power and color

Chapter 1014 Thinking should be healthy 1 point

She didn't know about this, and it was inconvenient to ask him directly.

And her main job is to organize these documents to see if they need to be dealt with immediately, or left for him to sign after get off work, if not, it will be put on the next day.

Everyone is accustomed to his habit, and it is not surprising that it is not surprising that what Mr. Su did was based on the appearance of ordinary people, and it cannot be speculated by common sense, otherwise, how could his business be so big.

Those who suffer from liver qi, yellow urine, and pale face may not necessarily have his achievements. They do it quite easily, and they sleep in it as soon as they come. This business is also booming. It's like the sun is high, the life is very nourishing, it's really refreshing.

How come we don't have that life, and now even food and clothing are a problem. There is really no comparison between people, and the comparison must kill people's anger.

After returning home, Mai Fenqiang couldn't wait to call.

Su Zijian said: "I'm fine, haven't I had time to ask?"

Selling Fenqiang was very helpless, and he didn't want to press too hard, so he could only say: "Brother Su! I leave the life of selling Fenqiang to you."

"Haha! Brother Mai, you're joking, let's just leave it to me to handle this matter for you, and I won't make any mistakes."

"I'll leave everything to Brother Su."

"Who, what are you doing?" Dong Jiahua looked at him suspiciously.

"When did you ever care about my affairs? Why are you so interested?" Putting down the phone in his hand, he looked at her unconsciously with a smile.

Dong Jiahua pouted, and said displeasedly: "It's just that I don't want to bother you anymore, it doesn't mean I don't care anymore."

After all, she walked up to get closer to him.

Su Zijian turned his head and glanced at her: "What are you going to do?"

Dong Jiahua looked a little embarrassed: "Husband, can you switch it on and off one day earlier?" It was only two days since the two of them did that. According to the original statement, it was three days. Now she couldn't help it. up.

"Raise soldiers to store energy, don't you understand this truth? It's like this person who was hungry a few years ago, even the green vegetables and carrots are delicious, so don't be too impatient, you just did it the next day Then you will know the beauty, and it must make you feel so happy."

Dong Jiahua said with a bitter face: "I don't know if I will be able to sleep tonight, and I won't be able to control what will happen tomorrow night."

"I said... can you think of something healthy and keep thinking about it, my husband, it's not that I won't give it to you, but that you have gone too far."

Dong Jiahua blushed, she was self-aware of this matter, let alone, getting a man every night would be exhausting, but fortunately our man is the best, he has the ability to satisfy himself, but he is also afraid of If his body breaks down, the loss outweighs the gain.

"I have a few ways to help you fall asleep, you can learn a lesson."

"Oh! What way?" asked curiously.

"The first one is the counting method. The usual simple method is numbers. Count from one to ten, and then count again. It should be careful and slow. Slowly, you can fall asleep without any other thoughts."

Dong Jiahua frowned and said, "Isn't this the same as counting sheep when I was a child?"

"Almost." Then he added: "You can also imagine some interesting things, such as mountains and rivers, or imagine yourself in the vast universe, looking at the sky full of stars, That was a childhood dream, which one of the brightest stars, just thinking about it like this, can also achieve the effect of falling asleep."

In fact, this is a simple method for him to practice. The essence of heaven and earth is essential for collecting energy to make alchemy. The method can be eloquently induced, so that she will become interested after she achieves a certain effect, and then she will further implement some simple exercises.

I'm afraid she's not interested, everything will be easier when she has interest.

He also has a deep understanding of his wife, and this person is not in a hurry. If she is afraid that her interest will be boring, it will be difficult for her, so for the time being, she does not dare to pay more attention to some exercises.

For Dong Jiahua, who can't sleep at night, this is the only way to do it now.

Although her brain is not as bright as people like Lu Ya, she is not stupid after all. Men are different from women. Once the body is broken, it will be difficult to get back up again. Therefore, for the sake of future sex-blessings, she has no choice. I accepted my husband's proposal to fight once every three days, not only for the sake of my body, but also for the quality assurance of sex-blessing.

Lying on the bed, using the method taught by my husband, counting from one to ten, and then counting again after counting, this is easy to say, but it is not the same thing in doing.

Everyone knows the method of counting. For a cultivator, it is easy to fall asleep just by counting like that. Seeing that she can't fall asleep at all, Su Zijian said again: "You can use the method of taking a deep breath to match the number. Bar."

