power and color

Chapter 1041 Great Progress

Leng Ruomei also didn't expect that because of her appearance, these male compatriots in the company would make a big move, and some unexpected things happened later.

After Su Zijian finished his business, he talked to He Li and went out.

He came to Yu Hong's. After yesterday's treatment, we need to find out how her condition is now, so as to have a next treatment plan.

This is a matter of her life and death, so don't be careless at all. This is the first time she has encountered such a situation, and there is no precedent to follow. Everything is up to her to explore a feasible treatment method.

So at this time, he is also looking forward to it. No matter who is in this situation, he can cure intractable diseases. The mood is different.

She didn't say what time she would come over yesterday, but Yu Hong still made preparations early. Today she deliberately wore a simple and thin coat so that Su Zijian could take it off when he came.

When she got up in the morning, she went to the mirror to look again and again. It is undeniable that after yesterday's treatment, there has been a great change, at least from the external appearance, the swelling has subsided a lot.

This is the therapeutic effect.

So now she is looking forward to Su Zijian's arrival so that she can take the next step of treatment for herself.

When it was almost ten o'clock, she heard a knock on the door, and she knew it was Su Zijian who had arrived, but she had a mind, fearing that some colleague would rush over to see her sick, if she closed the door carelessly, it would be fine. Don't let people see it all.

At least what she is wearing now is only a coat, but there is nothing inside.

She asked at the door first to make sure that Su Zijian had arrived before opening the door.

Su Zijian looked at her in surprise: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Yu Hong's face was slightly hot. After all, no male compatriots had ever seen her body before, but Su Zijian had seen it enough yesterday. It would be no wonder if she wasn't shy.

Su Zijian looked at her, he didn't want to use the telepathic function to probe her mind, so he came in and closed the door for her.

The two turned around and came in to sit down. Su Zijian asked, "Have you had breakfast yet?"

"Sister Hao came to make breakfast for me, and I've already eaten." Yu Hong sat aside, a little embarrassed, and didn't dare to look him in the eyes.

It turned out that Hao Fengyi came early to help her buy vegetables and make breakfast. Her friendship with Yu Hong was different. Hearing that she had such a serious illness, she felt uncomfortable. Fortunately, Su Zijian is treating her now. I am very relieved.

Hao Fengyi knew that Su Zijian would arrive at any time, so she left after finishing.

What kind of method Su Zijian will use for treatment? Not only did Su Zijian tell her, but he also asked Yu Hong when he got here, thinking that staying here is really not a problem, and besides, she can trust Su Zijian's medical skills. For a disease that cannot be cured, Yu Hong can only accept his fate.

Of course, when she came here to take a look, she could also see the changes in Yu Hong's body, and she was extremely happy, and secretly said: Although I was worried that something would happen to the two of them without clothes, but Yu Hong is ill now, Su Zijian Even if there is such a thing on his mind, he is afraid that Yu Hong will not have such intentions. He will never make fun of a patient's life.

"Sister Yu! Relax first, I will check for you later to see how the situation is going?"

After all, after she relaxed, he used the function of the see-through eye to look into her body.

Looking at this, she is obviously much better at this time than yesterday, but the meridians in her body have not been opened, and the dantian under her lower abdomen is also condensed with the true energy he instilled.

He advocated condensing into pills, mainly cultivating true qi. Only when the true qi in the body reaches a certain level can it be condensed into pills, and only after reaching the point of forming pills can the level be improved to a high degree.

Guan Jian, who cures diseases, is here, and the truth after becoming alchemy can exert other effects at this time, which is why he wants to nourish Qi for Yu Hong.

Now the qi has been "raised", but it is not so easy to form the alchemy, but everything has a process, you can't reach the sky in one step, right?

Of course, as long as you "raise" the true energy for her, and reach a certain level, you can gather energy to break through, that is, to open up the blocked meridians one by one, until you don't necessarily have to reach the alchemy period, that way Not to mention that it took too long, and her body couldn't hold it for such a long time.

"What's the matter?" Yu Hong saw that Su Zijian closed his eyes first, and then slowly opened them again. She didn't know that Su Zijian had the function of seeing through eyes, but she guessed in her heart that he was using something that she didn't know. The ability is seeing a doctor for himself, so he asked.

"Yes, I have achieved the effect I expected in my heart. As long as you persist to expel the sickness gas and the swelling disappears, I will teach you how to raise Qi. You can practice by yourself. When I don't have time, I don't need to do it every day." Come here, let’s take a seven-day course of treatment first, and we’ll talk about the effect then.”

