power and color

Chapter 1070

"Don't worry, Duan Luanzi, then I will let someone do her ideological work, and I will never embarrass you." No matter what happened, there is nothing to say about reprimanding Duan Luanzi, this kind of person can be invited to the military headquarters at will Did you come from the hospital?If something big happens, it won't just be about you and Duanzi.

Then Ye Feng chatted with several old men of the older generation to accompany him. Most of them said words of gratitude. After all, they were not very familiar with each other. It's one thing, but it's another thing to deepen the relationship between people. If you don't talk about it, when Ye Feng will have something in the future, how will others come to communicate with him? It's no friendship if you want to invite him. , this is of course not easy to talk about.

This time Duan Luanzi was quite embarrassing. In front of so many people, her clothes were completely scratched. It can be said that she was seen by others. As far as she is concerned, this is too embarrassing. So this time she didn't have the face to meet people, and she didn't know where to hide.

Su Zijian stayed for two days. Apart from seeing and treating illnesses for the family members, everyone got together to have a meal and chat. Everyone was very harmonious.

Apart from the parting, apart from those of the older generation, several officers with high ranks also came out to see them off together. An ordinary commoner, who never had such a large number of officers to see him off, did not know the inside story. When people saw it, they couldn't help being in an uproar. What kind of person is this? To actually ask Ye Feng to wait for a group of old men to go out to see him off. Young man, you are very face-to-face. Could it be that he is the son of a dignitary from the capital?

Even so, there is no need to ask Mr. Ye and his party to see him off!

well!This is also helpless, Ye Feng has paved the way for them, how to get along with this friendship in the future depends on the younger generations, for this kind of genius doctor, no matter who it is, they all want to stammer. Fan, after all, there is absolutely no harm in it. Let’s do it well today. If you don’t plan to get something wrong tomorrow, it’s okay to see this hospital well. If the hospital can’t do anything, please ask a miracle doctor. Going out, just based on this favor, it is someone who needs to find an opportunity to pay back.

It is also because of this that Ye Feng and the others lower their face to Su Zijian. This is not only to make friends, but more importantly, it is to let Duan Luanzi and others know how much the older generation attaches importance to Su Zijian. Don't come here to do anything, if this person makes a mistake, then you will be a sinner, don't say that I, Ye Feng, can't let you go alone, even others won't do it.

Of course, Su Zijian's willingness to come is just a matter of little effort, and Yu Ji can't talk about consuming energy at all. This is also because Ye Feng and others have different identities. Now they can have a stable living standard because of these older generations. It is normal for the old people to have some diseases in their bodies now that they are old. These older generations have worked hard all their lives. At this time, they should enjoy the happy life in their later years. Some diseases cannot be solved by Chinese and Western medicine. These special energies have to be used to solve the problem, so he is also willing to serve these older generations. Moreover, working hard in the mall is like a lonely boat in the vast ocean, which may capsize at any time. With Ye Feng and others With this kind of energy, the future path can be wider, so why not do it.

Back in City D, Shan Susu came up to report: "All the unsalable products in the warehouse of Hongye Company have been stolen by the workers in the factory or the idlers in the society. For renting, it is said that the person in charge of Hongye Company did not come forward to explain, and they have the right to regard Hongye Company as unilaterally terminating the contract, so they took back the factory and rented it again."

Su Zijian nodded in satisfaction, and said: "This battle is going well. You should pass on the word to others and spread the news everywhere, saying that Yang Hongye had a lot of debts and was forced to run away because he couldn't pay it back. Hongye Company is also gone."

"Brother Su! Did Yang Hongye really run away?" Shan Susu wondered if Yang Hongye was killed by you?Since Hongye Company closed down, Yang Hongye has disappeared. Many people suspect that you did it, and they don't know if it's true or not?

Although the relationship between the two is very delicate, there are some things that are not convenient for her to ask him directly. It is better not to say that it is a commercial secret.

Su Zijian smiled and said: "Then Yang Hongye's skills are really good. I'm afraid that you and Wen Qing are no match for him except me. In the future, we must not underestimate the enemy." He told her this, This Yang Hongye is still alive, but it is unknown where he is, and if the two of them fight alone and are not Yang Hongye's opponents, they will have nothing to fear if they join forces.

Shan Susu knew that he would not lie to himself, if he said that Yang Hongye was still alive, he was still alive, that guy was really arrogant, who told you that you were fine and wanted to cheat others, now it was his turn to end up like this, Then you can't hate others.

