power and color

Chapter 1137 Are You All Crazy?

The jurors looked at him as if he had gone crazy, and they all looked at him in astonishment, and couldn't help shaking their heads secretly: I said Director Mao, why are you bothering?Knowing that this Su Zijian is not an easy person to provoke, you still want to play with him, so who can blame him for bumping heads now.

Everyone is sympathetic to Mao Shengdao, it is really rare that a case made him lose his temper to such an extent, and only this Su Zijian has this ability, let me ask who in the whole d city can do it.

Luo Yun also frowned tightly at this time. Looking at it like this, I'm afraid that it would be useless to continue the trial. This would only make Mao Shengdao even more embarrassed.

He pulled Mao Shengdao aside, and said in a low voice, "Director Mao, I'm afraid it won't work if this continues."

Mao Shengdao let out a long sigh, and said, "Luo Yun! As you can see, this guy's mouth is so hard, it's impossible to ask something out of his mouth."

Luo Yun sneered, and said in a low voice: "How about... give him a hard break, even if you can't kill him, you have to make him crippled, otherwise this time it will be a waste of time."

Mao Shengdao frowned: "I really want to do this..."

"You don't have to worry about those useless ones. If something goes wrong, I will cover you and never let you lose your position as director."

"Sigh! Alright." Mao Shengdao also had no other way to go. At this point, Su Zijian didn't have to let him go. If he didn't act harshly and let him go, would he still have a way to survive?

He waved his hand, and a deputy came up to him, Mao Shengdao whispered something in his ear, the deputy was trembling all over, looking at Mao Shengdao in horror: "Mao Ting! Really? Do you do that?"

"Hey! This is an order, you must carry it out." After saying this, he called Luo Yun to the door together, fearing that they would be hurt if he made a big move.

The deputy took a few batons from the wall and handed them to the jurors. At this moment, he didn't need to say anything, and the jurors understood what to do next.

This is not the first time for them to do this kind of thing, so as long as they look at each other or make a tiny movement, they can figure out what to do next.

Those people stared at Su Zijian with sticks in their hands, with ferocious smiles on their faces, and walked up step by step.

Mao Shengdao and Luo Yun also looked at each other and smiled at this time, and their hearts also relaxed, thinking that he would be disabled after a while, and then they would say that he attacked the police and resisted, that's why he was injured.

Anyway, how to say this depends on the mood of the two of you. It doesn't matter how serious you say it. Even if you don't believe it, aren't there a few people who can testify here?They also beat this person, not me, and you can't sue me if you want to.

Both of them saw the scene of Su Zijian lying on the ground begging for mercy after being beaten, and there was a fierce smile on his face.

Just when those few raised their sticks to beat Su Zijian down, they suddenly turned around and rushed towards Mao Shengdao and Luo Yun at the same time. Without saying anything, they raised their sticks and smashed them hard down.

Seeing this, Mao Shengdao and Luo Yun paled in shock: "Hey! What are you doing?"

Before he finished speaking, the stick hit his body.


Mao Shengdao and Luo Yun were hurt by the blow. Originally, they also had kung fu, but who in this system would not know how to do that? Although it is not very powerful, it is already difficult to deal with Mao Shengdao and Luo Yun. More than enough.

These few people don't know why they went crazy, they just smashed it, and they were so fierce that they didn't want to die, just like the gang of desperadoes on the road, they were not lenient at all.

At this moment, the two of them were beaten badly. Those sticks aimed at their heads and body, and after hitting them to the ground, they raised their feet and kicked them violently, as if they had some kind of deep hatred.

After work, there were not many people left in the public security office, only a few people were waiting for Mao Shengdao to make the materials, so that they could process and add materials and do some writing work. When they heard the screams from inside, They all looked at each other in blank dismay, with cold sweat on their foreheads: My god, Director Mao is too ruthless, it's different to go out in person, just don't beat people to death.

After a while of madness, those few people also stopped, but how could Luo Yun and Mao Shengdao still move.

At this moment, these people trembled all over, and seemed to wake up suddenly, when they saw the two people on the ground, and they were surrounded by them?Seeing that the stick in their hands was covered with blood, their Director Mao and Luo Yun were already alive, not much different from a dead person.

After they were stunned, they suddenly realized something. They couldn't help gasping for air, and couldn't help throwing the sticks in their hands on the ground. When they looked at each other, they just thought it was really incredible.

What the hell is going on?Their Director Mao was actually beaten like this by them?

Wow!This is a terrible situation. They are obviously going to mad at Ou Su to strengthen himself. How did it become...

