power and color

Chapter 1058 President Su!You are still a doctor!

"Don't worry, I have my own measure in this matter." As he said, he sneered, since someone had challenged him, he really wanted to see who was so brave enough to play this game with him This kind of trick is really very interesting. If I get him out, I really want to see if I'm going to break your bones too.

It's just that if he wants to do it, the situation will be quite different.

He is the boss, no matter what he says, Gao Hu has to do it, and he also knows that Su Zijian is not the kind of impulsive person, since he said so, he must have his intentions, although he doesn't know what he wants to do, he can only be I did.

After Gao Hu left, Yang Lan said unhappily, "Is something really wrong?"

Su Zijian stepped forward and put his arms around her, saying: "It's really something, otherwise I wouldn't want to leave." Then he said: "Since I'm still in this city, I'll come here sometime."

Yang Lan gave up after hearing this, and Su Zijian arrived at the company after eating breakfast with her mother and son. Shan Susu and others went out to investigate and did not come back. Because suddenly three senior executives of the company were injured, the matter immediately It caused a commotion, and it was unavoidable that people panicked and everyone was in danger. Everyone could see that this person came for the top management of Junhao Company.

People have been beaten into cripples. If they are not afraid, these high-level people are normal people. Apart from doing business and making suggestions, fighting and so on are not their specialties. It is strange that they are not afraid.

Su Zijian immediately held an emergency meeting to explain the current situation first. As for whether someone made a crooked move against the senior management of Junhao Company, I hope everyone will pay attention to it and be careful. Know who the person hurting you is.

Because the incident happened so suddenly and the situation was very serious, in addition to calling the police, Su Zijian also called Cheng Xiaodie. Her network is still very important on the road. It might be faster to go out to inquire about the situation than the police.

At around nine o'clock, Shan Susu came back and shook her head and said, "There is no clue at all. It is understood that the wounded were covered with sacks on their heads, and then they were beaten with sticks, so they couldn't see who it was at all. Hit them, but what is certain is that the wounded were not done by one person, but more than three or five."

Fan Wenqing said: "These wounders are very measured. They didn't hit people on the body, but beat people's arms and legs. They just beat people until their bones were broken but they didn't hurt people's lives. In my opinion, this is A nasty incident against the management of Junhao Company, their intentions are yet to be investigated."

"Now we have used the police or people on the road to investigate. We must find out the main messenger behind this scene." Su Zijian sneered. Show mercy.

That night, after midnight, accompanied by Gao Hu, he came to a hidden place where the three senior executives of Junhao Company were placed. They were seriously injured and were originally treated in the hospital. But Gao Hu arranged to come here, just as if someone wanted to harm them, so he was very nervous.

When Su Zijian came to visit them, they were very excited.

"Boss Su! Many major issues in the company are waiting for you to deal with. Our injury can only be treated by a doctor." This is the case. After all, their injury should be someone who came specifically for Junhao Company, so I said It was considered to be a work-related injury. If the injury could not be cured, they would be disabled. They were also very worried.

"It's obvious to all how much everyone has paid for the company. I won't gossip. Since this injury was specifically targeted at Junhao Company, I will never let my opponent succeed. I will definitely give you an explanation. Then he said: "I came here tonight to take a look at the injuries of the three of you, and I will treat everyone by the way."

The three of them were very surprised when they heard the words, and thought to themselves: Mr. Su is also a doctor, so he can treat our injuries like this?

The three of them didn't believe that Su Zijian would really treat illnesses. Even the doctors in the hospital shook their heads because of their injuries, thinking that he was probably feeling sorry for him. What's more, they are management personnel in the company. If you don't do this, there will be a group of people in the company watching, wouldn't it be chilling.

I can't blame the three people for having such thoughts. Not to mention the doctors, even they themselves understand the injury very well. Even if it can be cured, it is not easy to recover. The bones in both hands and feet are shattered. Fracture, how to treat it?

Although I don’t expect the general manager to heal their limbs for them, it’s not bad if he has such a heart. Before coming to Junhao Company, they also worked in other companies. The company boss doesn’t care about your life or death. You have to work hard, even if you are tired, you have to support yourself, otherwise you will leave. After arriving at Junhao Company, the boss Su Zijian is extremely humane. Now that this happened, he came to the scene to comfort people. That's enough, if Yu Na treats it by himself, then it's bullshit, you are not an expert or a doctor, such a serious injury is easy to say, and it can be cured...