After hearing this, Yu Hong said happily: "Really? You mean that my disease can be cured?"

"If there are no accidents, it should be like this, so you have to put your heart back in your stomach." In fact, the main attainment of qigong lies in a word of faith. If you don't believe it, the idea will lose its qualitative meaning and lose its meaning. It's useless even if you sit there.

"Hearing what you said, I have confidence." At this time, her heart was extremely excited. After all, people who only lived in their thirties would want to die early. Having this disease would already be enough for her to feel sad That's right, now there is a set of treatment methods suitable for her. Although it is a bit embarrassing, but in order to save her life, she has to go all out.

At first, she would think that Su Zijian was taking advantage of her by taking advantage of her medical treatment, but now that it is effective, it is obvious that this method is correct, so she didn't think about anything else, at least she didn't think that he His intentions are impure thoughts.

Because after she changed her mind, she thought this way: With my current figure, let alone him, even passers-by would be interested in seeing it. He has a beautiful wife like Jiahua, and he will Are you interested in my old lady?

"Okay, let's get started then."

Even after getting along with her yesterday, her face still became hot when she heard this. It's not a relationship between lovers. It's a shameful thing to take off your clothes in front of others.

Taking a deep breath, he turned his back, took off his clothes and sat down.

Without Su Zijian's instructions, she had already prepared the straw mat and put it on the ground.

After sitting cross-legged, I put my hands on my knees, closed my eyes, and relaxed my mind. I can't see it, but I can't see it anyway.

Su Zijian still stuck up behind her, even though she had the heart to stay out of the matter, his whole body and mind still couldn't help trembling slightly, more or less nervous.

If the two are in a relationship, it's okay to be so close. The problem is that the two are just a doctor-patient relationship.

Su Zijian folded his hands under her lower abdomen, and said softly: "Relax." The voice was drawn out by the old elders, and the intention was to make her relax as much as possible.

People who practice qigong can't relax physically and mentally. It's not a good thing to have a stiff arrangement there. It will cause bad symptoms after doing gong for a long time. If you pay more attention, patting and massaging the parts after doing the exercises can also achieve the effect of dredging.

The two of them sat quietly for about ten minutes. After Hong relaxed, he slowly injected his true energy into her body.

Since I already entered some yesterday, there is no need to keep losing today. After losing for a while, I warmed up for her.

There is a saying in the world of self-cultivation, if you practice or not practice, you will be nothing when you grow old.

Usually those who practice martial arts talk about practicing boxing but not qi.

What practitioners say is that if you refine qi but not alchemy, even if you have cultivated qi all your life, if you don't form alchemy, it will be a waste of work when you grow old.

Su Zijian's main goal now is to gather energy for her, as for the formation of pills, this is a long way off, but everything has a process, and slowly guide her to the right path, it is not impossible after the mind is enlightened thing.

The whole process took two hours. In the past, it was impossible for Yu Hong to sit for half an hour, and she was too annoyed to sit still.

Now I will sit there, and the ball of true energy under the lower abdomen will be swelled, warm, and numb, and I will feel all kinds of feelings. After a while, I will be sweating profusely. It is really like a fire. generally.

I thought to myself: After all, it is a practice. I didn’t believe in this thing at all in the past, but now I experience it personally, which is really unbelievable. Just sitting there and thinking about it in my heart can produce such a powerful effect.

The two of them sat on the straw mat at that position, and it was already wet a lot at this time, and it was all the sweat dripping from their bodies.

Now, Yu Hong felt that the zhenqi under her lower abdomen was like a ball of air, which warmly penetrated all over her limbs, which was extremely comfortable.

He thought to himself, no wonder those practitioners are so good at sitting. It is really comfortable to sit this time, and you can sit for as long as you want. It seems that I will really have to practice with him in the future.

After training, the two just lay down on the straw mat and rested for a long time, not even bothering to put on their clothes.

It was like this yesterday, and it is the same today. Although it is a bit embarrassing, after all, it has consumed a lot of physical strength. In order to expel the sickness in the body, Yu Hong also exhausted a lot of her through sweat to achieve the healing effect. Physically, it would really wear her out.

It’s one thing to be exhausted, and it’s not advisable for people who have just finished practicing to soak in water or take a bath. After practicing, the pores of the human body are wide open, and if you encounter water at this time, the cold air will take advantage of it. , it must make people fall ill. This is a big taboo for practitioners, and you have to know it.

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