At this time, their hearts were filled with chills one after another, and their whole bodies were cold, so cold that their hands and feet were cold and their lips were blue.

It's nothing more than their Director Mao being beaten badly, and Luo Yun was also beaten like this. Once Duan Luanzi is investigated, their responsibility will be great.

Seeing the two of them rolling their eyes, wondering if they were dead or not, they were so scared that they peed in panic.

They couldn't care about Su Zijian's affairs any more, they carried the two of them out with gestures, and yelled at the waiting people to hurry up and bring the two of them to the hospital.


Duan Luanzi hadn’t been in the mood for work all day. When she called home, her family said that he had gone out for a drink and couldn’t find anyone for a while. She couldn’t understand why this drinking was fake, but in fact he went to Mao Shengdao’s place. What are you going to do, do you need to say more, of course it is Su Zijian's joke, and based on her understanding of her son, this matter is inseparable.

She was secretly annoyed, and scolded this son for being so worthless, and she just had to talk about things like this later, so why do she need to do it herself?This is not intentional, and it will be difficult to handle if someone catches the braid.

But there is no other way, who made her only have such a son, and everything has to be done according to his temperament, otherwise there will be endless troubles. She was embarrassed by Su Zijian's incident before, and her son Otherwise, she would not want to offend Ye Feng and others because of this matter.

Her son didn't listen to her advice and went to Mao Shengdao to mess around. She was also worried that something would happen, so she immediately secretly sent someone to the provincial office to inquire, and reported back immediately if there was any movement.

No, the last thing she wanted to see happened.

When she heard this kind of thing, she almost lost her breath, and someone drove her to the hospital. Both her son and Mao Shengdao were being rescued in the emergency room. Although she knew that something happened to her son, the details were Still unclear, I immediately grabbed a deputy from the Public Security Bureau and asked, "What's going on? How did people get hurt?"

Those few dared not hide anything, and immediately told the situation at that time.

Duan Luanzi was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help being stupid.

What's the matter?They went to beat Su Zijian, but it turned out that they beat his son and Mao Shengdao.

Could it be... Su Zijian knows some kind of magic and sorcery?

Only this kind of explanation is the most powerful, otherwise she really doesn't know what words to use to explain this matter.

At this time, Duan Luanzi not only had a big headache, but also a headache. Things didn't go in the direction she thought. Su Zijian was not only fine, but her son and Mao Shengdao still didn't know if they were alive or dead?

The incident was so big that it was far beyond her expectation. As for how to end it, it was quite difficult.

She also knew that no matter how hard she tried to suppress it, this piece of paper would not be able to contain the fire, and sooner or later it would be exposed, and it would be even more difficult to end at that time.

At this time, she calmed down instead, and while instructing the doctor to rescue the two of them, she was thinking about finishing work.

After all, at this point, Su Zijian's side is no longer important, there is no strong evidence to show that he was a key figure in the massacre of the tattoo gang, and it would not be in line with her identity to pull it off like this.

Whether it's a business war or an official war, it's all about the right time, the right place, and the harmony between people and people. Once you miss an opportunity, you should immediately withdraw and never drag your feet. Otherwise, you will become a rogue.

In that case, it would only put her identity in an embarrassing situation, and it would be of no benefit at all. To protect herself, this is what she most wanted to do at this time.

Not being successful this time doesn't mean she won't have a chance in the future.

She is not a kind person. If someone owes her, she will definitely ask someone to pay it back.

After thinking about it, she asked a deputy to go back to the Public Security Bureau and release Su Zijian, saying that there was insufficient evidence, he was acquitted, and the materials were no longer needed.

She didn't know that it was precisely because of her actions that some people in d city were in turmoil.

For Lu Zhiyuan and Tong International, who were always watching Su Zijian's every move, this was the beginning of a terrible nightmare.

What's the matter?Su Zijian was released.

As I said before, after this guy goes in, even if he is not sentenced to death, he will be sentenced to life imprisonment, and he will never come out again.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, not only was he living well, but he also came out swaggeringly.

It must be known that they bet a lot on Junhao Company, and almost tried their best to suppress Junhao Company. Plans were disrupted.

Lu Zhiyuan drove to Tong's house immediately. Tong International invested such a large sum of money, of course, he sent a lot of secret sentries to watch outside the gate of the Public Security Bureau, and even planted a spy inside. He would report the situation to him whenever there was trouble, so he got the news after following Lu Zhiyuan. When he called Lu's house, Lu Zhiyuan was already on his way to Tong's house.

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