!"

"This matter must not be dismissed lightly, if you dare to attack us Qingyun disciples, it is tantamount to provoking us Qingyun." Zeng Shuchang, the chief seat of Fenghui Peak, said.

"Extremely extreme. Listening to the words between Yun Yilan and Shangguan Ce, it is either death, or something will replace us Qingyun, and even collusion with the monsters in the Hundred Thousand Mountains. It is like falling into the devil's way. Let them go easily." Chaoyang Peak Chief Shang Zhengliang said angrily.

Tian Buyi said loudly: "In my opinion, since Fenxianggu colluded with monsters and plotted against me, Qingyun, then fight!"

Reverend Daoxuan stood up, stroked his hands, and sighed: "Everyone, it's easy to start a war, and I, Qingyun, am not afraid of Fenxianggu. But this fight will change the situation of the righteous and the evil in the world. At that time, the bitter It's the people of the world."

"Senior brother, let's forget it?" Tian Buyi said angrily.

"Forget it? How is it possible?" Reverend Daoxuan sneered inexplicably.

Everyone was a little surprised seeing this, and Tian Buyi asked eagerly: "Oh? Senior brother has an idea?"

Master Daoxuan smiled without saying a word, but instead looked at Chen Tianxing who was standing in the corner.

"Heavenly? Do you have any ideas?"

Everyone noticed Chen Tianxing, and secretly understood in their hearts that the head of the sect valued him, and even asked him for advice on this occasion.Qi Hao also felt a little bitter in his heart, his position was rather embarrassing.Although you are the head of the line, as a junior, you dare not speak at all on this occasion.

Chen Tianxing was also quite surprised, and couldn't help being a little dazed. He didn't react until Lu Xueqi pushed him.

He bowed his hands to Master Daoxuan and the group of heads, stood up and said: "It is definitely inappropriate to go to war directly. However, we can act secretly. The first thing is to send people to the Shiwan Mountain in southern Xinjiang to find out who the Fenxiang Valley is with." collusion and sabotage their plans."

(End of this chapter)

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