Speaking of which, teach her to use her lower abdomen to breathe deeply. This is also a method of cultivation. Using this method not only helps to move the lungs, but also activates the blood of the person. What's more convenient is that you can Concentrate on it, it is difficult to have distracting thoughts, which is conducive to helping her fall asleep.

At the beginning, I didn’t master the method well, but after doing it continuously, I gradually let go, and I have mastered the method, and I no longer think about that thing in that way, and the mentality is not so uncomfortable.

At this moment, Su Zijian's fingers slowly moved to her forehead and stroked gently. This is a hypnotic technique, and after a while, she fell asleep.

After she fell asleep completely, Su Zijian got up and sat cross-legged to meditate, carrying out his cultivation.

It would be a good thing to think about coming back to the provincial capital. If it were in City D, so many women would be waiting in line for his luck, so he would have no way to practice anymore.

It can be said that Su Zijian spent a lot of brains and energy to make Dong Jiahua come to this point.

After all, for a person who is not interested in cultivation, it is like pushing a cow into water and insisting on telling it to drink water, but it can’t be poured in. It’s really hard work and it’s not flattering. This is what Buddhists say. , Everything pays attention to a fate word.

Without fate, nothing can be forced, even if you ask for it, it is useless, just like the current Dong Jiahua, she just followed it, so what's the use if it doesn't work.

Fortunately, the first step has finally been taken, and everything is looking forward. Although Su Zijian has no confidence that Dong Jiahua will follow him to practice in the future, he is only doing his best to help her.

Refined enough not to be afraid of the cold, full of energy not to think of valleys, and full of spirit not to think about sleep.

Su Zijian's energy is already sufficient now, so at night, he usually only needs a small bowl of rice. When he is not enough, he gathers some energy from the world to supplement it. Now he is in the stage of cultivating gods. It is also possible to get up without going to sleep.

Of course, sometimes it is necessary to take a nap. This is a natural habit of human beings. If you have to practice endlessly without eating or drinking, then you are not crazy.

Having nothing to say all night, Hao Huanchi got up to have breakfast in the morning. Hao Huanchi said in amazement: "Xiao Su! Why do I feel that your appetite has decreased in the end? Is there any discomfort in your body?" After saying that, he glanced at his daughter, thinking The daughter was too strong in that matter, so that the son-in-law lost his appetite?

But it doesn't look like it, because the son-in-law's face is normal, and there is nothing wrong with it, obviously he is supercilious.

"Recently, I have learned a lot from practicing Qigong. My stomach feels bulging and I don't have much appetite."

"Oh! You still have such great benefits in practicing qigong. Why have I been practicing qigong to the point of failure, but recently I feel a little dizzy."

"Ah! That's too much thought."

"Oh! Is it? No wonder."

"Do you have any good solutions?"

Dong Jiahua interrupted and said: "Mom! I think he has become an expert. Recently, he has been practicing non-stop. This day, he will practice endlessly." When he said this, his tone was somewhat dissatisfied. meaning.

Hao Huanchi said: "You don't know that, do you think that Xiao Su's medical treatment is as simple as drawing a picture and writing a prescription? This is how much effort and energy has been poured into him. Otherwise, you can draw and write to try.”

Dong Jiahua was speechless for a moment, but still pouted disapprovingly.

Hao Huanchi said: "My husband is doing big things, not only the company's business, or his cultivation, as his wife, you have the responsibility to support him without hesitation, understand? "Her argument is that she will inevitably ridicule this ignorant daughter whenever she has the opportunity. She should put a man's career first, and she can't object to this matter of self-cultivation. This is the essence of a good wife point.

Dong Jiahua glared at her and said, "Mom! I found that you are very biased." When he said this, he felt a little hurt in his heart.

"Oh! Am I biased? Are you here to listen? Where am I biased?"

"I'm your own daughter. If you don't help me, you help him. Does that make sense?"

Hao Huanchi tapped her on the head with chopsticks.

"Oh, why did you hit me?" Dong Jiahua cried out in pain.

Hao Huanchi couldn't help cursing: "It's because you are my own daughter that I beat you and scolded you."

Dong Jiahua asked in bewilderment, "Why?"

"Have you ever thought about why I didn't scold others or beat others, but beat you and scolded you instead?"

Dong Jiahua stared at her blankly, who knew what she was talking about?


Hao Huanchi shook his head, and said sadly, "You are such a stupid cow."

Su Zijian also secretly sighed: Why is there such a big gap between mother and daughter?

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