She knew that Su Zijian was used to attacking from behind. If others did not provoke him, he would not take the initiative to provoke him. She and Fan Wenqing had been fighting with him for several years, so she knew his character very well.

After she and Su Zijian fell in love, she couldn't find a chance to be alone because of her busy work, and she was really looking forward to the intercourse. After all, the reputation was not right, and it was not an opportunity, but she dared not take it lightly. , but it doesn't mean that she doesn't think about it anymore. After all, she is the person who came here. Once she thinks about it, she will have an impulse, and the momentum is still unbearable. At this time, she can only hug him and make out. To relieve hunger.

Su Zijian hugged her tightly, kissed her for a while, and said, "After I've been busy for a while, I'll find some time to comfort you."

"This is what you said, don't shirk it when the time comes." She sighed softly, and only she knew how much she was thinking at this moment, but there was nothing she could do. This is the office, so what can you do? It's messed up.

In fact, how did she know that the person in front of me in this office played this kind of game more than once, but now he really has a lot of things to do. He just finished handling the affairs of Hongye Company, and Junhao Company also has a lot of affairs. I did it myself, and Fang Ying and others took turns to fight at night. There was no energy consumption, but the main energy consumption was physical energy. No matter how strong a person's energy is, the excessive amount of exercise every day is still too much for him, so he has to deal with it It is inevitable that there is a feeling of powerlessness in the single vegetarian diet, not to mention that even if you eat a lot of dragon meat, it will be boring. He needs to adjust it, and it's not like he doesn't want to do it.

It may not be a good thing that there are more women, but now it makes him feel a little scared, and only then does he realize that he has gone too far in the past, and suddenly there are so many good friends, and most of them have children for him, so now He has to take this responsibility, unless the other party offers to leave him, otherwise he can't just give up from beginning to end, that's too unreasonable.

Fortunately, he was able to handle it in terms of ability, otherwise he would have to be exhausted, even so, it still made him feel deeply overwhelmed, and he could only smile wryly.

Today, he finally finished his main business in City D, because the water conservancy project in Dongfang County was under construction, and since he was the general manager of the company, he had to be present for an inspection when he arrived in City D.

Naturally, the accompanying persons were the executives of Junhao Company from D City. Junhao Company waited for the arrival of the party. The Dongfang County Government, headed by He Wenzheng, led the county-level leaders to welcome the executives of Junhao Company.

Although the executives of Junhao Company had visited Dongfang County before, it was the first time that the general manager Su Zijian personally led a large group of people to kill them. The score is extraordinarily grand, because the dam of the water conservancy project is under construction and is expected to be completed in the middle of the year, and the relevant parties of Junhao Company are vigorously developing the farming and animal husbandry, which has made the farmers get benefits and praises. If Dongfang County It is too much for the government not to come forward to express it.

In addition, the unpleasantness before has already left a bad impression on Junhao Company. If you don't behave positively at this time, it will be a disappointment. After all, a company as powerful as Junhao Company is willing to come. Dongfang County has come to develop vigorously, and it is a multi-faceted comprehensive development. If it is another company, it will develop a certain project as long as it is beneficial to it. For example, it will build a dam to raise aquatic products. Junhao Company develops comprehensively in an all-round way, which is exactly what Dongfang County needs to attract investment.

Su Zijian and his party suddenly came to Tuxiang Village, and there was an immediate commotion. Since he left, he hasn't come back, especially Lu Zihong. If it was too much, it must have angered Su Zijian, making him angry and unwilling to go back. It would be embarrassing to see him again at this time.

Everyone has also heard that Geng Jiannan, the former mayor of the town, offended him and was sent to jail by him. As for the reason, there are many opinions. It is said that he did not do his best because of the dead chicken, which annoyed Su Zijian, and others said He asked Su Zijian for a fee because of the dam, and was sued by Su Zijian to the county. As a result, someone from the county punished him. The more he said these words, the more outrageous they became. Catch, but this fact is inescapable.

Besides, everyone has offended him now. Thinking back to the past, when he was in the village, he did not charge everyone for medical treatment. It can be said that he has kindness and kindness to everyone, but everyone will repay kindness with grievances. This is a real thing. It’s not authentic, it’s right for people to be angry, now you’re just begging him to come and treat everyone, it’s probably impossible, besides, they have a large group of people coming over, he’s the big boss, how can he have the time to see everyone Healed.

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