Su Zijian first broke off the plaster casts on the hands and feet of the three people, and the three of them were taken aback immediately. The doctors in the hospital put the plaster casts on them with great difficulty, and they broke before the bones were corrected. Broken, I couldn't help feeling anxious.

The three of them didn't believe that he could really cure them, but they were inconvenient to refuse, but the look of distress on their faces showed. Su Zijian just ignored, took a few pieces of paper and pens, wrote out the prescription, and pasted it on the on their arms and thighs.

When the three of them saw each other, they looked at each other and smiled wryly. This President Su is really ridiculous. If you just use some herbal medicine to fool people, you can justify it. No one can say anything about whether it will be cured or not. The doctors in the hospital shook their heads, now it’s time to come, are you a symbol or a prescription?This is like a charlatan. If you don't know it, you might think you are practicing feudal superstition.

I have never seen this kind of magic stick and god who draws talismans, and I have heard of it. Looking at it now, it turns out that our President Su is also good at this. Could it be that you are also a god?

The three of them didn't believe that he could heal the fractures of his body by drawing and writing like this, they just thought that he would make auspicious things for the three of them, and they didn't take it to heart, they just said in their hearts: President Su!We understand your intention, but we don't know that we are very uncomfortable at this time, so don't mess around.

While sighing secretly, who knows who smelled the faint scent of medicine first, and then the three of them took a sniff with their noses unconsciously, with surprised expressions on their faces. They had been lying here all day, except for sleeping. In addition to the plaster, the nurse gave them some injections of water, but the smell of the medicine was like traditional Chinese medicine.

At first, he didn't think much about it, but after a while, the smell of the medicine became stronger and stronger, and Gao Hu let out a hush.

Then the three executives also felt something different, it was because there was a burning sensation at the fracture site, it was swollen and hot, and gradually they began to sweat.

In just ten minutes or so, a strong smell of medicine suddenly wafted through the nostrils. Gao Hu and the nurse rolled their eyes and almost fainted from choking.

This is too strange, and the smell of medicine is also weird, what's going on here?

As far as life is alive, serious and minor illnesses are inevitable for everyone. As for Western medicine and Chinese medicine, it is natural to experience it. If you boil it at home, there will be a strong smell of medicine in the whole house, even if it is so. , that is something anyone can bear, but it seems that the strange thing that happened tonight is actually the strangest thing in their lives.

If you want to talk about the strangeness, it is that the smell of this medicine is so fucking choking. It is not an exaggeration to say that people are thrown into a big medicine vat. This is the first time they have smelled such a strong medicine smell When you inhale, your face turns red, and you are suffocated. If you can't turn your breath, it may really kill you.

It was the first time for them to encounter such a thing, and the unbelievable feeling in their hearts surged up, but there was no time for them to think too much at this time, the two of them choked really uncomfortable, and ran away in embarrassment. After going outside, he was panting heavily.

Surprisingly, although the three executives also felt their noses choked, they didn't feel as uncomfortable as Gao Hu and the nurse.

The three of them looked at the boss in front of them in disbelief, and their eyes widened. This was the most incredible thing they had ever seen in their life. Who would have the chance to see it often, but this is their boss. I never thought about it before, there is such a thing in the world.

At this moment, the horror in their hearts can be imagined, and it is from now on that they have to re-examine their boss.

If it wasn't for the fact that they were injured, they hadn't had the chance to know Mr. Su yet. He actually had this method. Just the burning sensation, especially at the fractured part, would blow out the heat one after another, forcing his whole body to The sweat came out.

They don't know that this is to force out the sickness from the body. The sickness is discharged from the sweat glands. The effect of this is still unknown, but the feeling on the body has already amazed them.

In the world of human perception, this kind of thing seems to be a mysterious thing, and it is only found in novels and movies. How can this thing happen in reality? If you want to talk about whether it is a product of feudal superstition, or Say it really exists?

At this moment, Boss Su's show of such a skill had already shocked them. The way he looked at him was in awe, and it was admiration in the past, which was different at all.

It can't be blamed on them for being so shocked, anyone else would be gasping for breath, and the smell of medicine makes people feel uncomfortable, but fortunately, the feeling of the subject is different from that of the bystanders, and they won't feel uncomfortable because of choking They were too afraid to accept treatment, but the shock it brought to them is unquestionable.

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